Source code for sfepy.postprocess.probes_vtk

"""Classes for probing values of Variables, for example, along a line,
using PyVTK library"""

from __future__ import absolute_import
import numpy as nm
import vtk
from vtk.util import numpy_support as vtknm
import os.path as osp

from sfepy.base.base import Struct, output
from sfepy.linalg import make_axis_rotation_matrix
from sfepy.postprocess.utils_vtk import get_vtk_from_mesh, get_vtk_from_file
from six.moves import range

vtk_version = vtk.vtkVersion().GetVTKMajorVersion()

[docs]class Probe(Struct): """ Probe class. """ def __init__(self, data, mesh, **kwargs): """ Parameters ---------- data : dict The output dictionary. mesh : Mesh The mesh. """ Struct.__init__(self,, **kwargs) self.mesh_name =[ + 1:] self.dim = mesh.dim self.vtkdata = get_vtk_from_mesh(mesh, data, 'probe_') self.vtkprobe = vtk.vtkProbeFilter() if vtk_version < 6: self.vtkprobe.SetSource(self.vtkdata) else: self.vtkprobe.SetSourceData(self.vtkdata) self.probes = {} self.probes_png = {}
[docs] def new_vtk_polyline(self, points, closed=False): """ Create the VTKPolyData object and store the line data. Parameters ---------- points : array The line points. Returns ------- vtkpd : VTK object VTKPolyData with the polyline. """ npts = points.shape[0] pts = vtk.vtkPoints() pts.SetNumberOfPoints(npts) for ii in range(npts): pts.SetPoint(ii, points[ii,:]) nlns = npts if closed: nlns += 1 lns = vtk.vtkCellArray() lns.InsertNextCell(nlns) for ii in range(npts): lns.InsertCellPoint(ii) if closed: lns.InsertCellPoint(0) vtkpd = vtk.vtkPolyData() vtkpd.SetPoints(pts) vtkpd.SetLines(lns) if vtk_version < 6: vtkpd.Update() return vtkpd
[docs] def add_line_probe(self, name, p0, p1, n_point): """ Create the line probe - VTK object. Parameters ---------- name : str The probe name. p0 : array_like The coordinates of the start point. p1 : array_like The coordinates of the end point. n_point : int The number of probe points. """ line = vtk.vtkLineSource() line.SetPoint1(p0) line.SetPoint2(p1) line.SetResolution(n_point) line.Update() pars = nm.arange(n_point + 1) / float(n_point) self.probes[name] = (line, pars) self.probes_png[name] = False
[docs] def add_points_probe(self, name, coors): """ Create the point probe - VTK object. Parameters ---------- name : str The probe name. coors : array The coordinates of the probe points. """ coors = nm.asarray(coors) npts = coors.shape[0] pts = vtk.vtkPoints() pts.SetNumberOfPoints(npts) for ii in range(npts): pts.SetPoint(ii, coors[ii, :]) poly = vtk.vtkPolyData() poly.SetPoints(pts) if vtk_version < 6: vtk.Update() pars = nm.arange(npts + 1) self.probes[name] = (poly, pars) self.probes_png[name] = False
[docs] def add_ray_probe(self, name, p0, dirvec, p_fun, n_point): """ Create the ray (line) probe - VTK object. Parameters ---------- name : str The probe name. p0 : array The coordinates of the start point. dirvec : array The probe direction vector. p_fun : function The function returning the probe parametrization along the dirvec direction. n_point : int The number of probe points. """ p0 = nm.array(p0, dtype=nm.float64) dirvec = nm.array(dirvec, dtype=nm.float64) dirvec /= nm.linalg.norm(dirvec) pars = p_fun(nm.arange(n_point, dtype=nm.float64)) points = p0 + dirvec * pars[:,None] ray = self.new_vtk_polyline(points) self.probes[name] = (ray, pars) self.probes_png[name] = False
[docs] def add_circle_probe(self, name, centre, normal, radius, n_point): """ Create the ray (line) probe - VTK object. Parameters ---------- name : str The probe name. centre : array The coordinates of the circle center point. normal : array The normal vector perpendicular to the circle plane. radius : float The radius of the circle. n_point : int The number of probe points. """ pars = nm.linspace(0.0, 2.0*nm.pi, n_point + 1)[:-1] # Create the points in xy plane, centered at the origin. x = radius * nm.cos(pars[:,None]) y = radius * nm.sin(pars[:,None]) if len(centre) == 3: z = nm.zeros((n_point, 1), dtype=nm.float64) points = nm.c_[x, y, z] # Rotate to satisfy the normal, shift to the centre. n1 = nm.array([0.0, 0.0, 1.0], dtype=nm.float64) axis = nm.cross(n1, normal) angle = nm.arccos(, normal)) if nm.linalg.norm(axis) < 0.1: # n1 == self.normal rot_mtx = nm.eye(3, dtype=nm.float64) else: rot_mtx = make_axis_rotation_matrix(axis, angle) points =, rot_mtx) else: points = nm.c_[x, y] points += centre circle = self.new_vtk_polyline(points, closed=True) self.probes[name] = (circle, pars) self.probes_png[name] = False
[docs] def gen_mesh_probe_png(self, probe, png_filename): """ Generate PNG image of the FE mesh. Parameters ---------- probe : VTK objectstr The probe, VTKPolyData or VTKSource. png_filename : str The name of the output PNG file. """ surface = vtk.vtkDataSetSurfaceFilter() if vtk_version < 6: surface.SetInput(self.vtkdata) else: surface.SetInputData(self.vtkdata) surface.Update() gf = vtk.vtkGraphicsFactory() gf.SetOffScreenOnlyMode(1) gf.SetUseMesaClasses(1) ifa = vtk.vtkImagingFactory() ifa.SetUseMesaClasses(1) mapper = vtk.vtkPolyDataMapper() if vtk_version < 6: mapper.SetInput(surface.GetOutput()) else: mapper.SetInputData(surface.GetOutput()) mapper.SetScalarModeToUseCellData() actor = vtk.vtkActor() actor.SetMapper(mapper) actor.GetProperty().SetOpacity(0.33) mapper2 = vtk.vtkPolyDataMapper() if hasattr(probe, 'GetOutput'): probe0 = probe.GetOutput() else: probe0 = probe if vtk_version < 6: mapper2.SetInput(probe0) else: mapper2.SetInputData(probe0) actor2 = vtk.vtkActor() actor2.SetMapper(mapper2) actor2.GetProperty().SetColor(0,0,0) actor2.GetProperty().SetLineWidth(2) ren = vtk.vtkRenderer() renWin = vtk.vtkRenderWindow() renWin.SetOffScreenRendering(1) renWin.AddRenderer(ren) ren.AddActor(actor) ren.AddActor(actor2) ren.SetBackground(1, 1, 1) renWin.Render() image = vtk.vtkWindowToImageFilter() image.SetInput(renWin) image.Update() writer = vtk.vtkPNGWriter() writer.SetFileName(png_filename) if vtk_version < 6: writer.SetInput(image.GetOutput()) else: writer.SetInputData(image.GetOutput()) writer.Write()
def __call__(self, probe_name, variable, probe_view=False, ret_points=False): """ Do the probe for the given variable. Parameters ---------- probe_name : str The name of previously defined probe. variable : str The variable to be probed. probe_view: bool If True, save the probe visualization. ret_points : bool If True, return also the probe points. Returns ------- params : array The parametrization of the probe points. points : array, optional If `ret_points` is True, the coordinates of points corresponding to `params`, where the `variable` is evaluated. values : array The probe values in the points. """ inp = self.probes[probe_name][0] params = self.probes[probe_name][1] if hasattr(inp, 'GetOutputPort'): self.vtkprobe.SetInputConnection(inp.GetOutputPort()) else: if vtk_version < 6: self.vtkprobe.SetInput(inp) else: self.vtkprobe.SetInputData(inp) self.vtkprobe.Update() pdata = self.vtkprobe.GetOutput() values = vtknm.vtk_to_numpy(pdata.GetPointData().GetArray(variable)) output('probing data') output(' probe name: %s' % probe_name) output(' variable: %s' % variable) output(' points: %s' % params.shape[0]) if probe_view and not(self.probes_png[probe_name]): pngname = 'probe_%s_%s.png' % (self.mesh_name, probe_name) self.gen_mesh_probe_png(inp, pngname) self.probes_png[probe_name] = True if ret_points: points = vtknm.vtk_to_numpy(pdata.GetPoints().GetData()) points = points[:, :self.dim] return params, points, values else: return params, values
[docs]class ProbeFromFile(Probe): """ Probe class - read a given VTK file. """ def __init__(self, filename, **kwargs): """ Parameters ---------- filename : dict The name of a VTK file. """ bname = osp.splitext(osp.basename(filename))[0] Struct.__init__(self, name=bname, **kwargs) self.vtkdata = get_vtk_from_file(filename) self.mesh_name = bname self.dim = 3 self.vtkprobe = vtk.vtkProbeFilter() if vtk_version < 6: self.vtkprobe.SetSource(self.vtkdata) else: self.vtkprobe.SetSourceData(self.vtkdata) self.probes = {} self.probes_png = {}