Source code for sfepy.tests.test_meshio

# coding=utf8
import os
import os.path as op

from sfepy import data_dir
from sfepy.base.base import assert_
import sfepy.base.testing as tst

filename_meshes = ['/meshes/3d/cylinder.mesh',
filename_meshes = [data_dir + name for name in filename_meshes]

[docs] def mesh_hook(mesh, mode): """ Define a mesh programmatically. """ if mode == 'read': nodes = [[0, 0], [1, 0], [1, 1], [0, 1]] nod_ids = [0, 0, 1, 1] conns = [[[0, 1, 2], [0, 2, 3]]] mat_ids = [[0, 1]] descs = ['2_3'] mesh._set_io_data(nodes, nod_ids, conns, mat_ids, descs) elif mode == 'write': pass
from sfepy.discrete.fem.meshio import UserMeshIO filename_meshes.extend([mesh_hook, UserMeshIO(mesh_hook)]) same = [(0, 1), (2, 3)] def _compare_meshes(mesh0, mesh1, flag='cv'): import numpy as nm oks = [] ok0 = (mesh0.dim == mesh1.dim) if not ok0:'dimension failed!') oks.append(ok0) ok0 = mesh0.n_nod == mesh1.n_nod if not ok0:'number of nodes failed!') oks.append(ok0) ok0 = mesh0.n_el == mesh1.n_el if not ok0:'number of elements failed!') oks.append(ok0) ok0 = mesh0.descs == mesh1.descs if not ok0:'element types failed!') oks.append(ok0) ok0 = nm.allclose(mesh0.coors, mesh1.coors) if not ok0:'nodes failed!') oks.append(ok0) if 'v' in flag: ok0 = nm.all(mesh0.cmesh.vertex_groups == mesh1.cmesh.vertex_groups) if not ok0:'node groups failed!') oks.append(ok0) if 'c' in flag: ok0 = nm.all(mesh0.cmesh.cell_groups == mesh1.cmesh.cell_groups) if not ok0:'material ids failed!') oks.append(ok0) ok0 = (nm.all(mesh0.cmesh.get_cell_conn().indices == mesh1.cmesh.get_cell_conn().indices) and nm.all(mesh0.cmesh.get_cell_conn().offsets == mesh1.cmesh.get_cell_conn().offsets)) if not ok0:'connectivities failed!') oks.append(ok0) return oks
[docs] def test_read_meshes(): """Try to read all listed meshes.""" from sfepy.discrete.fem import Mesh conf_dir = op.dirname(__file__) oks = [] for ii, filename in enumerate(filename_meshes):'%d. mesh: %s' % (ii + 1, filename)) try: mesh = Mesh.from_file(filename, prefix_dir=conf_dir) except Exception as exc:'read failed!') oks.append(False) continue try: assert_(mesh.dim == (mesh.coors.shape[1])) assert_(mesh.n_nod == (mesh.coors.shape[0])) assert_(mesh.n_nod == (mesh.cmesh.vertex_groups.shape[0])) assert_(mesh.n_el == mesh.cmesh.num[mesh.cmesh.tdim]) except ValueError as exc:'read assertion failed!') oks.append(False) continue oks.append(True)'read ok') assert_(all(oks))
[docs] def test_compare_same_meshes(): """ Compare same meshes in various formats. """ from sfepy.discrete.fem import Mesh conf_dir = op.dirname(__file__) oks = [] for i0, i1 in same: name0 = filename_meshes[i0] name1 = filename_meshes[i1]'comparing meshes from "%s" and "%s"' % (name0, name1)) mesh0 = Mesh.from_file(name0, prefix_dir=conf_dir) mesh1 = Mesh.from_file(name1, prefix_dir=conf_dir) ok = _compare_meshes(mesh0, mesh1)'->', ok) oks.extend(ok) assert_(all(oks))
[docs] def test_read_dimension(): from sfepy.discrete.fem import MeshIO meshes = {data_dir + '/meshes/various_formats/small2d.mesh' : 2, data_dir + '/meshes/various_formats/small2d.vtk' : 2, data_dir + '/meshes/various_formats/small3d.mesh' : 3} ok = True conf_dir = op.dirname(__file__) for filename, adim in meshes.items():'mesh: %s, dimension %d' % (filename, adim)) io = MeshIO.any_from_filename(filename, prefix_dir=conf_dir) dim = io.read_dimension() if dim != adim:'read dimension %d -> failed' % dim) ok = False else:'read dimension %d -> ok' % dim) assert_(ok)
[docs] def test_write_read_meshes(output_dir): """ Try to write and then read all supported formats. """ import numpy as nm from sfepy.discrete.fem import Mesh from sfepy.discrete.fem.meshio import supported_formats conf_dir = op.dirname(__file__) mesh0 = Mesh.from_file(data_dir + '/meshes/various_formats/small3d.mesh', prefix_dir=conf_dir) mesh0.cmesh.vertex_groups[:] =\ nm.random.randint(1, 10, size=mesh0.cmesh.n_coor) mesh0.cmesh.cell_groups[:] =\ nm.random.randint(1, 10, size=mesh0.cmesh.n_el) oks = [] for name, (cls, suffix, flag) in supported_formats.items(): if 'w' not in flag: continue suffix = suffix[0] # only the first of possible suffixes filename = op.join(output_dir, 'test_mesh_wr' + suffix)'%s format: %s' % (suffix, filename)) try: mesh0.write(filename, io='auto') except: if cls == 'meshio': import traceback'-> cannot write "%s" format into "%s",' ' skipping' % (name, filename)) tb = traceback.format_exc()'reason:\n', tb) continue else: raise else: mesh1 = Mesh.from_file(filename) ok = _compare_meshes(mesh0, mesh1, flag)'->', ok) oks.extend(ok) assert_(all(oks))
[docs] def test_hdf5_meshio(): try: from igakit import igalib; igalib except ImportError:'hdf5_meshio not-tested (missing igalib module)!') return import tempfile import numpy as nm import scipy.sparse as sps from sfepy.discrete.fem.meshio import HDF5MeshIO from sfepy.base.base import Struct from sfepy.base.ioutils import Cached, Uncached, SoftLink, \ DataSoftLink from sfepy.discrete.iga.domain import IGDomain from sfepy.discrete.iga.domain_generators import gen_patch_block_domain from sfepy.solvers.ts import TimeStepper from sfepy.discrete.fem import Mesh conf_dir = op.dirname(__file__) mesh0 = Mesh.from_file(data_dir + '/meshes/various_formats/small3d.mesh', prefix_dir=conf_dir) shape = [4, 4, 4] dims = [5, 5, 5] centre = [0, 0, 0] degrees = [2, 2, 2] nurbs, bmesh, regions = gen_patch_block_domain(dims, shape, centre, degrees, cp_mode='greville', name='iga') ig_domain = IGDomain('iga', nurbs, bmesh, regions=regions) int_ar = nm.arange(4) data = { 'list': range(4), 'mesh1': mesh0, 'mesh2': mesh0, 'mesh3': Uncached(mesh0), 'mesh4': SoftLink('/step0/__cdata/data/data/mesh2'), 'mesh5': DataSoftLink('Mesh','/step0/__cdata/data/data/mesh1/data'), 'mesh6': DataSoftLink('Mesh','/step0/__cdata/data/data/mesh2/data', mesh0), 'mesh7': DataSoftLink('Mesh','/step0/__cdata/data/data/mesh1/data', True), 'iga' : ig_domain, 'cached1': Cached(1), 'cached2': Cached(int_ar), 'cached3': Cached(int_ar), 'types': ( True, False, None ), 'tuple': ('first string', 'druhý UTF8 řetězec'), 'struct': Struct( double=nm.arange(4, dtype=float), int=nm.array([2,3,4,7]), sparse=sps.csr_matrix(nm.array([1,0,0,5]). reshape((2,2))) ) } with tempfile.NamedTemporaryFile(suffix='.h5', delete=False) as fil: io = HDF5MeshIO( ts = TimeStepper(0,1.,0.1, 10) io.write(, mesh0, { 'cdata' : Struct( mode='custom', data=data, unpack_markers=False ) }, ts=ts) ts.advance() mesh = data['problem_mesh'] = DataSoftLink('Mesh', '/mesh', mesh) io.write(, mesh0, { 'cdata' : Struct( mode='custom', data=data, unpack_markers=True ) }, ts=ts) cache = {'/mesh': mesh } fout = io.read_data(0, cache=cache) fout2 = io.read_data(1, cache=cache ) out = fout['cdata'] out2 = fout2['cdata'] assert_(out['mesh7'] is out2['mesh7'], 'These two meshes should be in fact the same object') assert_(out['mesh6'] is out2['mesh6'], 'These two meshes should be in fact the same object') assert_(out['mesh5'] is not out2['mesh5'], 'These two meshes shouldn''t be in fact the same object') assert_(out['mesh1'] is out['mesh2'], 'These two meshes should be in fact the same object') assert_(out['mesh1'] is out['mesh2'], 'These two meshes should be in fact the same object') assert_(out['mesh4'] is out['mesh2'], 'These two meshes should be in fact the same object') assert_(out['mesh5'] is not out['mesh2'], 'These two meshes shouldn''t be in fact the same object') assert_(out['mesh6'] is out['mesh2'], 'These two meshes should be in fact the same object') assert_(out['mesh7'] is not out['mesh2'], 'These two meshes shouldn''t be in fact the same object') assert_(out['mesh3'] is not out['mesh2'], 'These two meshes should be different objects') assert_(out['cached2'] is out['cached3'], 'These two array should be the same object') assert_(out2['problem_mesh'] is mesh, 'These two meshes should be the same objects') assert_(_compare_meshes(out['mesh1'], mesh0), 'Failed to restore mesh') assert_(_compare_meshes(out['mesh3'], mesh0), 'Failed to restore mesh') assert_((out['struct'].sparse.todense() == data['struct'].sparse.todense()).all(), 'Sparse matrix restore failed') ts.advance() io.write(, mesh0, { 'cdata' : Struct( mode='custom', data=[ DataSoftLink('Mesh', '/step0/__cdata/data/data/mesh1/data', mesh0), mesh0 ] ) }, ts=ts) out3 = io.read_data(2)['cdata'] assert_(out3[0] is out3[1]) os.remove( #this property is not restored del data['iga'].nurbs.nurbs #not supporting comparison del data['iga']._bnf del out2['iga']._bnf #restoration of this property fails del data['iga'].vertex_set_bcs del out2['iga'].vertex_set_bcs #these soflinks have no information how to unpack, so it must be #done manually data['mesh4'] = mesh0 data['mesh5'] = mesh0 data['mesh7'] = mesh0 for key, val in out2.items():'comparing:', key) tst.assert_equal(val, data[key])