Functions to visualize the geometry elements and numbering and orientation of
their facets (edges and faces).
The standard geometry elements can be plotted by running::
$ python sfepy/postprocess/plot_facets.py
from __future__ import absolute_import
import numpy as nm
import matplotlib.pyplot as plt
from sfepy.linalg import (get_perpendiculars, normalize_vectors,
from sfepy.postprocess.plot_dofs import _get_axes, plot_mesh, plot_global_dofs
import six
from six.moves import range
def plot_geometry(ax, gel):
Plot a geometry element as a wireframe.
ax = plot_mesh(ax, gel.coors, [gel.conn], gel.edges)
ax = plot_global_dofs(ax, gel.coors, [gel.conn])
return ax
def plot_edges(ax, gel, length):
Plot edges of a geometry element as numbered arrows.
dim = gel.dim
ax = _get_axes(ax, dim)
if gel.edges is None: return ax
l2 = 0.5 * length
for ii, edge in enumerate(gel.edges):
cc = gel.coors[edge]
centre = 0.5 * cc.sum(axis=0)
vdir = (cc - centre)
cc = l2 * vdir + centre
draw_arrow(ax, cc, length=0.3*length, linewidth=3, color='b')
ax.text(*centre, s=ii,
color='b', fontsize=10, weight='light')
return ax
def plot_faces(ax, gel, radius, n_point):
Plot faces of a 3D geometry element as numbered oriented arcs. An arc
centre corresponds to the first node of a face. It points from the first
edge towards the last edge of the face.
dim = gel.dim
ax = _get_axes(ax, dim)
if dim < 3: return ax
for ii, face in enumerate(gel.faces):
cc = gel.coors[face]
t1 = cc[1, :] - cc[0, :]
t2 = cc[-1, :] - cc[0, :]
n = nm.cross(t1, t2)
nt1 = nm.linalg.norm(t1)
nt2 = nm.linalg.norm(t2)
angle = nm.arccos(nm.dot(t1, t2) / (nt1 * nt2))
da = angle / (n_point - 1)
mtx = make_axis_rotation_matrix(n, da)
rt = cc[0] + radius * t1 / nt1
coors = [rt]
for ip in range(n_point - 1):
rt = nm.dot(mtx.T, (rt - cc[0])) + cc[0]
coors = nm.array(coors, dtype=nm.float64)
centre = coors.sum(axis=0) / coors.shape[0]
draw_arrow(ax, coors, length=0.3*radius, linewidth=3, color='r')
ax.text(*centre, s=ii,
color='r', fontsize=10, weight='light')
return ax
def draw_arrow(ax, coors, angle=20.0, length=0.3, **kwargs):
Draw a line ended with an arrow head, in 2D or 3D.
color = kwargs.get('color', 'b')
c0 = coors[-2]
c1 = coors[-1]
vd = c1 - c0
nvd = nm.linalg.norm(vd)
vd /= nvd
c0 = c1 - length * vd
ps = get_perpendiculars(vd)
rangle = nm.deg2rad(min(angle, 60.0))
plength = length * nm.arctan(rangle)
if coors.shape[1] == 2:
from matplotlib.patches import Polygon
cx, cy = coors[:, 0], coors[:, 1]
ax.plot(cx, cy, **kwargs)
p0 = c0 + plength * ps
p1 = c0 - plength * ps
pol = Polygon([p0, p1, c1], color=color)
import mpl_toolkits.mplot3d as plt3
cx, cy, cz = coors[:, 0], coors[:, 1], coors[:, 2]
ax.plot(cx, cy, cz, **kwargs)
p00 = c0 + plength * ps[0]
p01 = c0 - plength * ps[0]
p10 = c0 + plength * ps[1]
p11 = c0 - plength * ps[1]
arr = plt3.art3d.Poly3DCollection([[p00, p01, c1],
[p10, p11, c1]], color=color)
if __name__ == '__main__':
from sfepy.discrete.fem.geometry_element import (GeometryElement,
for key, gd in six.iteritems(geometry_data):
if key == '1_2' : continue
gel = GeometryElement(key)
ax = plot_geometry(None, gel)
ax = plot_edges(ax, gel, length=0.2)
ax = plot_faces(ax, gel, radius=0.3, n_point=5)
dd = 0.05
ax.set_xlim([-dd, 1.0 + dd])
ax.set_ylim([-dd, 1.0 + dd])
if gel.dim == 3:
ax.set_zlim([-dd, 1.0 + dd])