The linear elastodynamics of an elastic body loaded by a given base motion.
Find such that:
where is the longitudinal wave propagation speed,
is the length of the domain and
See linear_elasticity/ example for notes on elastodynamics solvers.
Usage Examples¶
Run with the default settings (the Newmark method, 2D problem, results stored
in output/seismic/
sfepy-run sfepy/examples/linear_elasticity/ -o tsn
View the resulting displacements on the deforming mesh (10x magnified):
sfepy-view output/seismic/tsn.h5 -2 -f u:wu:f10:p0 1:vw:p0
Use the central difference explicit method with the reciprocal mass matrix algorithm [1] and view the resulting stress waves:
sfepy-run sfepy/examples/linear_elasticity/ -d "dims=(5e-3, 5e-3), shape=(51, 51), tss_name=tscd, ls_name=lsrmm, mass_beta=0.5, mass_lumping=row_sum, fast_rmm=True, save_times=all" -o tscd
sfepy-view output/seismic/tscd.h5 -2 -f cauchy_stress:wu:f10:p0 1:vw:p0

The linear elastodynamics of an elastic body loaded by a given base motion.
Find :math:`\ul{u}` such that:
.. math::
\int_{\Omega} \rho \ul{v} \pddiff{\ul{u}}{t}
+ \int_{\Omega} D_{ijkl}\ e_{ij}(\ul{v}) e_{kl}(\ul{u})
= 0
\;, \quad \forall \ul{v} \;, \\
u_1(t) = 10^{-5} \sin(\omega t) \sin(k x_2)
\mbox{ on } \Gamma_\mathrm{Seismic} \;, \\
\omega = c_L k \;,
where :math:`c_L` is the longitudinal wave propagation speed, :math:`k = 2 \pi
/ L`,` :math:`L` is the length of the domain and
.. math::
D_{ijkl} = \mu (\delta_{ik} \delta_{jl}+\delta_{il} \delta_{jk}) +
\lambda \ \delta_{ij} \delta_{kl}
See :ref:`linear_elasticity-elastodynamic` example for notes on elastodynamics
Usage Examples
Run with the default settings (the Newmark method, 2D problem, results stored
in ``output/seismic/``)::
sfepy-run sfepy/examples/linear_elasticity/ -o tsn
View the resulting displacements on the deforming mesh (10x magnified)::
sfepy-view output/seismic/tsn.h5 -2 -f u:wu:f10:p0 1:vw:p0
Use the central difference explicit method with the reciprocal mass matrix
algorithm [1]_ and view the resulting stress waves::
sfepy-run sfepy/examples/linear_elasticity/ -d "dims=(5e-3, 5e-3), shape=(51, 51), tss_name=tscd, ls_name=lsrmm, mass_beta=0.5, mass_lumping=row_sum, fast_rmm=True, save_times=all" -o tscd
sfepy-view output/seismic/tscd.h5 -2 -f cauchy_stress:wu:f10:p0 1:vw:p0
.. [1] González, J.A., Kolman, R., Cho, S.S., Felippa, C.A., Park, K.C., 2018.
Inverse mass matrix via the method of localized Lagrange multipliers.
International Journal for Numerical Methods in Engineering 113, 277–295.
import numpy as nm
import sfepy.mechanics.matcoefs as mc
from sfepy.discrete.fem.meshio import UserMeshIO
from sfepy.mesh.mesh_generators import gen_block_mesh
def define(
E=200e9, nu=0.3, rho=7800,
dims=(5e-3, 5e-3),
shape=(31, 31),
E, nu, rho: material parameters
plane: plane strain or stress hypothesis
dims: physical dimensions of the block (L, d, x)
shape: numbers of mesh vertices along each axis
v0: initial impact velocity
ct1: final time in L / "longitudinal wave speed" units
dt: time step (None means automatic)
edt_safety: safety factor time step multiplier for explicit schemes,
if dt is None
tss_name: time stepping solver name (see "solvers" section)
tsc_name: time step controller name (see "solvers" section)
adaptive: use adaptive time step control
ls_name: linear system solver name (see "solvers" section)
mass_beta: averaged mass matrix parameter 0 <= beta <= 1
mass_lumping: mass matrix lumping ('row_sum', 'hrz' or 'none')
fast_rmm: use zero inertia term with lsrmm
save_times: number of solutions to save
output_dir: output directory
dim = len(dims)
lam, mu = mc.lame_from_youngpoisson(E, nu, plane=plane)
# Longitudinal and shear wave propagation speeds.
cl = nm.sqrt((lam + 2.0 * mu) / rho)
cs = nm.sqrt(mu / rho)
# Element size.
L, d = dims[:2]
H = L / (nm.max(shape) - 1)
# Time-stepping parameters.
if dt is None:
# For implicit schemes, dt based on the Courant number C0 = dt * cl / H
# equal to 1.
dt = H / cl # C0 = 1
if tss_name in ('tsvv', 'tscd'):
# For explicit schemes, use a safety margin.
dt *= edt_safety
t1 = ct1 * L / cl
def mesh_hook(mesh, mode):
Generate the block mesh.
if mode == 'read':
mesh = gen_block_mesh(dims, shape, 0.5 * nm.array(dims),
name='user_block', verbose=False)
return mesh
elif mode == 'write':
def post_process(out, problem, state, extend=False):
Calculate and output strain and stress for given displacements.
from sfepy.base.base import Struct
ev = problem.evaluate
strain = ev('ev_cauchy_strain.i.Omega(u)', mode='el_avg', verbose=False)
stress = ev('ev_cauchy_stress.i.Omega(solid.D, u)', mode='el_avg',
copy_materials=False, verbose=False)
out['cauchy_strain'] = Struct(name='output_data', mode='cell',
out['cauchy_stress'] = Struct(name='output_data', mode='cell',
return out
filename_mesh = UserMeshIO(mesh_hook)
regions = {
'Omega' : 'all',
'Seismic' : ('vertices in (x < 1e-12)', 'facet'),
# Iron.
materials = {
'solid' : ({
'D': mc.stiffness_from_youngpoisson(dim=dim, young=E, poisson=nu,
'rho': rho,
'.lumping' : mass_lumping,
'.beta' : mass_beta,
fields = {
'displacement': ('real', 'vector', 'Omega', 1),
integrals = {
'i' : 2,
variables = {
'u' : ('unknown field', 'displacement', 0),
'v' : ('test field', 'displacement', 'u'),
def get_ebcs(ts, coors, mode='u'):
y = coors[:, 1]
amplitude = 0.00001
k = 2 * nm.pi / L
omega = cl * k
if mode == 'u':
val = amplitude * nm.sin(ts.time * omega) * nm.sin(k * y)
elif mode == 'du':
val = amplitude * omega * nm.cos(ts.time * omega) * nm.sin(k * y)
elif mode == 'ddu':
val = -amplitude * omega**2 * nm.sin(ts.time * omega) * nm.sin(k * y)
return val
functions = {
'get_u' : (lambda ts, coor, **kwargs: get_ebcs(ts, coor),),
'get_du' : (lambda ts, coor, **kwargs: get_ebcs(ts, coor, mode='du'),),
'get_ddu' : (lambda ts, coor, **kwargs: get_ebcs(ts, coor, mode='ddu'),),
ebcs = {
'Seismic' : ('Seismic', {'u.0' : 'get_u', 'du.0' : 'get_du',
'ddu.0' : 'get_ddu'}),
ics = {
'ic' : ('Omega', {'u.all' : 0.0, 'du.all' : 0.0}),
if (ls_name == 'lsrmm') and fast_rmm:
# Speed up residual calculation, as M is not used with lsrmm.
term = 'dw_zero.i.Omega(v, ddu)'
term = 'de_mass.i.Omega(solid.rho, solid.lumping, solid.beta, v, ddu)'
equations = {
'balance_of_forces' :
term + '+ dw_lin_elastic.i.Omega(solid.D, v, u) = 0',
solvers = {
'lsd' : ('ls.auto_direct', {
# Reuse the factorized linear system from the first time step.
'use_presolve' : True,
# Speed up the above by omitting the matrix digest check used
# normally for verification that the current matrix corresponds to
# the factorized matrix stored in the solver instance. Use with
# care!
'use_mtx_digest' : False,
'lsi' : ('ls.petsc', {
'method' : 'cg',
'precond' : 'icc',
'i_max' : 150,
'eps_a' : 1e-32,
'eps_r' : 1e-8,
'verbose' : 2,
'lsrmm' : ('ls.rmm', {
'rmm_term' : """de_mass.i.Omega(solid.rho, solid.lumping,
solid.beta, v, ddu)""",
'debug' : False,
'newton' : ('nls.newton', {
'i_max' : 1,
'eps_a' : 1e-6,
'eps_r' : 1e-6,
'ls_on' : 1e100,
'tsvv' : ('ts.velocity_verlet', {
# Explicit method.
't0' : 0.0,
't1' : t1,
'dt' : dt,
'n_step' : None,
'is_linear' : True,
'verbose' : 1,
'tscd' : ('ts.central_difference', {
# Explicit method. Supports ls.rmm.
't0' : 0.0,
't1' : t1,
'dt' : dt,
'n_step' : None,
'is_linear' : True,
'verbose' : 1,
'tsn' : ('ts.newmark', {
't0' : 0.0,
't1' : t1,
'dt' : dt,
'n_step' : None,
'is_linear' : True,
'beta' : 0.25,
'gamma' : 0.5,
'verbose' : 1,
'tsga' : ('ts.generalized_alpha', {
't0' : 0.0,
't1' : t1,
'dt' : dt,
'n_step' : None,
'is_linear' : True,
'rho_inf' : 0.5,
'alpha_m' : None,
'alpha_f' : None,
'beta' : None,
'gamma' : None,
'verbose' : 1,
'tsb' : ('ts.bathe', {
't0' : 0.0,
't1' : t1,
'dt' : dt,
'n_step' : None,
'is_linear' : True,
'verbose' : 1,
'tscedb' : ('tsc.ed_basic', {
'eps_r' : (1e-4, 1e-1),
'eps_a' : (1e-8, 5e-2),
'fmin' : 0.3,
'fmax' : 2.5,
'fsafety' : 0.85,
'tscedl' : ('tsc.ed_linear', {
'eps_r' : (1e-4, 1e-1),
'eps_a' : (1e-8, 5e-2),
'fmin' : 0.3,
'fmax' : 2.5,
'fsafety' : 0.85,
'red_factor' : 0.9,
'inc_wait' : 10,
'min_inc_factor' : 1.5,
options = {
'ts' : tss_name,
'tsc' : tsc_name if adaptive else None,
'nls' : 'newton',
'ls' : ls_name,
'save_times' : save_times,
'active_only' : active_only,
'auto_transform_equations' : True,
'output_format' : 'h5',
'output_dir' : output_dir,
'post_process_hook' : 'post_process',
return locals()