Source code for sfepy.mesh.splinebox

from __future__ import absolute_import
from __future__ import print_function
import numpy as nm
from .bspline import BSpline
from sfepy.base.base import Struct
from six.moves import range
from sfepy.base.compat import lstsq

[docs] class SplineBox(Struct): """ B-spline geometry parametrization. The geometry can be modified by moving spline control points. """
[docs] @staticmethod def gen_cp_idxs(ncp): dim = len(ncp) if dim == 2: idxs = nm.mgrid[0:ncp[0], 0:ncp[1]] elif dim == 3: idxs = nm.mgrid[0:ncp[0], 0:ncp[1], 0:ncp[2]] else: raise(ValueError) cp_idxs = [] mul_idx = [1] for ii in range(dim - 1): mul_idx.append(mul_idx[ii] * ncp[ii]) cp_idxs = [] for ii in range(dim): cp_idxs.append(idxs[ii].reshape(, order='F')) return cp_idxs, nm.array(mul_idx)
[docs] @staticmethod def create_spb(bbox, coors, degree=3, nsg=None): nc, cdim = coors.shape inside = nm.ones((nc,), dtype=bool) nsg = nm.ones((cdim,), dtype=int) if nsg is None else nm.array(nsg) for idim in range(cdim): inrange = nm.logical_and(coors[:, idim] >= bbox[idim][0], coors[:, idim] <= bbox[idim][1]) inside = nm.logical_and(inside, inrange) ncp_tot = 1 base, uidx, ncp, cp = [], [], [], [] for idim in range(cdim): ucoors, ucoors_idx = nm.unique(coors[inside, idim], return_inverse=True) ncp0 = degree + nsg[idim] bspl = BSpline(degree, ncp=ncp0) bspl.make_knot_vector(knot_range=(bbox[idim][0], bbox[idim][1])) knots = bspl.get_knot_vector() cp0 = nm.zeros((ncp0,), dtype=nm.double) for j in range(cp0.shape[0]): cp0[j] = nm.sum(knots[(j + 1):(j + degree + 1)]) / degree base.append(bspl.eval_basis(t=ucoors, return_val=True)) uidx.append(ucoors_idx) ncp.append(ncp0) cp.append(cp0) ncp_tot *= ncp0 cp_coors = nm.zeros((ncp_tot, cdim), dtype=nm.double) cp_idx, mul_cp_idx = SplineBox.gen_cp_idxs(ncp) for ii in range(cdim): cp_coors[:, ii] = cp[ii][cp_idx[ii]] return {'base': base, 'uidx': uidx, 'ncp': ncp, 'cp_idx': cp_idx, 'mul_cp_idx': mul_cp_idx, 'cp_coors': cp_coors, 'idxs_inside': inside}
def __init__(self, bbox, coors, nsg=None, field=None): """ Create a SplineBox. Parameters ---------- bbox : array The mesh bounding box. coors : array The coordinates of mesh nodes. nsg : array The number of segments. """ bbox = nm.asarray(bbox) coors = nm.asarray(coors) self.coors = coors.copy() self.cdim = coors.shape[1] if field is not None: field = nm.asarray(field) if len(field.shape) <= 1: field = field[..., nm.newaxis] self.field = field.copy() else: self.field = self.coors self.__dict__.update(self.create_spb(bbox, coors, nsg=nsg)) if field is not None: if hasattr(self, 'idxs_inside'): b = field[self.idxs_inside, ...] else: b = field a = self.get_box_matrix() self.cp_values = lstsq(a, b)[0] else: self.cp_values = self.cp_coors self.cp_values0 = self.cp_values.copy()
[docs] def get_coors_shape(self): """ Get the shape of the coordinates. """ return self.coors.shape
[docs] def get_control_points(self, init=False): """ Get the spline control points coordinates. Returns ------- cpt_coors : array The coordinates of the spline control points. init : bool If True, return the initial state. """ if init: return self.cp_values0 else: return self.cp_values
[docs] def set_control_points(self, cpt_coors, add=False): """ Set the spline control points position. Parameters ---------- cpt_coors : array The coordinates of the spline control points. add : bool If True, coors += cpt_coors """ if add: self.cp_values += cpt_coors else: self.cp_values = cpt_coors
[docs] def move_control_point(self, cpoint, val): """ Change shape of spline parametrization. Parameters ---------- cpoint : int, list The position (index or grid indicies) of the spline control point. val : array Displacement. """ if type(cpoint) in [list, tuple, nm.ndarray]: idx =, self.mul_cp_idx) else: idx = cpoint self.cp_values[idx, :] += val
[docs] def get_box_matrix(self): """ Returns: mtx : 2D array The matrix containing the coefficients of b-spline basis functions. """ ncp, cdim = self.cp_coors.shape mtx = nm.ones((self.uidx[0].shape[0], ncp), dtype=nm.double) for ii in range(cdim): mtx *= self.base[ii][self.uidx[ii], :][:, self.cp_idx[ii]] return mtx
[docs] def evaluate(self, cp_values=None, outside=True): """ Evaluate the new position of the mesh coordinates. Parameters ---------- cp_values : array The actual control point values. If None, use self.control_values. outside : bool If True, return also the coordinates outside the spline box. Returns ------- new_coors : array The new position of the mesh coordinates. """ if cp_values is None: cp_values = self.cp_values mtx = self.get_box_matrix() if outside and hasattr(self, 'idxs_inside'): field = self.field.copy() field[self.idxs_inside, ...] =, cp_values) return field else: return, cp_values)
[docs] def evaluate_derivative(self, cpoint, dirvec): """ Evaluate derivative of the spline in a given control point and direction. Parameters ---------- cpoint : int, list The position (index or grid indicies) of the spline control point. dirvec : array The directional vector. Returns ------- diff : array The derivative field. """ if type(cpoint) in [list, tuple, nm.ndarray]: idxs = cpoint else: idxs = [] aux = cpoint for ii in range(self.cdim): idxs.append(aux // self.mul_cp_idx[-(ii + 1)]) aux = aux % self.mul_cp_idx[-(ii + 1)] idxs = idxs[::-1] aux = nm.ones((self.uidx[0].shape[0],), dtype=nm.double) for ii in range(self.cdim): aux *= self.base[ii][self.uidx[ii], idxs[ii]] dirvec = nm.asarray(dirvec) return[:, nm.newaxis], nm.reshape(dirvec, (1, self.cp_values.shape[1])))
[docs] def write_control_net(self, filename, deform_by_values=True): """ Write the SplineBox shape to the VTK file. Parameters ---------- filename : str The VTK file name. """ ncp = self.ncp npt = f = open(filename, 'w') f.write("# vtk DataFile Version 2.6\nspbox file\n" "ASCII\nDATASET UNSTRUCTURED_GRID\n\n") f.write("POINTS %d float\n" % npt) if self.cdim == 2: ptformat = "%e %e 0.0\n" elif self.cdim == 3: ptformat = "%e %e %e\n" cp_coors = self.cp_values if deform_by_values else self.cp_coors for cpt in cp_coors: f.write(ptformat % tuple(cpt)) cells = nm.array([nm.arange(0, ncp[0] - 1), nm.arange(1, ncp[0])]).T cp = ncp[0] nc = cp - 1 for ii in range(1, self.cdim): cells1 = [] ncpi = ncp[ii] for jj in range(ncpi): cells1.append(cells + jj * cp) nc = nc * ncpi cells = nm.array([nm.arange(0, ncpi - 1), nm.arange(1, ncpi)]).T * cp for jj in range(cp): cells1.append(cells + jj) nc += (ncpi - 1) * cp cells = nm.vstack(cells1) cp *= ncp[ii] f.write("\nCELLS %d %d\n" % (nc, 3 * nc)) for ii in cells: f.write("2 %d %d\n" % tuple(ii)) f.write("\nCELL_TYPES %d\n" % nc) f.write("3\n" * nc) f.write("\nPOINT_DATA %d\n" % npt) for ival in range(self.cp_values.shape[1]): f.write("\nSCALARS cp_value_%d float 1\n" % (ival + 1)) f.write("LOOKUP_TABLE default\n") f.write(str(b'\n'.join(self.cp_values[:, ival].astype('|S10'))) + '\n') f.close()
[docs] class SplineRegion2D(SplineBox): """ B-spline geometry parametrization. The boundary of the SplineRegion2D is defined by BSpline curves. """
[docs] @staticmethod def points_in_poly(points, poly, tol=1e-6): """ Find which points are located inside the polygon. """ poly = nm.array(poly) points = nm.array(points) inside = nm.zeros((points.shape[0],), dtype=bool) p1 = poly[:-1] p2 = poly[1:] a1 = (p2[:, 1] - p1[:, 1]) a1nz = nm.where(nm.fabs(a1) > 1e-16)[0] a2 = (p2[a1nz, 0] - p1[a1nz, 0]) / a1[a1nz] for jj, pt in enumerate(points): # on edges? if nm.any(nm.linalg.norm(p1 - pt, axis=1) + nm.linalg.norm(p2 - pt, axis=1) - nm.linalg.norm(p1 - p2, axis=1) < tol): inside[jj] = True continue # inside? val = nm.logical_and( (p1[a1nz, 1] > pt[1]) != (p2[a1nz, 1] > pt[1]), pt[0] < (a2*(pt[1] - p1[a1nz, 1]) + p1[a1nz, 0])) if (nm.where(val)[0].shape[0] % 2) > 0: inside[jj] = True return nm.where(inside)[0]
[docs] @staticmethod def define_control_points(cp_bnd_coors, ncp): """ Find positions of "inner" control points depending on boundary splines. """ nx, ny = ncp grid = nm.zeros(ncp, dtype=nm.int32) grid.T.flat = nm.arange(nx * ny) coors = nm.zeros((nx * ny, 2), dtype=nm.float64) idxs1 = nm.arange(nx) idxs2 = nm.arange(1, ny - 1) * nx bcnd = nm.hstack([idxs1, idxs2 + nx - 1, idxs1[::-1] + nx * (ny - 1), idxs2[::-1]]) coors[bcnd, :] = cp_bnd_coors for ii in range(1, nx - 1): for jj, t in enumerate(nm.linspace(0, 1, ny)[1:-1]): c = (1 - t) * coors[ii, :] + t * coors[ii + (ny - 1)*nx, :] coors[ii + nx*(jj + 1), :] = c inside = grid[1:-1, 1:-1].flatten() for iiter in range(5): for ii in inside: dx = nm.array([0., 0.]) for jj in [-1, +1, -nx, + nx]: dx -= 0.25 * (coors[ii, :] - coors[ii + jj, :]) coors[ii] += 0.1 * dx return coors
[docs] @staticmethod def create_spb(spl_bnd, coors, rho=10): """ Initialize SplineBox knots, control points, base functions, ... """ dim = 2 if coors.shape[1] != dim: print('Only 2D SplineBoxSBnd is supported!') raise(ValueError) bnd_poly = [] bnd_cp = [] for s in spl_bnd: s.set_param_n(int(rho)) bnd_poly.append(s.eval()[:-1]) bnd_cp.append(s.get_control_points()[:-1, :]) bnd_poly.append(bnd_poly[0][0, :]) ncpoints = 1 base, bspl, uidx, ncp = [], [], [], [] for si in [0, 1]: s = spl_bnd[si] bspl0 = BSpline(, ncp=s.ncp) bspl0.set_knot_vector(s.knots) bspl.append(bspl0) base.append(None) uidx.append(None) ncp.append(s.ncp) ncpoints *= s.ncp cp_idx, mul_cp_idx = SplineBox.gen_cp_idxs(ncp) cp_coors = SplineRegion2D.define_control_points(nm.vstack(bnd_cp), ncp) idxs_inside = SplineRegion2D.points_in_poly(coors, nm.vstack(bnd_poly)) return {'base': base, 'bspl': bspl, 'uidx': uidx, 'ncp': ncp, 'cp_idx': cp_idx, 'mul_cp_idx': mul_cp_idx, 'cp_coors': cp_coors, 'idxs_inside': idxs_inside}
[docs] def find_ts(self, coors): """ Function finds parameters (t, s) corresponding to given points (coors). """ from scipy.optimize import minimize def ptdist(x, coors, spb): for ii in range(spb.cdim): spb.base[ii] = spb.bspl[ii].eval_basis(t=x[ii], return_val=True) coors_approx = spb.evaluate(outside=False) return nm.linalg.norm(coors - coors_approx) def gen_grid(spb, rho): grid = nm.mgrid[0:rho, 0:rho] t = nm.linspace(0, 1, rho) for ii in range(spb.cdim): spb.uidx[ii] = grid[ii, :].reshape(rho**self.cdim, order='F') spb.base[ii] = spb.bspl[ii].eval_basis(t=t, return_val=True) return spb.evaluate(outside=False) rho = 100 grid = gen_grid(self, rho) for ii in range(self.cdim): self.uidx[ii] = nm.array([0]) ts = nm.zeros((coors.shape[0], self.cdim), dtype=nm.float64) for ii, ic in enumerate(coors): idx = nm.argmin(nm.linalg.norm(grid - ic, axis=1)) x0 = nm.array([idx % rho, idx // rho]) / (rho - 1.) ts[ii] = minimize(lambda x: ptdist(x, ic, self), x0, method='nelder-mead', options={'xatol': 1e-5, 'disp': False}).x return ts
def __init__(self, spl_bnd, coors, rho=1e3): """ Create a SplineBox which boundary is defined by B-spline curves. Parameters ---------- spl_bnd : list The list of BSpline objects (counterclockwise) defining the SplineBox boundary. coors : array The coordinates of the mesh nodes. rho : float The density of points defining the boundary polygon. """ coors = nm.asarray(coors) self.__dict__.update(self.create_spb(spl_bnd, coors, rho)) self.cdim = coors.shape[1] self.coors = coors.copy() self.field = self.coors self.cp_values = self.cp_coors self.ts = self.find_ts(coors[self.idxs_inside, :]) for idim in range(self.cdim): ucoors, ucoors_idx = nm.unique(self.ts[:, idim], return_inverse=True) self.base[idim] = self.bspl[idim].eval_basis(t=ucoors, return_val=True) self.uidx[idim] = ucoors_idx