Test continuity of polynomial basis and its gradients along an edge on
:math:`y` line (2D) or on a face in :math:`x`-:math:`y` plane (3D) between two
elements aligned with the coordinate system, stack one on top of the other. The
evaluation occurs in several points shifted by a very small amount from the
boundary between the elements into the top and the bottom element.
For H1 space, the basis should be continuous. The components of its gradient
parallel to the edge/face should be continuous as well, while the perpendicular
component should have the same absolute value, but different sign in the top
and the bottom element.
All connectivity permutations of the two elements are tested.
The serendipity basis implementation is a pure python proof-of-concept. Its
order in continuity tests is limited to 2 on 3_8 elements to decrease the tests
run time.
from itertools import product
import numpy as nm
import pytest
from sfepy.base.base import assert_
import sfepy.base.testing as tst
rsels = {
'2_3' : 'vertices in (y > -0.1) & (y < 0.1)',
'2_4' : 'vertices in (y > 0.9) & (y < 1.1)',
'3_4' : 'vertices in (z > -0.1) & (z < 0.1)',
'3_8' : 'vertices in (z > 0.9) & (z < 1.1)',
eps = 1e-5
shifts = {
'2_3' : nm.array([[0.0, 0.0], [0.0, eps]], dtype=nm.float64),
'2_4' : nm.array([[0.0, 1.0], [0.0, eps]], dtype=nm.float64),
'3_4' : nm.array([[0.0, 0.0, 0.0], [0.0, 0.0, eps]], dtype=nm.float64),
'3_8' : nm.array([[0.0, 0.0, 1.0], [0.0, 0.0, eps]], dtype=nm.float64),
def _permute_quad_face(mesh0):
from sfepy.discrete.fem import Mesh
coors0, ngroups0, conns0, mat_ids0, desc0 = mesh0._get_io_data()
im = nm.arange(4, 8)
cperms = [[0, 1, 2, 3],
[0, 2, 1, 3],
[0, 1, 3, 2]]
meshes = []
for ip, cperm in enumerate(cperms):
tr = nm.arange(12)
tr[im] = tr[im[cperm]]
coors = coors0.copy()
coors[im] = coors0[im[cperm]]
conn = conns0[0].copy()
conn = tr[conn]
mesh = Mesh.from_data(mesh0.name + str(ip), coors, ngroups0,
[conn], mat_ids0, desc0)
return meshes
def _get_possible_oris(geom):
import sfepy.discrete.fem.facets as facets
if geom in ('2_3', '2_4'):
oris = facets.ori_line_to_iter.keys()
elif geom == '3_4':
oris = facets.ori_triangle_to_iter.keys()
elif geom == '3_8':
oris = facets._quad_ori_groups.keys() # Not ori_square_to_iter!
oris = []
return set(oris)
def _gen_common_data(orders, gels):
import sfepy
from sfepy.base.base import Struct
from sfepy.linalg import combine
from sfepy.discrete import FieldVariable, Integral
from sfepy.discrete.fem import Mesh, FEDomain, Field
from sfepy.discrete.common.global_interp import get_ref_coors
bases = ([ii for ii in combine([['2_4', '3_8'],
['lagrange', 'serendipity', 'bernstein',
'lobatto', 'sem']])]
+ [ii for ii in combine([['2_3', '3_4'],
['lagrange', 'bernstein']])])
for geom, poly_space_basis in bases:
order = orders[geom]
if (geom == '3_8') and (poly_space_basis == 'serendipity'):
order = 2
tst.report('geometry: %s, base: %s, order: %d'
% (geom, poly_space_basis, order))
integral = Integral('i', order=order)
aux = '' if geom in ['2_4', '3_8'] else 'z'
mesh0 = Mesh.from_file('meshes/elements/%s_2%s.mesh' % (geom, aux),
if (geom == '3_8'):
meshes = _permute_quad_face(mesh0)
meshes = [mesh0]
gel = gels[geom]
perms = gel.get_conn_permutations()
qps, qp_weights = integral.get_qp(gel.surface_facet.name)
zz = nm.zeros_like(qps[:, :1])
qps = nm.hstack(([qps] + [zz]))
shift = shifts[geom]
rcoors = nm.ascontiguousarray(qps
+ shift[:1, :] - shift[1:, :])
ccoors = nm.ascontiguousarray(qps
+ shift[:1, :] + shift[1:, :])
all_oris = _get_possible_oris(geom)
oris = set()
for (ir, pr), (ic, pc), (im, mesh0) in product(
enumerate(perms), enumerate(perms), enumerate(meshes),
tst.report('im: %d, ir: %d, ic: %d' % (im, ir, ic))
tst.report('pr: %s, pc: %s' % (pr, pc))
mesh = mesh0.copy()
conn = mesh.cmesh.get_conn(mesh0.cmesh.tdim, 0).indices
conn = conn.reshape((mesh0.n_el, -1))
conn[0, :] = conn[0, pr]
conn[1, :] = conn[1, pc]
conn2 = mesh.get_conn(gel.name)
assert_((conn == conn2).all())
cache = Struct(mesh=mesh)
domain = FEDomain('domain', mesh)
omega = domain.create_region('Omega', 'all')
region = domain.create_region('Facet', rsels[geom], 'facet')
field = Field.from_args('f', nm.float64, shape=1,
region=omega, approx_order=order,
fis = region.get_facet_indices()
conn = mesh.cmesh.get_conn_as_graph(region.dim,
region.dim - 1)
_oris = mesh.cmesh.facet_oris[conn.indptr[fis[:, 0]]
+ fis[:, 1]]
oris |= set(_oris)
if oris == all_oris:
var = FieldVariable('u', 'unknown', field)
tst.report('# dofs: %d' % var.n_dof)
vec = nm.empty(var.n_dof, dtype=var.dtype)
ps = field.poly_space
dofs = field.get_dofs_in_region(region, merge=False)
edofs, fdofs = nm.unique(dofs[1]), nm.unique(dofs[2])
rrc, rcells, rstatus = get_ref_coors(field, rcoors,
crc, ccells, cstatus = get_ref_coors(field, ccoors,
assert_((rstatus == 0).all() and (cstatus == 0).all())
yield (geom, poly_space_basis, qp_weights, mesh, im, ir, ic,
field, ps, rrc, rcells[0], crc, ccells[0],
vec, edofs, fdofs)
def gels():
from sfepy.discrete.fem.geometry_element import GeometryElement
gels = {}
for key in ['2_3', '2_4', '3_4', '3_8']:
gel = GeometryElement(key)
gels[key] = gel
return gels
def test_partition_of_unity(gels):
from sfepy.linalg import combine
from sfepy.discrete import Integral, PolySpace
ok = True
orders = {'2_3' : 5, '2_4' : 5, '3_4' : 5, '3_8' : 5}
bases = (
[ii for ii in combine([['2_4', '3_8'],
['lagrange', 'serendipity', 'bernstein', 'sem']]
+ [ii for ii in combine([['2_3', '3_4'],
['lagrange', 'bernstein']])]
for geom, poly_space_basis in bases:
max_order = orders[geom]
for order in range(max_order + 1):
if (poly_space_basis == 'serendipity') and not (0 < order < 4):
if (poly_space_basis == 'sem') and not (0 < order):
tst.report('geometry: %s, base: %s, order: %d'
% (geom, poly_space_basis, order))
integral = Integral('i', order=2 * order)
coors, _ = integral.get_qp(geom)
ps = PolySpace.any_from_args('ps', gels[geom], order,
vals = ps.eval_basis(coors)
_ok = nm.allclose(vals.sum(axis=-1), 1, atol=1e-14, rtol=0.0)
tst.report('partition of unity:', _ok)
ok = ok and _ok
def test_continuity(gels):
ok = True
orders = {'2_3' : 3, '2_4' : 3, '3_4' : 4, '3_8' : 3}
bads = []
bad_families = set()
for (geom, poly_space_basis, qp_weights, mesh, im, ir, ic,
field, ps, rrc, rcell, crc, ccell, vec,
edofs, fdofs) in _gen_common_data(orders, gels):
if poly_space_basis in ('lagrange', 'serendipity', 'bernstein', 'sem'):
rbf = ps.eval_basis(rrc)
cbf = ps.eval_basis(crc)
rbf = ps.eval_basis(rrc, ori=field.ori[:1])
cbf = ps.eval_basis(crc, ori=field.ori[1:])
dofs = nm.r_[edofs, fdofs]
res = nm.zeros((2, dofs.shape[0]), dtype=nm.int32)
res[0, :] = dofs
for ii, ip in enumerate(dofs):
vec[ip] = 1.0
evec = vec[field.econn]
rvals = nm.dot(rbf, evec[rcell])
cvals = nm.dot(cbf, evec[ccell])
_ok = nm.allclose(rvals, cvals, atol=1e-14, rtol=0.0)
res[1, ii] = _ok
if not _ok:
bads.append([geom, poly_space_basis, im, ir, ic, ip])
bad_families.add((geom, poly_space_basis))
ok = ok and _ok
tst.report('results (dofs, status: 1 ok, 0 failure):\n%s' % res)
if not ok:
tst.report('continuity errors:\n', bads)
tst.report('%d in total!' % len(bads))
tst.report('continuity errors occurred in these spaces:\n',
def test_gradients(gels):
from sfepy.discrete.fem.mappings import FEMapping
ok = True
orders = {'2_3' : 3, '2_4' : 3, '3_4' : 4, '3_8' : 3}
bads = []
bad_families = set()
for (geom, poly_space_basis, qp_weights, mesh, im, ir, ic,
field, ps, rrc, rcell, crc, ccell, vec,
edofs, fdofs) in _gen_common_data(orders, gels):
gel = gels[geom]
conn = mesh.get_conn(gel.name)
geo_ps = field.gel.poly_space
rmapping = FEMapping(mesh.coors, conn[rcell:rcell+1],
rori = field.ori[:1] if field.ori is not None else None
rvg = rmapping.get_mapping(rrc, qp_weights, poly_space=ps, ori=rori)
rbfg = rvg.bfg
cmapping = FEMapping(mesh.coors, conn[ccell:ccell+1],
cori = field.ori[1:] if field.ori is not None else None
cvg = cmapping.get_mapping(crc, qp_weights, poly_space=ps, ori=cori)
cbfg = cvg.bfg
dofs = nm.r_[edofs, fdofs]
res = nm.zeros((2, dofs.shape[0]), dtype=nm.int32)
res[0, :] = dofs
for ii, ip in enumerate(dofs):
vec[ip] = 1.0
evec = vec[field.econn]
rvals = nm.dot(rbfg, evec[rcell])[0]
cvals = nm.dot(cbfg, evec[ccell])[0]
okx = nm.allclose(rvals[:, 0], cvals[:, 0],
atol=1e-12, rtol=0.0)
if gel.dim == 2:
oky = nm.allclose(rvals[:, 1], -cvals[:, 1],
atol=1e-12, rtol=0.0)
_ok = okx and oky
oky = nm.allclose(rvals[:, 1], cvals[:, 1],
atol=1e-12, rtol=0.0)
okz = nm.allclose(rvals[:, 2], -cvals[:, 2],
atol=1e-12, rtol=0.0)
_ok = okx and oky and okz
res[1, ii] = _ok
if not _ok:
bads.append([geom, poly_space_basis, im, ir, ic, ip])
bad_families.add((geom, poly_space_basis))
ok = ok and _ok
tst.report('results (dofs, status: 1 ok, 0 failure):\n%s' % res)
if not ok:
tst.report('gradient continuity errors:\n', bads)
tst.report('%d in total!' % len(bads))
tst.report('gradient continuity errors occurred in these'
' spaces:\n', bad_families)
def test_hessians(gels):
Test the second partial derivatives of basis functions using finite
from sfepy.linalg import combine
from sfepy.discrete import Integral, PolySpace
ok = True
orders = {'2_3' : 3, '2_4' : 3, '3_4' : 4, '3_8' : 3}
bases = ([ii for ii in combine([['2_3', '2_4', '3_4', '3_8'],
for geom, poly_space_basis in bases:
tst.report('geometry: %s, base: %s' % (geom, poly_space_basis))
order = orders[geom]
integral = Integral('i', order=order)
coors, _ = integral.get_qp(geom)
ps = PolySpace.any_from_args('ps', gels[geom], order,
dim = coors.shape[1]
h1 = nm.zeros((coors.shape[0], dim, dim, ps.n_nod), nm.float64)
eps = 1e-8
for ir in range(dim):
cc = coors.copy()
cc[:, ir] -= eps
aux0 = ps.eval_basis(cc, diff=1)
cc[:, ir] += 2 * eps
aux1 = ps.eval_basis(cc, diff=1)
h1[:, :, ir, :] = 0.5 * (aux1 - aux0) / eps
h2 = ps.eval_basis(coors, diff=2)
_ok = nm.allclose(h1, h2, rtol=0, atol=50*eps)
tst.report('hessians: error: %.2e ok: %s'
% (nm.abs(h1 - h2).max(), _ok))
ok = ok and _ok