#!/usr/bin/env python
Print various information about a mesh.
import sys
from argparse import RawDescriptionHelpFormatter, ArgumentParser
import numpy as nm
from sfepy.base.base import output
from sfepy.discrete.fem import Mesh, MeshIO, FEDomain
from sfepy.discrete.common.extmods.cmesh import graph_components
def show_mesh_info(options):
mesh = Mesh.from_file(options.filename)
output('element types:', mesh.descs)
output('nodal BCs:', sorted(mesh.nodal_bcs.keys()))
output('vertex groups:', nm.unique(mesh.cmesh.vertex_groups))
output('cell groups:', nm.unique(mesh.cmesh.cell_groups))
bbox = mesh.get_bounding_box()
output('bounding box:\n%s'
% '\n'.join('%s: [%14.7e, %14.7e]' % (name, bbox[0, ii], bbox[1, ii])
for ii, name in enumerate('xyz'[:mesh.dim])))
output('box dimensions: [%s]'
% ', '.join('%14.7e' % ii for ii in (bbox[1] - bbox[0])))
output('centre: [%s]'
% ', '.join('%14.7e' % ii for ii in 0.5 * (bbox[0] + bbox[1])))
output('coordinates mean: [%s]'
% ', '.join('%14.7e' % ii for ii in mesh.coors.mean(0)))
io = MeshIO.any_from_filename(options.filename)
data = io.read_data(0)
except ValueError:
from sfepy.linalg.utils import output_array_stats
for key, val in data.items():
if key in ('node_groups', 'mat_id'): continue
output_array_stats(val.data, f'{key} ({val.mode}):')
if not options.detailed: return
domain = FEDomain(mesh.name, mesh)
for dim in range(1, mesh.cmesh.tdim + 1):
volumes = mesh.cmesh.get_volumes(dim)
output('volumes of %d %dD entities:\nmin: %.7e mean: %.7e median:'
' %.7e max: %.7e'
% (mesh.cmesh.num[dim], dim, volumes.min(), volumes.mean(),
nm.median(volumes), volumes.max()))
euler = lambda mesh: nm.dot(mesh.cmesh.num, [1, -1, 1, -1])
ec = euler(mesh)
output('Euler characteristic:', ec)
graph = mesh.create_conn_graph(verbose=False)
n_comp, _ = graph_components(graph.shape[0], graph.indptr, graph.indices)
output('number of connected components:', n_comp)
if mesh.dim > 1:
region = domain.create_region('surf', 'vertices of surface', 'facet')
surf_mesh = Mesh.from_region(region, mesh,
localize=True, is_surface=True)
FEDomain(surf_mesh.name, surf_mesh) # Calls CMesh.setup_entities().
sec = euler(surf_mesh)
output('surface Euler characteristic:', sec)
if mesh.dim == 3:
output('surface genus:', (2.0 - sec) / 2.0)
surf_graph = surf_mesh.create_conn_graph(verbose=False)
n_comp, _ = graph_components(surf_graph.shape[0],
surf_graph.indptr, surf_graph.indices)
output('number of connected surface components:', n_comp)
helps = {
'filename' :
'mesh file name',
'detailed' :
'show additional information (entity volume statistics)',
def add_args(parser):
parser.add_argument('filename', help=helps['filename'])
parser.add_argument('-d', '--detailed',
action='store_true', dest='detailed',
default=False, help=helps['detailed'])
def main():
parser = ArgumentParser(description=__doc__.rstrip(),
parser.add_argument('--version', action='version', version='%(prog)s')
options = parser.parse_args()
if __name__ == '__main__':