sfepy.scripts.probe module

Probe finite element solutions in points defined by various geometrical probes.

In the examples below it is supposed that sfepy is installed. When using the in-place build, replace sfepy-probe by python3 sfepy/scripts/probe.py.

Generation mode

sfepy-probe [generation options] <input file> <results file>

Probe the data in the results file corresponding to the problem defined in the input file. The input file options must contain ‘gen_probes’ and ‘probe_hook’ keys, pointing to proper functions accessible from the input file scope.

For each probe returned by gen_probes() a data plot figure and a text file with the data plotted are saved, see the options below.

Generation options

-o, –auto-dir, –same-dir, -f, –only-names, -s

Postprocessing mode

sfepy-probe [postprocessing options] <probe file> <figure file>

Read a previously probed data from the probe text file, re-plot them, and integrate them along the probe.

Postprocessing options

–postprocess, –radial, –only-names


For extremely thin hexahedral elements the Newton’s iteration for finding the reference element coordinates might converge to a spurious solution outside of the element. To obtain some values even in this case, try increasing the –close-limit option value.

sfepy.scripts.probe.generate_probes(filename_input, filename_results, options, conf=None, problem=None, probes=None, labels=None, probe_hooks=None)[source]

Generate probe figures and data files.

sfepy.scripts.probe.integrate_along_line(x, y, is_radial=False)[source]

Integrate numerically (trapezoidal rule) a function y=y(x).

If is_radial is True, multiply each y by 4 \pi x^2.

sfepy.scripts.probe.postprocess(filename_input, filename_results, options)[source]

Postprocess probe data files - replot, integrate data.