Source code for sfepy.tests.test_ed_solvers

from functools import partial

import numpy as nm
import pytest

from sfepy.discrete.fem.meshio import UserMeshIO
from sfepy.mesh.mesh_generators import gen_block_mesh
import sfepy.mechanics.matcoefs as mc
import sfepy.base.testing as tst

[docs] def define(t1=15e-6, dt=1e-6, dims=(0.1, 0.02, 0.005), shape=(11, 3, 3), young=70e9, poisson=0.3, density=2700, mass_lumping='row_sum', mass_beta=0.2): def mesh_hook(mesh, mode): """ Generate the block mesh. """ if mode == 'read': mesh = gen_block_mesh(dims, shape, 0.5 * nm.array(dims), name='user_block', verbose=False) return mesh elif mode == 'write': pass filename_mesh = UserMeshIO(mesh_hook) dim = len(dims) def get_sensor(coors, domain=None): ii = coors.argmax(axis=0) return ii[:1] regions = { 'Omega' : 'all', 'Left' : ('vertices in (x < 1e-12)', 'facet'), 'Sensor' : ('vertices by get_sensor', 'vertex'), } materials = { 'solid' : ({ 'D': mc.stiffness_from_youngpoisson( dim=dim, young=young, poisson=poisson, plane='strain' ), 'rho': density, '.lumping' : mass_lumping, '.beta' : mass_beta, },), } fields = { 'displacement': ('real', 'vector', 'Omega', 2), } integrals = { 'i' : 4, } variables = { 'u' : ('unknown field', 'displacement', 0), 'du' : ('unknown field', 'displacement', 1), 'ddu' : ('unknown field', 'displacement', 2), 'v' : ('test field', 'displacement', 'u'), 'dv' : ('test field', 'displacement', 'du'), 'ddv' : ('test field', 'displacement', 'ddu'), } var_names = {'u' : 'u', 'du' : 'du', 'ddu' : 'ddu'} ebcs = { 'fix' : ('Left', {'u.all' : 0.0, 'du.all' : 0.0, 'ddu.all' : 0.0}), } def get_ic(coors, ic, mode='u'): val = nm.zeros_like(coors) if mode == 'u': val[:, 0] = 0.0 elif mode == 'du': xmax = coors[:, 0].max() val[:, -1] = nm.where((coors[:, 0] > (xmax - 1e-12)), 1.0, 0.0) return val functions = { 'get_sensor' : (get_sensor,), 'get_ic_u' : (get_ic,), 'get_ic_du' : (lambda coor, ic: get_ic(coor, None, mode='du'),), } ics = { 'ic' : ('Omega', {'u.all' : 'get_ic_u', 'du.all' : 'get_ic_du'}), } equations = { 'balance_of_forces' : """dw_dot.i.Omega(solid.rho, ddv, ddu) + dw_zero.i.Omega(dv, du) + dw_lin_elastic.i.Omega(solid.D, v, u) = 0""", } solvers = { 'ls' : ('ls.auto_direct', { # Reuse the factorized linear system from the first time step. 'use_presolve' : True, # Speed up the above by omitting the matrix digest check used # normally for verification that the current matrix corresponds to # the factorized matrix stored in the solver instance. Use with # care! 'use_mtx_digest' : False, }), 'lsrmm' : ('ls.rmm', { 'rmm_term' : """de_mass.i.Omega(solid.rho, solid.lumping, solid.beta, ddv, ddu)""", 'debug' : False, }), 'newton' : ('nls.newton', { 'i_max' : 1, 'eps_a' : 1e-6, 'eps_r' : 1e-6, }), 'tsvv' : ('ts.velocity_verlet', { # Explicit method. 't0' : 0.0, 't1' : t1, 'dt' : 0.1 * dt, 'n_step' : None, 'is_linear' : True, 'var_names' : var_names, 'verbose' : 1, }), 'tscd' : ('ts.central_difference', { # Explicit method. 't0' : 0.0, 't1' : t1, 'dt' : 0.1 * dt, 'n_step' : None, 'is_linear' : True, 'var_names' : var_names, 'verbose' : 1, }), 'tsn' : ('ts.newmark', { 't0' : 0.0, 't1' : t1, 'dt' : dt, 'n_step' : None, 'is_linear' : True, 'beta' : 0.25, 'gamma' : 0.5, 'var_names' : var_names, 'verbose' : 1, }), 'tsga' : ('ts.generalized_alpha', { 't0' : 0.0, 't1' : t1, 'dt' : dt, 'n_step' : None, 'is_linear' : True, 'rho_inf' : 0.95, 'alpha_m' : None, 'alpha_f' : None, 'beta' : None, 'gamma' : None, 'var_names' : var_names, 'verbose' : 1, }), 'tsb' : ('ts.bathe', { 't0' : 0.0, 't1' : t1, 'dt' : 0.5 * dt, 'n_step' : None, 'is_linear' : True, 'var_names' : var_names, 'verbose' : 1, }), 'tscedb' : ('tsc.ed_basic', { 'eps_r' : (1e-3, 1e-1), 'eps_a' : (1e-6, 1e-2), 'fmin' : 0.3, 'fmax' : 2.5, 'fsafety' : 0.85, }), 'tscedl' : ('tsc.ed_linear', { 'eps_r' : (1e-3, 1e-1), 'eps_a' : (1e-6, 1e-2), 'fmin' : 0.3, 'fmax' : 2.5, 'fsafety' : 0.85, 'fred' : 0.9, 'inc_wait' : 10, 'min_finc' : 1.7, }), 'tscedpid' : ('tsc.ed_pid', { 'eps_r' : (1e-3, 1e-1), 'eps_a' : (1e-6, 1e-2), 'fmin' : 0.3, 'fmax' : 2.5, 'fsafety' : 0.85, 'pcoef' : 0.4, 'icoef' : 0.3, 'dcoef' : 0, }), } options = { 'ts' : 'tsn', 'nls' : 'newton', 'ls' : 'ls', 'save_times' : 31, 'active_only' : False, 'output_format' : 'h5', } return locals()
[docs] @pytest.fixture(scope='module') def problem(): import sys from sfepy.discrete import Problem from sfepy.base.conf import ProblemConf define_dict = define() conf = ProblemConf.from_dict(define_dict, sys.modules[__name__]) pb = Problem.from_conf(conf) pb.update_materials() # Get full size matrices for energy calculations. pb.init_solvers() tss = pb.solver ebcs = pb.conf.ebcs pb.time_update(ebcs={}) tss.constant_matrices = None pb.Mf, Cf, pb.Kf = tss.get_matrices(tss.nls, pb.set_default_state()()) # Restore EBCs. pb.time_update(ebcs=ebcs) return pb
def _list_solvers(confs, kind='ts'): d = [val for val in confs.values() if val.kind.startswith(kind+'.')] d.sort(key=lambda a: return d
[docs] @pytest.mark.slow def test_ed_solvers(problem, output_dir): from scipy.integrate import simpson from sfepy.base.base import IndexedStruct tss_confs = _list_solvers(problem.solver_confs) tsc_confs = _list_solvers(problem.solver_confs, kind='tsc') vu = problem.get_variables()['u'] sensor = problem.domain.regions['Sensor'] isens = 3 * vu.field.get_dofs_in_region(sensor)[0] + 2 def store_ths(pb, ts, variables, ths): sp = variables.get_state_parts() u1, v1, a1 = sp['u'], sp['du'], sp['ddu'] e_u = 0.5 * u1 @ pb.Kf @ u1 e_t = 0.5 * v1 @ pb.Mf @ v1 ths.append((ts.time, u1[isens], v1[isens], a1[isens], e_u, e_t, e_u + e_t)) all_ths = [] stats = [] t1s = [] for tsc_conf in [None] + tsc_confs: problem.tsc_conf = None for tss_conf in tss_confs: status = IndexedStruct() problem.init_solvers(tsc_conf=tsc_conf, ts_conf=tss_conf, status=status, force=True) ths = [] problem.solve(status=status, save_results=False, step_hook=partial(store_ths, ths=ths)) all_ths.append(nm.array(ths)) stats.append((problem.solver.tsc.conf.kind, tss_conf.kind, status.n_step, status.time)) t1s.append(problem.solver.ts.time) kinds = [val[0:2] for val in stats] stats.sort(key=lambda x: x[-1])'solution times / numbers of time steps:') for row in stats:'%.2f [s] / % 4d' % (row[3], row[2]), ':', row[:2]) # import matplotlib.pyplot as plt # for ii, ths in enumerate(all_ths): # fig, ax = plt.subplots() # ax.plot(ths[:,0], ths[:,4]) # ax.plot(ths[:,0], ths[:,5]) # ax.plot(ths[:,0], ths[:,6]) # ax.set_title(kinds[ii]) # all_iths = nm.array( [[simpson(val, x=ths[:, 0]) for val in ths.T[1:]] for ths in all_ths] )'status, solver: time integral of (u, v, a, e_u, e_t, e_u-e_t)') iths_ref = all_iths[0] e0 = all_ths[0][0, -1] e_rtols = { ('tsc.fixed', 'ts.bathe') : 1e-1, ('tsc.fixed', 'ts.generalized_alpha') : 1e-2, ('tsc.fixed', 'ts.newmark') : 1e-12, ('tsc.fixed', 'ts.central_difference') : 1e-2, ('tsc.fixed', 'ts.velocity_verlet') : 1e-2, ('tsc.ed_basic', 'ts.bathe') : 1e-1, ('tsc.ed_basic', 'ts.generalized_alpha') : 1e-3, ('tsc.ed_basic', 'ts.newmark') : 1e-12, ('tsc.ed_basic', 'ts.central_difference') : 2e-2, ('tsc.ed_basic', 'ts.velocity_verlet') : 2e-2, ('tsc.ed_linear', 'ts.bathe') : 1e-1, ('tsc.ed_linear', 'ts.generalized_alpha') : 1e-3, ('tsc.ed_linear', 'ts.newmark') : 1e-12, ('tsc.ed_linear', 'ts.central_difference') : 2e-2, ('tsc.ed_linear', 'ts.velocity_verlet') : 2e-2, ('tsc.ed_pid', 'ts.bathe') : 1e-2, ('tsc.ed_pid', 'ts.generalized_alpha') : 1e-4, ('tsc.ed_pid', 'ts.newmark') : 1e-12, ('tsc.ed_pid', 'ts.central_difference') : 1e-2, ('tsc.ed_pid', 'ts.velocity_verlet') : 1e-2, } ok = True for ii, iths in enumerate(all_iths): ienergy = e0 * t1s[ii] _ok = ((abs(iths[0] - iths_ref[0]) < 2e-9) and nm.isclose(iths[-1], ienergy, atol=0, rtol=e_rtols[kinds[ii]]))'%d % 20s:' + (6 * ' % .2e')) % ((_ok, kinds[ii]) + tuple(iths))) ok = _ok and ok assert ok assert nm.isclose(e0, 1.8e-4, atol=0, rtol=1e-12)
[docs] def test_rmm_solver(problem, output_dir): from sfepy.base.base import IndexedStruct ls_conf = problem.solver_confs['ls'] lsr_conf = problem.solver_confs['lsrmm'] tss_conf = problem.solver_confs['tscd'] vu = problem.get_variables()['u'] sensor = problem.domain.regions['Sensor'] isens = 3 * vu.field.get_dofs_in_region(sensor)[0] + 2 def store_ths(pb, ts, variables, ths): sp = variables.get_state_parts() u1, v1 = sp['u'], sp['du'] e_u = 0.5 * u1 @ pb.Kf @ u1 e_t = 0.5 * v1 @ pb.Mf @ v1 ths.append((ts.time, u1[isens], v1[isens], e_u, e_t)) problem.tsc_conf = None status = IndexedStruct() problem.init_solvers(ls_conf=ls_conf, ts_conf=tss_conf, status=status, force=True) ths = [] problem.solve(status=status, save_results=False, step_hook=partial(store_ths, ths=ths)) ths = nm.array(ths) statusr = IndexedStruct() problem.init_solvers(ls_conf=lsr_conf, ts_conf=tss_conf, status=statusr, force=True) thsr = [] problem.solve(status=statusr, save_results=False, step_hook=partial(store_ths, ths=thsr)) thsr = nm.array(thsr)'solution times: CMM: {status.time}, RMM: {statusr.time}') ratio = abs(ths[:,2].max() / ths[:,1].max()) # import matplotlib.pyplot as plt # colors = # fig, ax = plt.subplots() # ax.plot(ths[:,0], ths[:,3], color=colors[0], ls='-') # ax.plot(ths[:,0], ths[:,4], color=colors[1], ls='-') # ax.plot(thsr[:,0], thsr[:,3], color=colors[0], ls='--') # ax.plot(thsr[:,0], thsr[:,4], color=colors[1], ls='--') # fig, ax = plt.subplots() # ax.plot(ths[:,0], ratio * ths[:,1], color=colors[0], ls='-') # ax.plot(ths[:,0], ths[:,2], color=colors[1], ls='-') # ax.plot(thsr[:,0], ratio * thsr[:,1], color=colors[0], ls='--') # ax.plot(thsr[:,0], thsr[:,2], color=colors[1], ls='--') # dt = ths[1, 0] - ths[0, 0] ierrs = nm.linalg.norm(ths[:, 1:] - thsr[:, 1:], axis=0) * dt assert ierrs[0] < 1e-13 assert ierrs[1] < 3 * ratio * 1e-13 assert ierrs[2] < 1e-11 assert ierrs[3] < 1e-11
[docs] def test_active_only(output_dir): """ Note: with tsc the results would differ, as eval_scaled_norm() depends on the vector length. """ import sys from sfepy.discrete import Problem from sfepy.base.conf import ProblemConf define_dict = define(dims=(0.1, 0.02), shape=(3, 3)) conf = ProblemConf.from_dict(define_dict, sys.modules[__name__]) conf.options.active_only = False pb = Problem.from_conf(conf) pb.tsc_conf = None variables_f = pb.solve(save_results=False) conf.options.active_only = True pb = Problem.from_conf(conf) pb.tsc_conf = None variables_t = pb.solve(save_results=False) assert nm.allclose(variables_f(), variables_t(), atol=1e-7, rtol=0)