A Laplace equation that models the flow of “dry water” around an obstacle shaped like a Citroen CX.
As discussed e.g. in the Feynman lectures Section 12-5 of Volume 2
the flow of an irrotational and incompressible fluid can be modelled with a
potential that obeys
The weak formulation for this problem is to find such that:
where is the 2D vector defining the far field velocity that
generates the incompressible flow.
Since the value of the potential is defined up to a constant value, a Dirichlet boundary condition is set at a single vertex to avoid having a singular matrix.
Usage examples¶
This example can be run with the following:
sfepy-run sfepy/examples/diffusion/laplace_fluid_2d.py
sfepy-view citroen.vtk -f phi:p0 phi:t50:p0 --2d-view
Generating the mesh¶
The mesh can be generated with:
gmsh -2 -f msh22 meshes/2d/citroen.geo -o meshes/2d/citroen.msh
sfepy-convert --2d meshes/2d/citroen.msh meshes/2d/citroen.h5

A Laplace equation that models the flow of "dry water" around an obstacle
shaped like a Citroen CX.
As discussed e.g. in the Feynman lectures Section 12-5 of Volume 2
the flow of an irrotational and incompressible fluid can be modelled with a
potential :math:`\ul{v} = \ul{grad}(\phi)` that obeys
.. math::
\nabla \cdot \ul{\nabla}\,\phi = \Delta\,\phi = 0
The weak formulation for this problem is to find :math:`\phi` such that:
.. math::
\int_{\Omega} \nabla \psi \cdot \nabla \phi
= \int_{\Gamma_{left}} \ul{v}_0 \cdot n \, \psi
+ \int_{\Gamma_{right}} \ul{v}_0 \cdot n \, \psi
+ \int_{\Gamma_{top}} \ul{v}_0 \cdot n \,\psi
+ \int_{\Gamma_{bottom}} \ul{v}_0 \cdot n \, \psi
\;, \quad \forall \psi \;,
where :math:`\ul{v}_0` is the 2D vector defining the far field velocity that
generates the incompressible flow.
Since the value of the potential is defined up to a constant value, a Dirichlet
boundary condition is set at a single vertex to avoid having a singular matrix.
Usage examples
This example can be run with the following::
sfepy-run sfepy/examples/diffusion/laplace_fluid_2d.py
sfepy-view citroen.vtk -f phi:p0 phi:t50:p0 --2d-view
Generating the mesh
The mesh can be generated with::
gmsh -2 -f msh22 meshes/2d/citroen.geo -o meshes/2d/citroen.msh
sfepy-convert --2d meshes/2d/citroen.msh meshes/2d/citroen.h5
import numpy as nm
from sfepy import data_dir
filename_mesh = data_dir + '/meshes/2d/citroen.h5'
v0 = nm.array([1, 0.25])
materials = {
'm': ({'v0': v0.reshape(-1, 1)},),
regions = {
'Omega': 'all',
'Gamma_Left': ('vertices in (x < 0.1)', 'facet'),
'Gamma_Right': ('vertices in (x > 1919.9)', 'facet'),
'Gamma_Top': ('vertices in (y > 917.9)', 'facet'),
'Gamma_Bottom': ('vertices in (y < 0.1)', 'facet'),
'Vertex': ('vertex in r.Gamma_Left', 'vertex'),
fields = {
'u': ('real', 1, 'Omega', 1),
variables = {
'phi': ('unknown field', 'u', 0),
'psi': ('test field', 'u', 'phi'),
# these EBCS prevent the matrix from being singular, see description
ebcs = {
'fix': ('Vertex', {'phi.0': 0.0}),
integrals = {
'i': 2,
equations = {
'Laplace equation':
"""dw_laplace.i.Omega( psi, phi )
= dw_surface_ndot.i.Gamma_Left( m.v0, psi )
+ dw_surface_ndot.i.Gamma_Right( m.v0, psi )
+ dw_surface_ndot.i.Gamma_Top( m.v0, psi )
+ dw_surface_ndot.i.Gamma_Bottom( m.v0, psi )"""
solvers = {
'ls': ('ls.scipy_direct', {}),
'newton': ('nls.newton', {
'i_max': 1,
'eps_a': 1e-10,