sfepy.discrete.quadratures module

quadrature_tables are organized as follows:

quadrature_tables = {
    '<geometry1>' : {
        order1 : QuadraturePoints(args1),
        order2 : QuadraturePoints(args2),
    '<geometry2>' : {
        order1 : QuadraturePoints(args1),
        order2 : QuadraturePoints(args2),

Note The order for quadratures on tensor product domains (‘2_4’, ‘3_8’ geometries) in case of composite Gauss quadratures (products of 1D quadratures) holds for each component separately, so the actual polynomial order may be much higher (up to order * dimension).

Naming conventions in problem description files:


Integral ‘family’ is just an arbitrary name given by user.

Low order quadrature coordinates and weights copied from The Finite Element Method Displayed by Gouri Dhatt and Gilbert Touzat, Wiley-Interscience Production, 1984.

The line integral (geometry ‘1_2’) coordinates and weights are from Abramowitz, M. and Stegun, I.A., Handbook of Mathematical Functions, Dover Publications, New York, 1972. The triangle (geometry ‘2_3’) coordinates and weights are from Dunavant, D.A., High Degree Efficient Symmetrical Gaussian Quadrature Rules for the Triangle, Int. J. Num. Meth. Eng., 21 (1985) pp 1129-1148 - only rules with points inside the reference triangle are used. The actual values were copied from PHAML (http://math.nist.gov/phaml/), see also Mitchell, W.F., PHAML User’s Guide, NISTIR 7374, 2006.

Quadrature rules for the quadrilateral (geometry ‘2_4’) and hexahedron (geometry ‘3_8’) of order higher than 5 are computed as the tensor product of the line (geometry ‘1_2’) rules.

Quadrature rules for the triangle (geometry ‘2_3’) and tetrahedron (geometry ‘3_4’) of order higher than 19 and 6, respectively follow A. Grundmann and H.M. Moeller, Invariant integration formulas for the n-simplex by combinatorial methods, SIAM J. Numer. Anal. 15 (1978), 282–290. The generating function was adapted from pytools/hegde codes (http://mathema.tician.de/software/hedge) by Andreas Kloeckner.

class sfepy.discrete.quadratures.QuadraturePoints(data, coors=None, weights=None, bounds=None, tp_fix=1.0, weight_fix=1.0, symmetric=False)[source]

Representation of a set of quadrature points.


The array of shape (n_point, dim + 1) of quadrature point coordinates (first dim columns) and weights (the last column).

coorsarray_like, optional

Optionally, instead of using data, the coordinates and weights can be provided separately - data are then ignored.

weightsarray_like, optional

Optionally, instead of using data, the coordinates and weights can be provided separately - data are then ignored.

bounds(float, float), optional

The coordinates and weights should correspond to a reference element in [0, 1] x dim. Provide the correct bounds if this is not the case.

tp_fixfloat, optional

The value that is used to multiply the tensor product element volume (= 1.0) to get the correct volume.

weight_fixfloat, optional

The value that is used to multiply the weights to get the correct values.


If True, the integral is 1D and the given coordinates and weights are symmetric w.r.t. the centre of bounds; only the non-negative coordinates are given.

static from_table(geometry, order)[source]

Create a new QuadraturePoints instance, given reference element geometry name and polynomial order. For tensor product geometries, the polynomial order is the 1D (line) order.

sfepy.discrete.quadratures.get_actual_order(geometry, order)[source]

Return the actual integration order for given geometry.


The geometry key describing the integration domain, see the keys of quadrature_tables.


If order is in quadrature tables it is this value. Otherwise it is the closest higher order. If no higher order is available, a warning is printed and the highest available order is used.