Time stepping solvers.
from inspect import signature
from functools import partial
import os.path as osp
import numpy as nm
from sfepy.base.base import (get_default, output, assert_, Struct)
from sfepy.base.timing import Timer
from sfepy.linalg.utils import output_array_stats
from sfepy.solvers.solvers import TimeSteppingSolver, NonlinearSolver
from sfepy.solvers.ls import RMMSolver
from sfepy.solvers.ts_controllers import FixedTSC
from sfepy.solvers.ts import TimeStepper, VariableTimeStepper
def standard_ts_call(call):
Decorator handling argument preparation and timing for time-stepping
def _standard_ts_call(self, vec0=None, nls=None,
init_fun=None, prestep_fun=None, poststep_fun=None,
status=None, log_nls_status=False, **kwargs):
timer = Timer(start=True)
nls = get_default(nls, self.nls,
'nonlinear solver has to be specified!')
init_fun = get_default(init_fun, lambda ts, vec0: vec0)
prestep_fun = get_default(prestep_fun, lambda ts, vec: None)
poststep_fun = get_default(poststep_fun, lambda ts, vec: None)
_nls = nls
if status is not None:
nls_status = status.get('nls_status')
if nls_status is not None:
if log_nls_status:
pb = self.context
filename_log = osp.join(pb.output_dir,
pb.ofn_trunk + '_log.csv')
status.log_file = open(filename_log, 'wt',
class _TimingNLS(type(nls)):
def __call__(self, *args, **kwargs):
# Call the original nls...
out = super().__call__(*args, **kwargs)
log_stats = {}
# ...and collect its time stats.
time_stats = nls_status.get('time_stats')
if time_stats is not None:
all_stats = status.setdefault('time_stats', {})
for key, val in time_stats.items():
all_stats.setdefault(key, 0.0)
all_stats[key] += val
all_stats.setdefault('time', 0.0)
all_stats['time'] += nls_status.get('time', 0.0)
# ...and collect its step stats.
all_stats = status.setdefault('step_stats', [])
_nls_status = nls_status.copy()
_nls_status.step = self.context.ts.step
_nls_status.step_time = self.context.ts.time
if getattr(status, 'log_file', None) is not None:
if 'time_stats' in log_stats:
del log_stats['time_stats']
keys = list(log_stats.keys())
if status.log_file.tell() == 0:
status.log_file.write(','.join(keys) + '\n')
log_vals = [f'{log_stats[key]}' for key in keys]
status.log_file.write(','.join(log_vals) + '\n')
return out
_nls = nls.copy()
_nls.__class__ = _TimingNLS
result = call(self, vec0=vec0, nls=_nls, init_fun=init_fun,
prestep_fun=prestep_fun, poststep_fun=poststep_fun,
status=status, **kwargs)
elapsed = timer.stop()
if status is not None:
status['time'] = elapsed
status['n_step'] = self.ts.n_step
if getattr(status, 'log_file', None) is not None:
return result
return _standard_ts_call
# General solvers.
class StationarySolver(TimeSteppingSolver):
Solver for stationary problems without time stepping.
This class is provided to have a unified interface of the time stepping
solvers also for stationary problems.
name = 'ts.stationary'
def __init__(self, conf, nls=None, context=None, **kwargs):
TimeSteppingSolver.__init__(self, conf, nls=nls, context=context,
self.ts = TimeStepper(0.0, 1.0, n_step=1, is_quasistatic=True)
def __call__(self, vec0=None, nls=None, init_fun=None, prestep_fun=None,
poststep_fun=None, status=None, **kwargs):
ts = self.ts
nls = get_default(nls, self.nls)
vec0 = init_fun(ts, vec0)
vec0 = prestep_fun(ts, vec0)
vec = nls(vec0)
vec = poststep_fun(ts, vec)
return vec
class SimpleTimeSteppingSolver(TimeSteppingSolver):
Implicit time stepping solver with a fixed time step.
name = 'ts.simple'
_parameters = [
('t0', 'float', 0.0, False,
'The initial time.'),
('t1', 'float', 1.0, False,
'The final time.'),
('dt', 'float', None, False,
'The time step. Used if `n_step` is not given.'),
('n_step', 'int', 10, False,
'The number of time steps. Has precedence over `dt`.'),
('quasistatic', 'bool', False, False,
"""If True, assume a quasistatic time-stepping. Then the non-linear
solver is invoked also for the initial time."""),
def __init__(self, conf, nls=None, context=None, **kwargs):
TimeSteppingSolver.__init__(self, conf, nls=nls, context=context,
self.ts = TimeStepper.from_conf(self.conf)
nd = self.ts.n_digit
format = '====== time %%e (step %%%dd of %%%dd) =====' % (nd, nd)
self.format = format
self.verbose = self.conf.verbose
def solve_step0(self, nls, vec0):
if self.conf.quasistatic:
vec = nls(vec0)
res = nls.fun(vec0)
err = nm.linalg.norm(res)
output('initial residual: %e' % err, verbose=self.verbose)
vec = vec0.copy()
return vec
def solve_step(self, ts, nls, vec, prestep_fun=None):
return nls(vec)
def output_step_info(self, ts):
output(self.format % (ts.time, ts.step + 1, ts.n_step),
def __call__(self, vec0=None, nls=None, init_fun=None, prestep_fun=None,
poststep_fun=None, status=None, **kwargs):
Solve the time-dependent problem.
ts = self.ts
nls = get_default(nls, self.nls)
vec0 = init_fun(ts, vec0)
if ts.step == 0:
vec0 = prestep_fun(ts, vec0)
vec = self.solve_step0(nls, vec0)
vec = poststep_fun(ts, vec)
vec = vec0
for step, time in ts.iter_from(ts.step):
vec = prestep_fun(ts, vec)
vect = self.solve_step(ts, nls, vec, prestep_fun)
vect = poststep_fun(ts, vect)
vec = vect
return vec
def get_min_dt(adt):
red = adt.red
while red >= adt.red_max:
red *= adt.red_factor
dt = adt.dt0 * red
return dt
def adapt_time_step(ts, status, adt, context=None, verbose=False):
Adapt the time step of `ts` according to the exit status of the
nonlinear solver.
The time step dt is reduced, if the nonlinear solver did not converge. If it
converged in less then a specified number of iterations for several time
steps, the time step is increased. This is governed by the following
- `red_factor` : time step reduction factor
- `red_max` : maximum time step reduction factor
- `inc_factor` : time step increase factor
- `inc_on_iter` : increase time step if the nonlinear solver converged in
less than this amount of iterations...
- `inc_wait` : ...for this number of consecutive time steps
ts : VariableTimeStepper instance
The time stepper.
status : IndexedStruct instance
The nonlinear solver exit status.
adt : Struct instance
The object with the adaptivity parameters of the time-stepping solver
such as `red_factor` (see above) as attributes.
context : object, optional
The context can be used in user-defined adaptivity functions. Not used
is_break : bool
If True, the adaptivity loop should stop.
is_break = False
if status.condition == 0:
if status.n_iter <= adt.inc_on_iter:
adt.wait += 1
if adt.wait > adt.inc_wait:
if adt.red < 1.0:
adt.red = adt.red * adt.inc_factor
ts.set_time_step(adt.dt0 * adt.red)
output('+++++ new time step: %e +++++' % ts.dt,
adt.wait = 0
adt.wait = 0
is_break = True
adt.red = adt.red * adt.red_factor
if adt.red < adt.red_max:
is_break = True
ts.set_time_step(adt.dt0 * adt.red, update_time=True)
output('----- new time step: %e -----' % ts.dt,
adt.wait = 0
return is_break
class AdaptiveTimeSteppingSolver(SimpleTimeSteppingSolver):
Implicit time stepping solver with an adaptive time step.
Either the built-in or user supplied function can be used to adapt the time
name = 'ts.adaptive'
_parameters = SimpleTimeSteppingSolver._parameters + [
('adapt_fun', 'callable(ts, status, adt, context, verbose)',
None, False,
"""If given, use this function to set the time step in `ts`. The
function return value is a bool - if True, the adaptivity loop
should stop. The other parameters below are collected in `adt`,
`status` is the nonlinear solver status, `context` is
a user-defined context and `verbose` is a verbosity flag.
Solvers created by
:class:`Problem <sfepy.discrete.problem.Problem>` use the
Problem instance as the context."""),
('dt_red_factor', 'float', 0.2, False,
'The time step reduction factor.'),
('dt_red_max', 'float', 1e-3, False,
'The maximum time step reduction factor.'),
('dt_inc_factor', 'float', 1.25, False,
'The time step increase factor.'),
('dt_inc_on_iter', 'int', 4, False,
"""Increase the time step if the nonlinear solver converged in less
than this amount of iterations for `dt_inc_wait` consecutive time
('dt_inc_wait', 'int', 5, False,
'The number of consecutive time steps, see `dt_inc_on_iter`.'),
def __init__(self, conf, nls=None, context=None, **kwargs):
TimeSteppingSolver.__init__(self, conf, nls=nls, context=context,
self.ts = VariableTimeStepper.from_conf(self.conf)
get = self.conf.get
adt = Struct(red_factor=get('dt_red_factor', 0.2),
red_max=get('dt_red_max', 1e-3),
inc_factor=get('dt_inc_factor', 1.25),
inc_on_iter=get('dt_inc_on_iter', 4),
inc_wait=get('dt_inc_wait', 5),
red=1.0, wait=0, dt0=0.0)
self.adt = adt
adt.dt0 = self.ts.get_default_time_step()
self.format = '====== time %e (dt %e, wait %d, step %d of %d) ====='
self.verbose = self.conf.verbose
self.adapt_time_step = self.conf.adapt_fun
if self.adapt_time_step is None:
self.adapt_time_step = adapt_time_step
def solve_step(self, ts, nls, vec, prestep_fun):
Solve a single time step.
while 1:
vect = nls(vec, status=nls.status)
is_break = self.adapt_time_step(ts, nls.status, self.adt,
self.context, verbose=self.verbose)
if is_break:
vec = prestep_fun(ts, vec)
return vect
def output_step_info(self, ts):
output(self.format % (ts.time, ts.dt, self.adt.wait,
ts.step + 1, ts.n_step),
# Elastodynamics solvers.
def gen_multi_vec_packing(di, names, extra_variables=False):
Return DOF vector (un)packing functions for nlst. For multiphysical
problems (non-empty `ie` slice for extra variables) the `unpack()` function
accepts an additional argument `mode` that can be set to 'full' or 'nls'.
The following DOF ordering must be obeyed:
- The full DOF vector:
| ``---iue---|-iv-|-ia-``
| ``-iu-|-ie-|``
iu = di.indx[names['u']]
iv = di.indx[names['du']]
ia = di.indx[names['ddu']]
ie = slice(iu.stop, iv.start)
iue = slice(0, iv.start)
assert_(iu.stop == di.n_dof[names['u']])
assert_(iv.start == ie.stop)
assert_(ia.start == iv.stop)
if not extra_variables:
assert_(ie.stop == ie.start)
n_arg = 3
def unpack(vec, mode=None):
return vec[iu], vec[iv], vec[ia]
n_arg = 4
def unpack(vec, mode='full'):
if mode == 'nls':
return vec[iu], vec[ie]
return vec[iu], vec[ie], vec[iv], vec[ia]
def pack(*args):
return nm.concatenate(args)
indices = dict(indices=(iue, iu, ie, iv, ia),
n_dof=di.n_dof_total, n_uedof=ie.stop, n_arg=n_arg)
return unpack, pack
def _cache(obj, attr, dep):
def decorate(fun):
def new_fun(*args, **kwargs):
if dep:
val = getattr(obj, attr)
if val is None:
val = fun(*args, **kwargs)
setattr(obj, attr, val)
val = fun(*args, **kwargs)
return val
return new_fun
return decorate
class ElastodynamicsBaseTS(TimeSteppingSolver):
Base class for elastodynamics solvers.
Assumes block-diagonal matrix in `u`, `v`, `a`.
_common_parameters = [
('t0', 'float', 0.0, False,
'The initial time.'),
('t1', 'float', 1.0, False,
'The final time.'),
('dt', 'float', None, False,
'The time step. Used if `n_step` is not given.'),
('n_step', 'int', 10, False,
'The number of time steps. Has precedence over `dt`.'),
('is_linear', 'bool', False, False,
'If True, the problem is considered to be linear.'),
('has_time_derivatives', 'bool', False, False,
"""If True, the problem equations contain time derivatives of other
variables besides displacements. In that case the cached constant
matrices must be cleared on time step changes."""),
('var_names', 'dict', None, False,
"""The mapping of variables with keys 'u', 'du', 'ddu' and 'extra',
and values corresponding to the names of the actual variables.
See `var_names` returned from :func:`transform_equations_ed()`"""),
def __init__(self, conf, nls=None, tsc=None, context=None, **kwargs):
TimeSteppingSolver.__init__(self, conf, nls=nls, tsc=tsc,
context=context, **kwargs)
self.conf.quasistatic = False
if self.tsc is None:
self.tsc = FixedTSC({})
if isinstance(self.tsc, FixedTSC):
# Using TimeStepper instead of VariableTimeStepper ensures the
# final time is reached "exactly".
self.ts = TimeStepper.from_conf(self.conf)
self.ts = VariableTimeStepper.from_conf(self.conf)
nd = self.ts.n_digit
format = '====== time %%e (step %%%dd of %%%dd) =====' % (nd, nd)
self.format = format
self.verbose = self.conf.verbose
self.constant_matrices = None
self.matrix = None
def get_matrices(self, nls, vec, unpack=None):
if self.conf.is_linear and self.constant_matrices is not None:
out = self.constant_matrices
aux = nls.fun_grad(vec)
if unpack is not None:
iue, iu, ie, iv, ia = unpack.indices
aux = nls.fun_grad(vec)
M = aux[ia, ia]
C = aux[iv, iv]
K = aux[iue, iue]
assert_((len(vec) % 3) == 0)
i3 = len(vec) // 3
K = aux[:i3, :i3]
C = aux[i3:2*i3, i3:2*i3]
M = aux[2*i3:, 2*i3:]
out = (M, C, K)
if self.conf.is_linear:
self.constant_matrices = (M, C, K)
return out
def get_a0(self, nls, u0, e0, v0, unpack):
iue, iu, ie, iv, ia = unpack.indices
vec = nm.r_[u0, e0, v0, nm.zeros_like(v0)]
aux = nls.fun(vec)
r = aux[iu] + aux[iv] + aux[ia]
M = self.get_matrices(nls, vec, unpack)[0][iu, iu]
a0 = nls.lin_solver(-r, mtx=M)
output_array_stats(a0, 'initial acceleration', verbose=self.verbose)
return a0
def get_initial_vec(self, nls, vec0, init_fun, prestep_fun, poststep_fun):
if not set(self.conf.var_names.keys()).issuperset(['ddu', 'du', 'u']):
raise ValueError(
"var_names have to contain 'u', 'du', 'ddu' keys!"
unpack, pack = gen_multi_vec_packing(
self.di, self.conf.var_names,
extra_variables=self.get('extra_variables', False),
self.unpack = unpack
self.pack = pack
ts = self.ts
vec0 = init_fun(ts, vec0)
output(self.format % (ts.time, ts.step + 1, ts.n_step),
if ts.step == 0:
vec0 = prestep_fun(ts, vec0)
if unpack.n_arg == 4:
u0, e0, v0, _ = unpack(vec0)
u0, v0, _ = unpack(vec0)
e0 = nm.empty(0, dtype=u0.dtype)
a0 = self.get_a0(nls, u0, e0, v0, unpack)
if unpack.n_arg == 4:
vec = pack(u0, e0, v0, a0)
vec = pack(u0, v0, a0)
vec = poststep_fun(ts, vec)
vec = vec0
return vec, unpack, pack
def clear_lin_solver(self, clear_constant_matrices=True):
self.matrix = None
if clear_constant_matrices:
self.constant_matrices = None
def __call__(self, vec0=None, nls=None, init_fun=None, prestep_fun=None,
poststep_fun=None, status=None, **kwargs):
sig = signature(init_fun)
if len(sig.parameters) == 3:
init_fun = partial(init_fun, self)
sig = signature(poststep_fun)
if len(sig.parameters) == 3:
poststep_fun = partial(poststep_fun, self)
vec, unpack, pack = self.get_initial_vec(
nls, vec0, init_fun, prestep_fun, poststep_fun)
ts = self.ts
dt0 = self.tsc.get_initial_dt(ts, vec, unpack=unpack)
if not isinstance(self.tsc, FixedTSC):
ts.set_time_step(dt0, update_time=True)
while 1:
output(self.format % (ts.time, ts.step + 1, ts.n_step),
# step, time = time step to compute = n+1
# step-1, time-ts.dt = previous known step data = n
# adaptivity modifies dt and time.
while 1:
# Previous step state q(t_n).
# Both prestep_fun() and poststep_fun() apply EBCs to vec/vect
# in case active_only is False.
# TODO: Generalized alpha: EBCs for current time t_{n+1}. but
# loads should be applied in the mid-step time t_{n+1-a}.
vec = prestep_fun(ts, vec)
vect = self.step(ts, vec, nls, pack, unpack,
if isinstance(self.tsc, FixedTSC):
new_dt = ts.dt
new_dt, status = self.tsc(ts, vec, vect, unpack=unpack)
output('dt:', ts.dt, 'new dt:', new_dt, 'status:', status,
if new_dt != ts.dt:
if status.result == 'accept':
ts.set_time_step(new_dt, update_time=True)
# Current step state q(t_{n+1}).
vect = poststep_fun(ts, vect)
if ts.nt >= 1:
if new_dt != ts.dt:
ts.set_time_step(new_dt, update_time=False)
vec = vect
return vec
class VelocityVerletTS(ElastodynamicsBaseTS):
Solve elastodynamics problems by the explicit velocity-Verlet method.
The algorithm can be found in [1]_.
It is mathematically equivalent to the :class:`CentralDifferenceTS` method.
The current implementation code is essentially the same, as the mid-time
velocities are not used for anything other than computing the new time
.. [1] Swope, William C.; H. C. Andersen; P. H. Berens; K. R. Wilson (1
January 1982). "A computer simulation method for the calculation of
equilibrium constants for the formation of physical clusters of
molecules: Application to small water clusters". The Journal of
Chemical Physics. 76 (1): 648 (Appendix). doi:10.1063/1.442716
name = 'ts.velocity_verlet'
_parameters = [
] + ElastodynamicsBaseTS._common_parameters
def create_nlst(self, nls, dt, u0, v0, a0):
vm = v0 + 0.5 * dt * a0
u1 = u0 + dt * vm
def v1(a):
return vm + 0.5 * dt * a
nlst = nls.copy()
def fun(at):
vec = nm.r_[u1, vm, at]
aux = nls.fun(vec)
i3 = len(at)
rt = aux[:i3] + aux[i3:2*i3] + aux[2*i3:]
return rt
@_cache(self, 'matrix', self.conf.is_linear)
def fun_grad(at):
vec = None if self.conf.is_linear else nm.r_[u1, vm, at]
M = self.get_matrices(nls, vec)[0]
return M
nlst.fun = fun
nlst.fun_grad = fun_grad
nlst.v1 = v1
nlst.u1 = u1
return nlst
def step(self, ts, vec, nls, pack, unpack, **kwargs):
Solve a single time step.
dt = ts.dt
ut, vt, at = unpack(vec)
nlst = self.create_nlst(nls, dt, ut, vt, at)
atp = nlst(at)
vtp = nlst.v1(atp)
utp = nlst.u1
vect = pack(utp, vtp, atp)
return vect
class CentralDifferenceTS(ElastodynamicsBaseTS):
Solve elastodynamics problems by the explicit central difference method.
It is the same method as obtained by using :class:`NewmarkTS` with
:math:`\beta = 0`, :math:`\gamma = 1/2`, but uses a simpler code.
It is also mathematically equivalent to the :class:`VelocityVerletTS`
method. The current implementation code is essentially the same.
This solver supports, when used with :class:`RMMSolver
<sfepy.solvers.ls.RMMSolver>`, the reciprocal mass matrix algorithm, see
:class:`MassTerm <sfepy.terms.terms_mass.MassTerm>`.
name = 'ts.central_difference'
_parameters = [
] + ElastodynamicsBaseTS._common_parameters
def _create_nlst_a(self, nls, dt, ufun, vfun, cc, cache_name, is_rmm=False):
nlst = nls.copy()
if is_rmm:
def fun(at):
ut = ufun()
zz = nm.zeros_like(ut)
vec = nm.r_[ut, zz, zz]
aux = nls.fun(vec)
i3 = len(at)
rt = aux[:i3]
return rt
@_cache(self, cache_name, self.conf.is_linear)
def fun_grad(at):
M = self.get_matrices(nls, None)[0]
return M
def fun(at):
vec = nm.r_[ufun(), vfun(at), at]
aux = nls.fun(vec)
i3 = len(at)
rt = aux[:i3] + aux[i3:2*i3] + aux[2*i3:]
return rt
@_cache(self, cache_name, self.conf.is_linear)
def fun_grad(at):
vec = (None if self.conf.is_linear
else nm.r_[ufun(), vfun(at), at])
M, C = self.get_matrices(nls, vec)[:2]
Kt = M + cc * C
return Kt
nlst.fun = fun
nlst.fun_grad = fun_grad
nlst.u = ufun
nlst.v = vfun
return nlst
def create_nlst(self, nls, dt, u0, v0, a0):
dt2 = dt**2
def v(a):
return v0 + dt * 0.5 * (a0 + a)
def u():
return u0 + dt * v0 + dt2 * 0.5 * a0
if isinstance(nls.lin_solver, RMMSolver):
import scipy.sparse as sps
class NoNLS(NonlinearSolver):
def __call__(self, vec_x0, conf=None, fun=None, fun_grad=None,
lin_solver=None, iter_hook=None, status=None):
vec_r = self.fun(vec_x0)
# Dummy all-zero matrix to make standard_call() happy.
mtx_a = sps.csr_matrix((vec_r.shape[0], vec_r.shape[0]))
return self.lin_solver(-vec_r, mtx=mtx_a)
nlst = self._create_nlst_a(nls, dt, u, v, 0.5 * dt, 'matrix',
nlst = NoNLS(Struct(name='nonls', kind='nls.nonls'),
fun=nlst.fun, fun_grad=nlst.fun_grad,
lin_solver=nlst.lin_solver, iter_hook=nlst.iter_hook,
status=nlst.status, context=nlst.context,
u=nlst.u, v=nlst.v)
# nlst.lin_solver.a0 = a0
nlst = self._create_nlst_a(nls, dt, u, v, 0.5 * dt, 'matrix')
return nlst
def step(self, ts, vec, nls, pack, unpack, **kwargs):
Solve a single time step.
dt = ts.dt
ut, vt, at = unpack(vec)
nlst = self.create_nlst(nls, dt, ut, vt, at)
atp = nlst(at)
vtp = nlst.v(atp)
utp = nlst.u()
vect = pack(utp, vtp, atp)
return vect
class NewmarkTS(ElastodynamicsBaseTS):
Solve elastodynamics problems by the Newmark method.
The method was introduced in [1]. Common settings [2]:
==================== ======== ==== ===== ==========
name kind beta gamma Omega_crit
==================== ======== ==== ===== ==========
trapezoidal rule: implicit 1/4 1/2 unconditional
linear acceleration: implicit 1/6 1/2 :math:`2\sqrt{3}`
Fox-Goodwin: implicit 1/12 1/2 :math:`\sqrt{6}`
central difference: explicit 0 1/2 2
==================== ======== ==== ===== ==========
All of these methods are 2-order of accuracy.
[1] Newmark, N. M. (1959) A method of computation for structural dynamics.
Journal of Engineering Mechanics, ASCE, 85 (EM3) 67-94.
[2] Arnaud Delaplace, David Ryckelynck: Solvers for Computational Mechanics
name = 'ts.newmark'
extra_variables = True
_parameters = [
('beta', 'float', 0.25, False, 'The Newmark method parameter beta.'),
('gamma', 'float', 0.5, False, 'The Newmark method parameter gamma.'),
] + ElastodynamicsBaseTS._common_parameters
def create_nlst(self, nls, dt, gamma, beta, u0, e0, v0, a0, pack, unpack):
dt2 = dt**2
iue, iu, ie, iv, ia = pack.indices
cc0 = (1.0 - gamma) * dt
cc = gamma * dt
ck0 = (0.5 - beta) * dt2
ck = beta * dt2
def v(a):
return v0 + cc0 * a0 + cc * a
def u(a):
return u0 + dt * v0 + ck0 * a0 + ck * a
if iue == iu:
def fun(at):
vec = nm.r_[u(at), v(at), at]
aux = nls.fun(vec)
rt = aux[iu] + aux[iv] + aux[ia]
return rt
@_cache(self, 'matrix', self.conf.is_linear)
def fun_grad(at):
vec = None if self.conf.is_linear else nm.r_[u(at), v(at), at]
M, C, K = self.get_matrices(nls, vec, unpack)
Kt = M + cc * C + ck * K
return Kt
else: # Extra variables present.
def fun(aet):
at = aet[iu]
vec = nm.r_[u(at), aet[ie], v(at), at]
aux = nls.fun(vec)
rt = nm.empty(pack.n_uedof, aux.dtype)
rt[iu] = aux[iu] + aux[iv] + aux[ia]
rt[ie] = aux[ie]
return rt
@_cache(self, 'matrix', self.conf.is_linear)
def fun_grad(aet):
if self.conf.is_linear:
vec = None
at = aet[iu]
vec = nm.r_[u(at), aet[ie], v(at), at]
M, C, K = self.get_matrices(nls, vec, unpack)
Kt = K.copy()
Kt[:, iu] *= ck
Kt[iu, iu] += M + cc * C
return Kt
nlst = nls.copy()
nlst.fun = fun
nlst.fun_grad = fun_grad
nlst.u = u
nlst.v = v
return nlst
def step(self, ts, vec, nls, pack, unpack, **kwargs):
Solve a single time step.
dt = ts.dt
conf = self.conf
ut, et, vt, at = unpack(vec)
nlst = self.create_nlst(nls, dt, conf.gamma, conf.beta, ut, et, vt, at,
pack, unpack)
aetp = nlst(pack(at, et))
atp, etp = unpack(aetp, mode='nls')
vtp = nlst.v(atp)
utp = nlst.u(atp)
vect = pack(utp, etp, vtp, atp)
return vect
class GeneralizedAlphaTS(ElastodynamicsBaseTS):
Solve elastodynamics problems by the generalized :math:`\alpha` method.
- The method was introduced in [1].
- The method is unconditionally stable provided :math:`\alpha_m \leq
\alpha_f \leq \frac{1}{2}`, :math:`\beta >= \frac{1}{4} +
\frac{1}{2}(\alpha_f - \alpha_m)`.
- The method is second-order accurate provided :math:`\gamma = \frac{1}{2} -
\alpha_m + \alpha_f`. This is used when `gamma` is ``None``.
- High frequency dissipation is maximized for :math:`\beta = \frac{1}{4}(1
- \alpha_m + \alpha_f)^2`. This is used when `beta` is ``None``.
- The default values of :math:`\alpha_m`, :math:`\alpha_f` (if `alpha_m` or
`alpha_f` are ``None``) are based on the user specified high-frequency
dissipation parameter `rho_inf`.
Special settings:
- :math:`\alpha_m = 0` corresponds to the HHT-:math:`\alpha` method.
- :math:`\alpha_f = 0` corresponds to the WBZ-:math:`\alpha` method.
- :math:`\alpha_m = 0`, :math:`\alpha_f = 0` produces the Newmark method.
[1] J. Chung, G.M.Hubert. "A Time Integration Algorithm for Structural
Dynamics with Improved Numerical Dissipation: The
Generalized-:math:`\alpha` Method" ASME Journal of Applied Mechanics, 60,
371:375, 1993.
name = 'ts.generalized_alpha'
_parameters = [
('rho_inf', 'float', 0.5, False,
"""The spectral radius in the high frequency limit (user specified
high-frequency dissipation) in [0, 1]:
1 = no dissipation, 0 = asymptotic annihilation."""),
('alpha_m', 'float', None, False,
r'The parameter :math:`\alpha_m`.'),
('alpha_f', 'float', None, False,
r'The parameter :math:`\alpha_f`.'),
('beta', 'float', None, False,
r'The Newmark-like parameter :math:`\beta`.'),
('gamma', 'float', None, False,
r'The Newmark-like parameter :math:`\gamma`.'),
] + ElastodynamicsBaseTS._common_parameters
def __init__(self, conf, nls=None, tsc=None, context=None, **kwargs):
ElastodynamicsBaseTS.__init__(self, conf, nls=nls, tsc=tsc,
context=context, **kwargs)
conf = self.conf
rho_inf = conf.rho_inf
alpha_m = get_default(conf.alpha_m,
(2.0 * rho_inf - 1.0) / (rho_inf + 1.0))
alpha_f = get_default(conf.alpha_f, rho_inf / (rho_inf + 1.0))
beta = get_default(conf.beta, 0.25 * (1.0 - alpha_m + alpha_f)**2)
gamma = get_default(conf.gamma, 0.5 - alpha_m + alpha_f)
self.pars = (alpha_m, alpha_f, gamma, beta)
output('parameters rho_inf, alpha_m, alpha_f, beta, gamma:',
output(rho_inf, alpha_m, alpha_f, beta, gamma,
def _create_nlst_a(self, nls, dt, ufun, vfun, afun, cm, cc, ck, cache_name):
nlst = nls.copy()
def fun(at):
vec = nm.r_[ufun(at), vfun(at), afun(at)]
aux = nls.fun(vec)
i3 = len(at)
rt = aux[:i3] + aux[i3:2*i3] + aux[2*i3:]
return rt
@_cache(self, cache_name, self.conf.is_linear)
def fun_grad(at):
vec = (None if self.conf.is_linear
else nm.r_[ufun(at), vfun(at), afun(at)])
M, C, K = self.get_matrices(nls, vec)
Kt = cm * M + cc * C + ck * K
return Kt
nlst.fun = fun
nlst.fun_grad = fun_grad
return nlst
def create_nlst(self, nls, dt, alpha_m, alpha_f, gamma, beta, u0, v0, a0):
dt2 = dt**2
def u1(a):
return u0 + dt * v0 + dt2 * ((0.5 - beta) * a0 + beta * a)
def v1(a):
return v0 + dt * ((1.0 - gamma) * a0 + gamma * a)
def um(a):
return (1.0 - alpha_f) * u1(a) + alpha_f * u0
def vm(a):
return (1.0 - alpha_f) * v1(a) + alpha_f * v0
def am(a):
return (1.0 - alpha_m) * a + alpha_m * a0
nlst = self._create_nlst_a(nls, dt, um, vm, am,
(1.0 - alpha_m),
(1.0 - alpha_f) * gamma * dt,
(1.0 - alpha_f) * beta * dt2,
nlst.u = u1
nlst.v = v1
return nlst
def step(self, ts, vec, nls, pack, unpack, **kwargs):
Solve a single time step.
dt = ts.dt
alpha_m, alpha_f, gamma, beta = self.pars
# Previous step state q(t_n).
ut, vt, at = unpack(vec)
nlst = self.create_nlst(nls, dt, alpha_m, alpha_f, gamma, beta,
ut, vt, at)
# Notation: a = \alpha_f, t = t_{n+1}, t - dt = t_n.
# Set time to t_{n+1-a} = (1 - a) t + a (t - dt) = t - a dt
ts.set_substep_time(- alpha_f * dt)
atp = nlst(at)
# Restore t_{n+1}.
vtp = nlst.v(atp)
utp = nlst.u(atp)
# Current step state q(t_{n+1}).
vect = pack(utp, vtp, atp)
return vect
class BatheTS(ElastodynamicsBaseTS):
Solve elastodynamics problems by the Bathe method.
The method was introduced in [1].
[1] Klaus-Juergen Bathe, Conserving energy and momentum in nonlinear
dynamics: A simple implicit time integration scheme, Computers &
Structures, Volume 85, Issues 7-8, 2007, Pages 437-445, ISSN 0045-7949,
name = 'ts.bathe'
_parameters = [
] + ElastodynamicsBaseTS._common_parameters
def __init__(self, conf, nls=None, context=None, **kwargs):
ElastodynamicsBaseTS.__init__(self, conf, nls=nls, context=context,
self.matrix1 = None
self.ls1 = None
self.ls2 = None
def _create_nlst_u(self, nls, dt, vfun, afun, cm, cc, cache_name):
nlst = nls.copy()
def fun(ut):
vt = vfun(ut)
at = afun(vt)
vec = nm.r_[ut, vt, at]
aux = nls.fun(vec)
i3 = len(at)
rt = aux[:i3] + aux[i3:2*i3] + aux[2*i3:]
return rt
@_cache(self, cache_name, self.conf.is_linear)
def fun_grad(ut):
if self.conf.is_linear:
vec = None
vt = vfun(ut)
at = afun(vt)
vec = nm.r_[ut, vt, at]
M, C, K = self.get_matrices(nls, vec)
Kt = cm * M + cc * C + K
return Kt
nlst.fun = fun
nlst.fun_grad = fun_grad
nlst.v = vfun
nlst.a = afun
return nlst
def create_nlst1(self, nls, dt, u0, v0, a0):
The first sub-step: the trapezoidal rule.
dt4 = 4.0 / dt
def v(u):
return dt4 * (u - u0) - v0
def a(v):
return dt4 * (v - v0) - a0
nlst = self._create_nlst_u(nls, dt, v, a, dt4 * dt4, dt4, 'matrix1')
if self.ls1 is None:
self.ls1 = nls.lin_solver.copy()
nlst.lin_solver = self.ls1
return nlst
def create_nlst2(self, nls, dt, u0, u1, v0, v1):
The second sub-step: the three-point Euler backward method.
dt1 = 1.0 / dt
dt4 = 4.0 * dt1
dt3 = 3.0 * dt1
def v(u):
return dt1 * u0 - dt4 * u1 + dt3 * u
def a(v):
return dt1 * v0 - dt4 * v1 + dt3 * v
nlst = self._create_nlst_u(nls, dt, v, a, dt3 * dt3, dt3, 'matrix')
if self.ls2 is None:
self.ls2 = nls.lin_solver.copy()
nlst.lin_solver = self.ls2
return nlst
def clear_lin_solver(self, clear_constant_matrices=True):
self, clear_constant_matrices=clear_constant_matrices,
self.ls1 = self.ls2 = None
self.matrix1 = None
def step(self, ts, vec, nls, pack, unpack, prestep_fun):
Solve a single time step.
dt = ts.dt
ut, vt, at = unpack(vec)
nlst1 = self.create_nlst1(nls, dt, ut, vt, at)
ut1 = nlst1(ut)
vt1 = nlst1.v(ut1)
at1 = nlst1.a(vt1)
ts.set_substep_time(0.5 * dt)
vec1 = pack(ut1, vt1, at1)
vec1 = prestep_fun(ts, vec1)
nlst2 = self.create_nlst2(nls, dt, ut, ut1, vt, vt1)
ut2 = nlst2(ut1)
vt2 = nlst2.v(ut2)
at2 = nlst2.a(vt2)
vec2 = pack(ut2, vt2, at2)
return vec2