Bending of a long thin cantilever beam, declarative problem description.
The example demonstrates use of the
Find displacements of the central plane , and rotations
such that:
where is the isotropic elastic tensor, given using the Young’s
and the Poisson’s ratio
The variable u
below holds both and
DOFs. For visualization, it is saved as two fields
and u_rot
corresponding to and
, respectively.
See also linear_elasticity/ example.
View the results using:
sfepy-view shell10x.vtk -f u_disp:wu_disp 1:vw

Bending of a long thin cantilever beam, declarative problem description.
The example demonstrates use of the
:class:`dw_shell10x <sfepy.terms.terms_shells.Shell10XTerm>` term.
Find displacements of the central plane :math:`\ul{u}`, and rotations
:math:`\ul{\alpha}` such that:
.. math::
\int_{\Omega} D_{ijkl}\ e_{ij}(\ul{v}, \ul{\beta})
e_{kl}(\ul{u}, \ul{\alpha})
= - \int_{\Gamma_{right}} \ul{v} \cdot \ul{f}
\;, \quad \forall \ul{v} \;,
where :math:`D_{ijkl}` is the isotropic elastic tensor, given using the Young's
modulus :math:`E` and the Poisson's ratio :math:`\nu`.
The variable ``u`` below holds both :math:`\ul{u}` and :math:`\ul{\alpha}`
DOFs. For visualization, it is saved as two fields ``u_disp`` and ``u_rot``,
corresponding to :math:`\ul{u}` and :math:`\ul{\alpha}`, respectively.
See also :ref:`linear_elasticity-shell10x_cantilever_interactive` example.
View the results using::
sfepy-view shell10x.vtk -f u_disp:wu_disp 1:vw
from __future__ import absolute_import
from sfepy.base.base import output
from sfepy.discrete.fem.meshio import UserMeshIO
from sfepy.discrete import Integral
import sfepy.mechanics.shell10x as sh
import sfepy.examples.linear_elasticity.shell10x_cantilever_interactive as sci
# Beam dimensions.
dims = [0.2, 0.01, 0.001]
thickness = dims[2]
transform = 'bend' # None, 'bend' or 'twist'
# Mesh resolution: increase to improve accuracy.
shape = [11, 2]
# Material parameters.
young = 210e9
poisson = 0.3
# Loading force.
force = -1.0
def mesh_hook(mesh, mode):
Generate the beam mesh.
if mode == 'read':
mesh = sci.make_mesh(dims[:2], shape, transform=transform)
return mesh
def post_process(out, problem, state, extend=False):
u = problem.get_variables()['u']
gamma2 = problem.domain.regions['Gamma2']
dofs = u.get_state_in_region(gamma2)
output('DOFs along the loaded edge:')
output('\n%s' % dofs)
if transform != 'twist':
label, ii = {None : ('u_3', 2), 'bend' : ('u_1', 0)}[transform]
u_exact = sci.get_analytical_displacement(dims, young, force,
output('max. %s displacement:' % label, dofs[0, ii])
output('analytical value:', u_exact)
return out
filename_mesh = UserMeshIO(mesh_hook)
options = {
'nls' : 'newton',
'ls' : 'ls',
'post_process_hook' : 'post_process',
if transform is None:
pload = [[0.0, 0.0, force / shape[1], 0.0, 0.0, 0.0]] * shape[1]
elif transform == 'bend':
pload = [[force / shape[1], 0.0, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0]] * shape[1]
elif transform == 'twist':
pload = [[0.0, force / shape[1], 0.0, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0]] * shape[1]
materials = {
'm' : ({
'D' : sh.create_elastic_tensor(young=young, poisson=poisson),
'.drill' : 1e-7,
'load' : ({
'.val' : pload,
xmin = (-0.5 + 1e-12) * dims[0]
xmax = (0.5 - 1e-12) * dims[0]
regions = {
'Omega' : 'all',
'Gamma1' : ('vertices in (x < %.14f)' % xmin, 'facet'),
'Gamma2' : ('vertices in (x > %.14f)' % xmax, 'facet'),
fields = {
'fu': ('real', 6, 'Omega', 1, 'H1', 'shell10x'),
variables = {
'u' : ('unknown field', 'fu', 0),
'v' : ('test field', 'fu', 'u'),
ebcs = {
'fix' : ('Gamma1', {'u.all' : 0.0}),
# Custom integral.
aux = Integral('i', order=3)
qp_coors, qp_weights = aux.get_qp('3_8')
qp_coors[:, 2] = thickness * (qp_coors[:, 2] - 0.5)
qp_weights *= thickness
integrals = {
'i' : ('custom', qp_coors, qp_weights),
equations = {
'elasticity' :
"""dw_shell10x.i.Omega(m.D, m.drill, v, u)
= dw_point_load.i.Gamma2(load.val, v)""",
solvers = {
'ls' : ('ls.scipy_direct', {}),
'newton' : ('nls.newton', {
'i_max' : 1,
'eps_a' : 1e-7,