Source code for sfepy.homogenization.utils

from __future__ import absolute_import
import numpy as nm
from six.moves import range

[docs] def build_op_pi(var, ir, ic): r"""\Pi_i^{rs} = y_s \delta_{ir} for r = `ir`, s = `ic`.""" coor = var.field.get_coor() pi = nm.zeros_like( coor ) pi[:,ir] = coor[:,ic] pi.shape = (pi.shape[0] * pi.shape[1],) return pi
[docs] def create_pis(problem, var_name): r"""\Pi_i^{rs} = y_s \delta_{ir}, \ul{y} \in Y coordinates.""" var = problem.get_variables(auto_create=True)[var_name] dim = problem.domain.mesh.dim pis = nm.zeros((dim, dim), dtype=object) components = [] for ir in range( dim ): for ic in range( dim ): pi = build_op_pi(var, ir, ic) pis[ir,ic] = {var_name : pi} components.append((ir, ic)) return components, pis
[docs] def create_scalar_pis( problem, var_name ): r"""\Pi^k = y_k, \ul{y} \in Y coordinates.""" var = problem.get_variables(auto_create=True)[var_name] coor = var.field.get_coor() dim = problem.domain.mesh.dim pis = nm.zeros((dim,), dtype=object) components = [] for ir in range( dim ): pis[ir] = {var_name : nm.ascontiguousarray( coor[:,ir] )} components.append((ir,)) return components, pis
[docs] def iter_sym( dim ): for ii in range( dim ): yield ii, ii for ir in range( 0, dim ): for ic in range( ir + 1, dim ): yield ir, ic
[docs] def iter_nonsym(dim): for ir in range(dim): for ic in range(dim): yield ir, ic
c2s = { 2 : [0, 2, 2, 1], 3 : [0, 3, 4, 3, 1, 5, 4, 5, 2], }
[docs] def coor_to_sym( ir, ic, dim ): return c2s[dim][dim*ir+ic]
## # c: 14.09.2006, r: 04.04.2008
[docs] def interp_conv_mat( mat, ts, tdiff ): n_t = mat.shape[0] out = [] tn = ts.time for ii, step in enumerate( range( ts.step, 0, -1 ) ): if ii == 0: out.append( mat[0] ) continue td = tn - ts.times[step] if (td - 1e-12) > tdiff[-1]: break i1 = (tdiff >= td).argmax() i0 = i1 - 1 td0, td1 = tdiff[[i0, i1]] dt = (td1 - td0) c1, c0 = (td - td0) / dt, (td1 - td) / dt out.append( c0 * mat[i0] + c1 * mat[i1] ) ## print ii, step, td ## print i0, i1 ## print tn, ts.times[step] ## print td0, td1, c0, c1 ## print out ## print tdiff[-1], len( out ) ## pause() if not out: # For step == 0 matrix evaluation. out.append( mat[0] ) return out
## # c: 09.06.2008, r: 16.06.2008
[docs] def integrate_in_time( coef, ts, scheme = 'forward' ): """Forward difference or trapezoidal rule. 'ts' can be anything with 'times' attribute.""" dt = nm.diff(ts.times) dt = dt.reshape((dt.shape[0],) + (1,) * (coef.ndim-1)) if scheme == 'trapezoid': icoef = nm.sum(0.5 * (coef[1:,...] + coef[:-1,...]) * dt, axis=0) elif scheme == 'forward': icoef = nm.sum(coef[:-1,...] * dt, axis=0) else: raise ValueError( 'unsupported scheme: %s' % scheme ) return icoef
[docs] def define_box_regions(dim, lbn, rtf=None, eps=1.0e-3, kind='facet'): """ Define sides and corner regions for a box aligned with coordinate axes. Parameters ---------- dim : int Space dimension lbn : tuple Left bottom near point coordinates if rtf is not None. If rtf is None, lbn are the (positive) distances from the origin. rtf : tuple Right top far point coordinates. eps : float A parameter, that should be smaller than the smallest mesh node distance. kind : bool, optional The region kind. Returns ------- regions : dict The box regions. """ if rtf is None: lbn, rtf = -nm.array(lbn), lbn if dim == 3: lbnx, lbny, lbnz = lbn rtfx, rtfy, rtfz = rtf dx = abs(rtfx-lbnx) dy = abs(rtfy-lbny) dz = abs(rtfz-lbnz) lbnx, lbny, lbnz = (lbnx+dx*eps, lbny+dy*eps, lbnz+dz*eps) rtfx, rtfy, rtfz = (rtfx-dx*eps, rtfy-dy*eps, rtfz-dz*eps) regions = { 'Near' : ('vertices in (y < %.16e)' % lbny, kind), 'Far' : ('vertices in (y > %.16e)' % rtfy, kind), 'Bottom' : ('vertices in (z < %.16e)' % lbnz, kind), 'Top' : ('vertices in (z > %.16e)' % rtfz, kind), 'Left' : ('vertices in (x < %.16e)' % lbnx, kind), 'Right' : ('vertices in (x > %.16e)' % rtfx, kind), 'Corners' : ("""vertices in ((x < %.16e) & (y < %.16e) & (z < %.16e)) | ((x > %.16e) & (y < %.16e) & (z < %.16e)) | ((x > %.16e) & (y > %.16e) & (z < %.16e)) | ((x < %.16e) & (y > %.16e) & (z < %.16e)) | ((x < %.16e) & (y < %.16e) & (z > %.16e)) | ((x > %.16e) & (y < %.16e) & (z > %.16e)) | ((x > %.16e) & (y > %.16e) & (z > %.16e)) | ((x < %.16e) & (y > %.16e) & (z > %.16e)) """ % ( lbnx, lbny, lbnz, rtfx, lbny, lbnz, rtfx, rtfy, lbnz, lbnx, rtfy, lbnz, lbnx, lbny, rtfz, rtfx, lbny, rtfz, rtfx, rtfy, rtfz, lbnx, rtfy, rtfz ), 'vertex'), } else: lbnx, lbny, = lbn rtfx, rtfy, = rtf dx = abs(rtfx-lbnx) dy = abs(rtfy-lbny) lbnx, lbny = (lbnx+dx*eps, lbny+dy*eps,) rtfx, rtfy = (rtfx-dx*eps, rtfy-dy*eps,) regions = { 'Bottom' : ('vertices in (y < %.16e)' % lbny, kind), 'Top' : ('vertices in (y > %.16e)' % rtfy, kind), 'Left' : ('vertices in (x < %.16e)' % lbnx, kind), 'Right' : ('vertices in (x > %.16e)' % rtfx, kind), 'Corners' : ("""vertices in ((x < %.16e) & (y < %.16e)) | ((x > %.16e) & (y < %.16e)) | ((x > %.16e) & (y > %.16e)) | ((x < %.16e) & (y > %.16e)) """ % ( lbnx, lbny, rtfx, lbny, rtfx, rtfy, lbnx, rtfy ), 'vertex'), } return regions
[docs] def get_box_volume(dim, lbn, rtf=None): """Volume of a box aligned with coordinate axes. Parameters: dim : int Space dimension lbn : tuple Left bottom near point coordinates if rtf is not None. If rtf is None, lbn are the (positive) distances from the origin. rtf : tuple Right top far point coordinates. Returns: volume : float The box volume. """ if rtf is None: lbn, rtf = -nm.array(lbn), lbn if dim == 3: lbnx, lbny, lbnz = lbn rtfx, rtfy, rtfz = rtf return abs(rtfx-lbnx)*abs(rtfy-lbny)*abs(rtfz-lbnz) else: lbnx, lbny, = lbn rtfx, rtfy, = rtf return abs(rtfx-lbnx)*abs(rtfy-lbny)
[docs] def get_lattice_volume(axes): r""" Volume of a periodic cell in a rectangular 3D (or 2D) lattice. Parameters ---------- axes : array The array with the periodic cell axes :math:`a_1, \dots, a_3` as rows. Returns ------- volume : float The periodic cell volume :math:`V = (a_1 \times a_2) \cdot a_3`. In 2D :math:`V = |(a_1 \times a_2)|` with zeros as the third components of vectors :math:`a_1`, :math:`a_2`. """ axes = nm.asarray(axes) dim = axes.shape[0] if dim == 2: volume = nm.abs(nm.cross(axes[0], axes[1])) elif dim == 3: volume =[0], axes[1]), axes[2]) else: raise ValueError('wrong axes shape! (%s)' % axes.shape) return volume
[docs] def get_volume(problem, field_name, region_name, quad_order=1): """ Get volume of a given region using integration defined by a given field. Both the region and the field have to be defined in `problem`. """ from sfepy.discrete import FieldVariable field = problem.fields[field_name] var = FieldVariable('u', 'parameter', field, 1, primary_var_name='(set-to-None)') vol = problem.evaluate('ev_volume.%d.%s( u )' % (quad_order, region_name), u=var) return vol
[docs] def set_nonlin_states(variables, nl_state, problem): """ Setup reference state for nonlinear homogenization Parameters ---------- variables : dict All problem variables nl_state : reference state problem : problem description """ if nl_state is not None: var_names = nl_state['variables'] var_fun = nl_state['set_states'] pvar_names = [] for ivar in var_names: if ivar in variables: pvar_names.append(ivar) states = var_fun(problem, pvar_names, variables) for ivar in pvar_names: variables[ivar].set_data(states[ivar])
[docs] def rm_multi(s): idx = s.rfind('|multiprocessing_') return s[:idx] if idx > 0 else s