sfepy.scripts.simple module

Solve partial differential equations given in a SfePy problem definition file.

Example problem definition files can be found in sfepy/examples/ directory of the SfePy top-level directory.

In the examples below it is supposed that sfepy is installed. When using the in-place build, replace sfepy-run by python3 sfepy/scripts/simple.py.

The supported application kinds (–app option) are:

  • bvp - boundary value problem. Example:

    sfepy-run sfepy/examples/diffusion/poisson.py
  • homogen - calculation of local microscopic problems (correctors) and homogenized coefficients. Example:

    sfepy-run sfepy/examples/homogenization/perfusion_micro.py
  • bvp-mM - micro-macro boundary value problem. Solve a coupled two-scale problem in parallel using MPI. One computational node is solving a macroscopic equation while the others are solving local microscopic problems and homogenized coefficients. The –app option is required in this case. Example:

    mpiexec -n 4 sfepy-run --app=bvp-mM --debug-mpi sfepy/examples/homogenization/nonlinear_hyperelastic_mM.py
  • evp - eigenvalue problem. Example:

    sfepy-run sfepy/examples/quantum/well.py
  • phonon - phononic band gaps. Example:

    sfepy-run sfepy/examples/phononic/band_gaps.py --phonon-plot

Both normal and parametric study runs are supported. A parametric study allows repeated runs for varying some of the simulation parameters - see sfepy/examples/diffusion/poisson_parametric_study.py file.
