Functions to visualize the mesh connectivity with global and local DOF
import numpy as nm
import matplotlib.pyplot as plt
def _get_axes(ax, dim):
if ax is None:
fig = plt.figure()
if dim == 3:
from mpl_toolkits.mplot3d import axes3d
axes3d # Make pyflakes happy...
ax = fig.add_subplot(111, projection='3d')
ax = fig.add_subplot(111)
return ax
def _to2d(coors):
if coors.shape[1] == 1:
coors = nm.c_[coors, nm.zeros_like(coors)]
return coors
def plot_points(ax, coors, vals=None, point_size=20,
Plot points with given coordinates, optionally colored using `vals` values.
dim = coors.shape[1]
ax = _get_axes(ax, dim)
colors = 'b' if vals is None else vals
coors = _to2d(coors)
sc = ax.scatter(*coors.T, s=point_size, c=colors, alpha=1)
if show_colorbar and (vals is not None):
return ax
def plot_mesh(ax, coors, conn, edges, color='k', **plot_kwargs):
Plot a finite element mesh as a wireframe.
dim = coors.shape[1]
ax = _get_axes(ax, dim)
coors = _to2d(coors)
for el in conn:
eds = el[edges]
for ed in eds:
cc = coors[ed]
ax.plot(*cc.T, color=color, **plot_kwargs)
return ax
def plot_global_dofs(ax, coors, econn):
Plot global DOF numbers given in an extended connectivity.
The DOF numbers are plotted for each element, so on common facets they are
plotted several times - this can be used to check the consistency of the
global DOF connectivity.
dim = coors.shape[1]
ax = _get_axes(ax, dim)
coors = _to2d(coors)
for el in econn:
for gdof in el:
ax.text(*coors[gdof], s='%d' % gdof,
color='g', fontsize=12, weight='bold')
return ax
def plot_local_dofs(ax, coors, econn):
Plot local DOF numbers corresponding to an extended connectivity.
dim = coors.shape[1]
ax = _get_axes(ax, dim)
coors = _to2d(coors)
eps = 0.1
oeps = 1.0 - eps
for el in econn:
# Element centre.
centre = coors[el].sum(0) / el.shape[0]
for ldof, gdof in enumerate(el):
# Shift labels towards the centre.
cc = oeps * coors[gdof] + eps * centre
ax.text(*cc, s='%d' % ldof,
color='b', fontsize=10, weight='light')
return ax
def plot_nodes(ax, coors, econn, ref_nodes, dofs):
Plot Lagrange reference element nodes corresponding to global DOF numbers
given in an extended connectivity.
dim = coors.shape[1]
ax = _get_axes(ax, dim)
coors = _to2d(coors)
eps = 0.2
oeps = 1.0 - eps
for el in econn:
# Element centre.
centre = coors[el].sum(0) / el.shape[0]
for gdof in dofs:
if not gdof in el:
ldof = nm.where(el == gdof)[0]
node = ref_nodes[ldof]
# Shift labels towards the centre.
cc = oeps * coors[gdof] + eps * centre
ax.text(*cc, s='%s' % node,
color='r', fontsize=8, weight='light')
return ax