Source code for sfepy.solvers.qeigen

Quadratic eigenvalue problem solvers.
from __future__ import absolute_import

import numpy as nm
import scipy.sparse as sps

from sfepy.base.base import output, get_default
from sfepy.base.timing import Timer
from sfepy.linalg.utils import max_diff_csr
from sfepy.solvers.solvers import QuadraticEVPSolver

[docs] def standard_call(call): """ Decorator handling argument preparation and timing for quadratic eigensolvers. """ def _standard_call(self, mtx_m, mtx_d, mtx_k, n_eigs=None, eigenvectors=None, status=None, conf=None, **kwargs): timer = Timer(start=True) conf = get_default(conf, self.conf) mtx_m = get_default(mtx_m, self.mtx_m) mtx_d = get_default(mtx_d, self.mtx_d) mtx_k = get_default(mtx_k, self.mtx_k) n_eigs = get_default(n_eigs, self.n_eigs) eigenvectors = get_default(eigenvectors, self.eigenvectors) status = get_default(status, self.status) result = call(self, mtx_m, mtx_d, mtx_k, n_eigs, eigenvectors, status, conf, **kwargs) elapsed = timer.stop() if status is not None: status['time'] = elapsed return result return _standard_call
[docs] class LQuadraticEVPSolver(QuadraticEVPSolver): """ Quadratic eigenvalue problem solver based on the problem linearization. (w^2 M + w D + K) x = 0. """ name = 'eig.qevp' _parameters = [ ('method', "{'companion', 'cholesky'}", 'companion', False, 'The linearization method.'), ('solver', 'dict', {'kind': 'eig.scipy', 'method': 'eig'}, False, """The configuration of an eigenvalue solver for the linearized problem (A - w B) x = 0."""), ('mode', "{'normal', 'inverted'}", 'normal', False, 'Solve either A - w B (normal), or B - 1/w A (inverted).'), ('debug', 'bool', False, False, 'If True, print debugging information.'), ] @standard_call def __call__(self, mtx_m, mtx_d, mtx_k, n_eigs=None, eigenvectors=None, status=None, conf=None): if conf.debug: ssym = status['matrix_info'] = {} ssym['|M - M^T|'] = max_diff_csr(mtx_m, mtx_m.T) ssym['|D - D^T|'] = max_diff_csr(mtx_d, mtx_d.T) ssym['|K - K^T|'] = max_diff_csr(mtx_k, mtx_k.T) ssym['|M - M^H|'] = max_diff_csr(mtx_m, mtx_m.H) ssym['|D - D^H|'] = max_diff_csr(mtx_d, mtx_d.H) ssym['|K - K^H|'] = max_diff_csr(mtx_k, mtx_k.H) if conf.method == 'companion': mtx_eye = -sps.eye(mtx_m.shape[0], dtype=mtx_m.dtype) mtx_a = sps.bmat([[mtx_d, mtx_k], [mtx_eye, None]]) mtx_b = sps.bmat([[-mtx_m, None], [None, mtx_eye]]) elif conf.method == 'cholesky': from sksparse.cholmod import cholesky factor = cholesky(mtx_m) perm = factor.P() ir = nm.arange(len(perm)) mtx_p = sps.coo_matrix((nm.ones_like(perm), (ir, perm))) mtx_l = mtx_p.T * factor.L() if conf.debug: ssym['|S - LL^T|'] = max_diff_csr(mtx_m, mtx_l * mtx_l.T) mtx_eye = sps.eye(mtx_l.shape[0], dtype=nm.float64) mtx_a = sps.bmat([[-mtx_k, None], [None, mtx_eye]]) mtx_b = sps.bmat([[mtx_d, mtx_l], [mtx_l.T, None]]) else: raise ValueError('unknown method! (%s)' % conf.method) if conf.debug: ssym['|A - A^T|'] = max_diff_csr(mtx_a, mtx_a.T) ssym['|A - A^H|'] = max_diff_csr(mtx_a, mtx_a.H) ssym['|B - B^T|'] = max_diff_csr(mtx_b, mtx_b.T) ssym['|B - B^H|'] = max_diff_csr(mtx_b, mtx_b.H) for key, val in sorted(ssym.items()): output('{}: {}'.format(key, val)) if conf.mode == 'normal': out = self.solver(mtx_a, mtx_b, n_eigs=n_eigs, eigenvectors=eigenvectors, status=status) if eigenvectors: eigs, vecs = out out = (eigs, vecs[:mtx_m.shape[0], :]) if conf.debug: res = - eigs * status['lin. error'] = nm.linalg.norm(res, nm.inf) else: out = self.solver(mtx_b, mtx_a, n_eigs=n_eigs, eigenvectors=eigenvectors, status=status) if eigenvectors: eigs, vecs = out out = (1.0 / eigs, vecs[:mtx_m.shape[0], :]) if conf.debug: res = (1.0 / eigs) * - status['lin. error'] = nm.linalg.norm(res, nm.inf) else: out = 1.0 / out if conf.debug and eigenvectors: eigs, vecs = out res = ((eigs**2 * ( + (eigs * ( + ( status['error'] = nm.linalg.norm(res, nm.inf) return out