Source code for sfepy.postprocess.time_history

from __future__ import absolute_import
import numpy as nm

from sfepy.base.base import output, OneTypeList, Struct
from sfepy.discrete.fem.mesh import Mesh
from sfepy.discrete.fem.meshio import MeshIO
from sfepy.solvers.ts import TimeStepper
from sfepy.base.ioutils import get_trunk, write_dict_hdf5
import six
from six.moves import range

def _linearize(out, fields, linearization):
    new = {}
    for key, val in six.iteritems(out):
        field = fields[val.field_name]
        new.update(field.create_output(, var_name=key,
                                       dof_names=val.dofs, key=key,

    return new

[docs] def dump_to_vtk(filename, output_filename_trunk=None, step0=0, steps=None, fields=None, linearization=None): """Dump a multi-time-step results file into a sequence of VTK files.""" def _save_step(suffix, out, mesh): if linearization is not None: output('linearizing...') out = _linearize(out, fields, linearization) output('...done') for key, val in six.iteritems(out): lmesh = val.get('mesh', mesh) lmesh.write(output_filename_trunk + '_' + key + suffix, io='auto', out={key : val}) if hasattr(val, 'levels'): output('max. refinement per group:', val.levels) else: mesh.write(output_filename_trunk + suffix, io='auto', out=out) output('dumping to VTK...') io = MeshIO.any_from_filename(filename) mesh = Mesh.from_file(filename, io=io) if output_filename_trunk is None: output_filename_trunk = get_trunk(filename) try: ts = TimeStepper(*io.read_time_stepper()) all_steps, times, nts, dts = extract_times(filename) except ValueError: output('no time stepping info found, assuming single step') out = io.read_data(0) if out is not None: _save_step('.vtk', out, mesh) ret = None else: ts.times = times ts.n_step = times.shape[0] if steps is None: ii0 = nm.searchsorted(all_steps, step0) iterator = ((all_steps[ii], times[ii]) for ii in range(ii0, len(times))) else: iterator = [(step, ts.times[step]) for step in steps] max_step = all_steps.max() for step, time in iterator: output(ts.format % (step, max_step)) out = io.read_data(step) if out is None: break _save_step('.' + ts.suffix % step + '.vtk', out, mesh) ret = ts.suffix output('...done') return ret
[docs] def extract_times(filename): """ Read true time step data from individual time steps. Returns ------- steps : array The time steps. times : array The times of the time steps. nts : array The normalized times of the time steps, in [0, 1]. dts : array The true time deltas. """ io = MeshIO.any_from_filename(filename) steps, times, nts = io.read_times() dts = nm.ediff1d(times, to_end=0) return steps, times, nts, dts
[docs] def extract_time_history(filename, extract, verbose=True): """Extract time history of a variable from a multi-time-step results file. Parameters ---------- filename : str The name of file to extract from. extract : str The description of what to extract in a string of comma-separated description items. A description item consists of: name of the variable to extract, mode ('e' for elements, 'n' for nodes), ids of the nodes or elements (given by the mode). Example: 'u n 10 15, p e 0' means variable 'u' in nodes 10, 15 and variable 'p' in element 0. verbose : bool Verbosity control. Returns ------- ths : dict The time histories in a dict with variable names as keys. If a nodal variable is requested in elements, its value is a dict of histories in the element nodes. ts : TimeStepper instance The time stepping information. """ output('extracting selected data...', verbose=verbose) output('selection:', extract, verbose=verbose) ## # Parse extractions. pes = OneTypeList(Struct) for chunk in extract.split(','): aux = chunk.strip().split() pes.append(Struct(var=aux[0], mode=aux[1], indx=list(map(int, aux[2:])))) ## # Verify array limits. mesh = Mesh.from_file(filename) for pe in pes: if pe.mode == 'n': for ii in pe.indx: if (ii < 0) or (ii >= mesh.n_nod): raise ValueError('node index 0 <= %d < %d!' % (ii, mesh.n_nod)) if pe.mode == 'e': for ii, ie in enumerate(pe.indx[:]): if (ie < 0) or (ie >= mesh.n_el): raise ValueError('element index 0 <= %d < %d!' % (ie, mesh.n_el)) pe.indx[ii] = ie ## # Extract data. io = MeshIO.any_from_filename(filename) ths = {} for pe in pes: mode, nname = io.read_data_header(pe.var) output(mode, nname, verbose=verbose) if ((pe.mode == 'n' and mode == 'vertex') or (pe.mode == 'e' and mode == 'cell')): th = io.read_time_history(nname, pe.indx) elif pe.mode == 'e' and mode == 'vertex': conn = mesh.conns[0] th = {} for iel in pe.indx: ips = conn[iel] th[iel] = io.read_time_history(nname, ips) else: raise ValueError('cannot extract cell data %s in nodes!' % pe.var) ths[pe.var] = th output('...done', verbose=verbose) ts = TimeStepper(*io.read_time_stepper()) # Force actual times. steps, times, nts, dts = extract_times(filename) ts.times = times ts.nt = nts return ths, ts
[docs] def average_vertex_var_in_cells(ths_in): """Average histories in the element nodes for each nodal variable originally requested in elements.""" ths = dict.fromkeys(list(ths_in.keys())) for var, th in six.iteritems(ths_in): aux = dict.fromkeys(list(th.keys())) for ir, data in six.iteritems(th): if isinstance(data, dict): for ic, ndata in six.iteritems(data): if aux[ir] is None: aux[ir] = ndata else: aux[ir] += ndata aux[ir] /= float(len(data)) else: aux[ir] = data ths[var] = aux return ths
[docs] def save_time_history(ths, ts, filename_out): """Save time history and time-stepping information in a HDF5 file.""" ths.update({'times' : ts.times, 'dt' : ts.dt}) write_dict_hdf5(filename_out, ths)
[docs] def guess_time_units(times): """ Given a vector of times in seconds, return suitable time units and new vector of times suitable for plotting. Parameters ---------- times : array The vector of times in seconds. Returns ------- new_times : array The vector of times in `units`. units : str The time units. """ times = nm.asarray(times) if (times[-1] / 60.0 / 60.0) > 10.0: units = 'hours' new_times = times / 60.0 / 60.0 elif (times[-1] / 60.0) > 10.0: units = 'min.' new_times = times / 60.0 else: units = 's' new_times = times return new_times, units