Source code for gen_legendre_simplex_base

#!/usr/bin/env python
Generate simplex legendre 2D basis coffecients and exponents matrices and
save them to legendre2D_simplex_coefs.txt and legendre2D_simplex_expos.txt
from argparse import ArgumentParser
from sympy import symbols
from sympy import jacobi_poly as jacobi_P
from sympy import expand_mul as expand
from sympy import cancel, simplify

import numpy as np

from sfepy.base.ioutils import InDir
from sfepy.discrete.dg.poly_spaces import iter_by_order, get_n_el_nod

helps = {
    'max_order' :
        'maximum order of polynomials [default: %(default)s]',
        'output directory',

[docs]def main(): parser = ArgumentParser(description=__doc__) parser.add_argument('-m', '--max-order', metavar='order', type=int, action='store', dest='max_order', default=10, help=helps['max_order']) parser.add_argument('output_dir', help=helps['output_dir']) options = parser.parse_args() indir = InDir(options.output_dir) a, b = symbols("a, b") r, s = symbols("r, s") x, y = symbols("x, y") order = options.max_order dim = 2 n_el_nod = get_n_el_nod(order, dim) # number of DOFs per element simplexP = [] exponentM = np.zeros((n_el_nod, 3), dtype=np.int32) coefM = np.zeros((n_el_nod, n_el_nod)) exponentList = [] for m, idx in enumerate(iter_by_order(order, dim)): # print(m, idx) exponentM[m, :dim] = idx pa = jacobi_P(idx[0], 0, 0, a) pb = jacobi_P(idx[1], 2 * idx[0] + 1, 0, b) * (1 - b) ** idx[0] # print("P_{} = {}".format(m, pa*pb)) polrs = cancel((pa * pb).subs(b, s).subs( a, 2 * (1 + r) / (1 - s) - 1)) # print("P_{} = {}".format(m, polrs)) polxy = expand(polrs.subs(r, 2 * x - 1).subs(s, 2 * y - 1)) # polxy = expand(polrs.subs(r, x).subs(s, y)) simplexP.append(simplify(polxy)) exponentList.append(x ** idx[0] * y ** idx[1]) for j, exponent in enumerate(exponentList): coefM[m, j] = simplexP[m].as_coefficients_dict()[exponent] print("P_{}{} = {}".format(m, idx, simplexP[m])) print() np.savetxt(indir("legendre2D_simplex_expos.txt"), exponentM, fmt="%d") # are coefs always integers? np.savetxt(indir("legendre2D_simplex_coefs.txt"), coefM, fmt="%d")
if __name__ == '__main__': main()