sfepy.discrete.dg.dg_1D_vizualizer module

Module for animating solutions in 1D. Can also save them but requieres ffmpeg package see save_animation method.

sfepy.discrete.dg.dg_1D_vizualizer.animate1D_dgsol(Y, X, T, ax=None, fig=None, ylims=None, labs=None, plott=None, delay=None)[source]

Animates solution of 1D problem into current figure. Keep reference to returned animation object otherwise it is discarded

Y :

solution, array |T| x |X| x n, where n is dimension of the solution

X :

space interval discetization

T :

time interval discretization

ax :

specify axes to plot to (Default value = None)

fig :

specifiy figure to plot to (Default value = None)

ylims :

limits for y axis, default are 10% offsets of Y extremes

labs :

labels to use for parts of the solution (Default value = None)

plott :

plot type - how to plot data: tested plot, step (Default value = None)

delay :

(Default value = None)


the animation object, keep it to see the animation, used for savig too

sfepy.discrete.dg.dg_1D_vizualizer.animate_1D_DG_sol(coors, t0, t1, u, tn=None, dt=None, ic=<function <lambda>>, exact=<function <lambda>>, delay=None, polar=False)[source]
Animates solution to 1D problem produced by DG:
  1. animates DOF values in elements as steps

  2. animates reconstructed solution with discontinuities

coors :

coordinates of the mesh


starting time


final time

u :

vectors of DOFs, for each order one, shape(u) = (order, nspace_steps, ntime_steps, 1)

ic :

analytical initial condition, optional (Default value = lambda x: 0.0)

tn :

number of time steps to plot, starting at 0, if None and dt is not None run animation through all time steps, spaced dt within [t0, tn] (Default value = None)

dt :

time step size, if None and tn is not None computed as (t1- t0) / tn otherwise set to 1 if dt and tn are both None, t0 and t1 are ignored and solution is animated as if in time 0 … ntime_steps (Default value = None)

exact :

(Default value = lambda x)

t: 0 :
delay :

(Default value = None)

polar :

(Default value = False)

anim_dofsanimation object of DOFs,
anim_reconanimation object of reconstructed solution

Maybe get head of the list.

headfirst element in l or None is l is empty
sfepy.discrete.dg.dg_1D_vizualizer.load_1D_vtks(fold, name)[source]

Reads series of .vtk files and crunches them into form suitable for plot10_DG_sol.

Attempts to read modal cell data for variable mod_data. i.e.

?_modal{i}, where i is number of modal DOF

Resulting solution data have shape: (order, nspace_steps, ntime_steps, 1)

fold :

folder where to look for files

name :

used in {name}.i.vtk, i = 0,1, ... tns - 1


solution data


Load one VTK file containing state in time

sfepy.discrete.dg.dg_1D_vizualizer.plot1D_legendre_dofs(coors, dofss, fun=None)[source]

Plots values of DOFs as steps

coors :

coordinates of nodes of the mesh

dofss :

iterable of different projections’ DOFs into legendre space

fun :

analytical function to plot (Default value = None)

sfepy.discrete.dg.dg_1D_vizualizer.plotsXT(Y1, Y2, YE, extent, lab1=None, lab2=None, lab3=None)[source]

Plots Y1 and Y2 to one axes and YE to the second axes, Y1 and Y2 are presumed to be two solutions and YE their error

Y1 :

solution 1, shape = (space nodes, time nodes)

Y2 :

solution 2, shape = (space nodes, time nodes)

YE :

soulutio 1 - soulution 2||

extent :

imshow extent

lab1 :

(Default value = None)

lab2 :

(Default value = None)

lab3 :

(Default value = None)

sfepy.discrete.dg.dg_1D_vizualizer.reconstruct_legendre_dofs(coors, tn, u)[source]

Creates solution and coordinates vector which when plotted as

plot(xx, ww)

represent solution reconstructed from DOFs in Legendre poly space at cell borders.

Works only as linear interpolation between cell boundary points

coors :

coors of nodes of the mesh

u :

vectors of DOFs, for each order one, shape(u) = (order, nspace_steps, ntime_steps, 1)

tn :

number of time steps to reconstruct, if None all steps are reconstructed


solution values vector, shape is (3 * nspace_steps - 1, ntime_steps, 1),


corresponding coordinates vector, shape is (3 * nspace_steps - 1, 1)

sfepy.discrete.dg.dg_1D_vizualizer.save_animation(anim, filename)[source]

Saves animation as .mp4, requires ffmeg package

anim :

animation object

filename :

name of the file, without the .mp4 ending

sfepy.discrete.dg.dg_1D_vizualizer.save_sol_snap(Y, X, T, t0=0.5, filename=None, name=None, ylims=None, labs=None, plott=None)[source]

Wrapper for sol_frame, saves the frame to file specified.

name :

name of the solution e.g. name of the solver used (Default value = None)

filename :

name of the file, overrides automatic generation (Default value = None)

Y :

solution, array |T| x |X| x n, where n is dimension of the solution

X :

space interval discetization

T :

time interval discretization

t0 :

time to take snap at (Default value = .5)

ylims :

limits for y axis, default are 10% offsets of Y extremes

labs :

labels to use for parts of the solution (Default value = None)

plott :

plot type - how to plot data: tested plot, step (Default value = None)

sfepy.discrete.dg.dg_1D_vizualizer.setup_axis(X, Y, ax=None, fig=None, ylims=None)[source]

Setup axis, including timer for animation or snaps

X :

space disctretization to get limits

Y :

solution to get limits

ax :

ax where to put everything, if None current axes are used (Default value = None)

fig :

fig where to put everything, if None current figure is used (Default value = None)

ylims :

custom ylims, if None y axis limits are calculated from Y (Default value = None)


object to fill in text

sfepy.discrete.dg.dg_1D_vizualizer.setup_lines(ax, Yshape, labs, plott)[source]

Sets up artist for animation or solution snaps

ax :

axes to use for artist


shape of the solution array


labels for the solution

plottstr (“steps” or “plot”)

type of plot to use

sfepy.discrete.dg.dg_1D_vizualizer.sol_frame(Y, X, T, t0=0.5, ax=None, fig=None, ylims=None, labs=None, plott=None)[source]

Creates snap of solution at specified time frame t0, basically gets one frame from animate1D_dgsol, but colors wont be the same :-(

Y :

solution, array |T| x |X| x n, where n is dimension of the solution

X :

space interval discetization

T :

time interval discretization

t0 :

time to take snap at (Default value = .5)

ax :

specify axes to plot to (Default value = None)

fig :

specifiy figure to plot to (Default value = None)

ylims :

limits for y axis, default are 10% offsets of Y extremes

labs :

labels to use for parts of the solution (Default value = None)

plott :

plot type - how to plot data: tested plot, step (Default value = None)
