Some utilities for work with units of physical quantities.
from __future__ import absolute_import
import six
from six.moves import range
import sympy as sm
except ImportError:
sm = None
import numpy as nm
from sfepy.base.base import get_default, invert_dict, is_sequence, Struct
default_units_of_basic_quantities = {
'length' : 'm',
'time' : 's',
'mass' : 'kg',
'temperature' : 'C',
# Cannot use N for Newton as it is a sympy function...
derived_units = {
'Newton' : '(kg * m) / s**2',
'Pa' : 'kg / (m * s**2)', # N / m**2
'J' : '(kg * m**2) / s**2', # N m
units_of_quantities = {
'density' : 'kg / m**3',
'force' : 'Newton',
'stress' : 'Pa',
'energy' : 'J',
'thermal_expandability' : 'Pa / C',
prefixes = {
'p' : 1e-12,
'n' : 1e-9,
'mu' : 1e-6,
'm' : 1e-3,
'c' : 1e-2,
'' : 1e0,
'd' : 1e1,
'k' : 1e3,
'M' : 1e6,
'G' : 1e9,
'T' : 1e12,
inv_prefixes = invert_dict(prefixes)
num_prefixes = [str(ii) for ii in range(-20, 21)]
prefixes.update(dict(((key, 10**int(key)) for key in num_prefixes)))
class Unit(Struct):
A unit of a physical quantity. The prefix and coefficient of the unit
are determined from to its name.
Construct some units:
>>> from sfepy.mechanics.units import Unit
>>> unit = Unit('mm')
>>> print unit
>>> unit = Unit('kg')
>>> print unit
Get prefixes for a coefficient:
>>> Unit.get_prefix(100.0)
('d', 10.0)
>>> Unit.get_prefix(100.0, omit=('d',))
('k', 0.10000000000000001)
def get_prefix(coef, bias=0.1, omit=None):
Get the prefix and numerical multiplier corresponding to a numerical
coefficient, omitting prefixes in omit tuple.
if omit is None:
omit = num_prefixes
values = [val for key, val in six.iteritems(prefixes) if key not in omit]
coefs = nm.array(values, dtype=nm.float64)
ii = nm.searchsorted(coefs, bias*coef, side='left')
if ii == len(coefs):
ii = ii - 1
cc = coefs[ii]
prefix = inv_prefixes[cc]
mul = coef / cc
return prefix, mul
def __init__(self, name):
self.name = name
aux = sorted(list(prefixes.keys()), reverse=True)
for prefix in aux:
lp = len(prefix)
if (prefix == name[:lp]) and (lp < len(name)): break
self.prefix = prefix
self.prefix_length = len(prefix)
self.unit = name[self.prefix_length:]
self.coef = prefixes[self.prefix]
class Quantity(Struct):
A physical quantity in a given set of basic units.
Construct the stress quantity:
>>> from sfepy.mechanics.units import Unit, Quantity
>>> units = ['m', 's', 'kg', 'C']
>>> unit_set = [Unit(key) for key in units]
>>> q1 = Quantity('stress', unit_set)
>>> q1()
'1.0 Pa'
Show its unit using various prefixes:
>>> q1('m')
'1000.0 mPa'
>>> q1('')
'1.0 Pa'
>>> q1('k')
'0.001 kPa'
>>> q1('M')
'1e-06 MPa'
Construct the stress quantity in another unit set:
>>> units = ['mm', 's', 'kg', 'C']
>>> unit_set = [Unit(key) for key in units]
>>> q2 = Quantity('stress', unit_set)
>>> q2()
'1.0 kPa'
Show its unit using various prefixes:
>>> q2('m')
'1000000.0 mPa'
>>> q2('')
'1000.0 Pa'
>>> q2('k')
'1.0 kPa'
>>> q2('M')
'0.001 MPa'
def __init__(self, name, unit_set):
Create a quantity in the given unit set. The name must be listed in the
units_of_quantities dictionary.
self.name = name
self.unit_set = unit_set
self.unit_name = units_of_quantities[self.name]
unit_expr = sm.sympify(self.unit_name)
unit_expr = unit_expr.subs(derived_units)
self.symbolic_value = sm.sympify(str(unit_expr))
atoms = self.symbolic_value.atoms(sm.Symbol)
self.def_units = [Unit(atom.name) for atom in atoms]
self.def_names, self.def_units = self._get_dicts(self.def_units)
self.names, self.units = self._get_dicts(self.unit_set)
self.def_coef = float(self.symbolic_value.subs(self.def_names))
coef_dict = {}
for key, val in six.iteritems(self.def_units):
coef_dict[val.name] = self.units[key].coef
self.coef_dict = coef_dict
self.raw_coef = float(self.symbolic_value.subs(self.coef_dict))
self.coef = self.raw_coef / self.def_coef
def _get_dicts(self, unit_set):
"""Get auxiliary dictionaries for a unit set."""
name_dict = {}
unit_dict = {}
for unit in unit_set:
name_dict[unit.name] = unit.coef
unit_dict[unit.unit] = unit
return name_dict, unit_dict
def __call__(self, prefix=None, omit=None):
"""Get the quantity units."""
if prefix is None:
if omit is None:
omit = ['c', 'd'] + num_prefixes
prefix, mul = Unit.get_prefix(self.coef, omit=omit)
coef = prefixes[prefix]
mul = self.coef / coef
return '%s %s%s' % (mul, prefix, self.unit_name)
def get_consistent_unit_set(length=None, time=None, mass=None,
Given a set of basic units, return a consistent set of derived units for
quantities listed in the units_of_quantities dictionary.
defaults = default_units_of_basic_quantities
length = get_default(length, defaults['length'])
time = get_default(time, defaults['time'])
mass = get_default(mass, defaults['mass'])
temperature = get_default(temperature, defaults['temperature'])
unit_set = [Unit(length), Unit(time), Unit(mass), Unit(temperature)]
derived_units = {}
for quantity_name in units_of_quantities.keys():
quantity = Quantity(quantity_name, unit_set)
derived_units[quantity_name] = quantity()
return derived_units
def apply_unit_multipliers(values, unit_kinds, unit_multipliers):
Apply time, length and mass unit multipliers to given values with units
corresponding to unit kinds.
new_values : list
The new values with applied unit multipliers
a, b, c = unit_multipliers
coefs = {
'one' : 1.0 / 1.0,
'time' : 1.0 / a,
'length' : 1.0 / b,
'mass' : 1.0 / c,
'frequency' : 1.0 / (1.0 / a),
'wave_number' : 1.0 / (1.0 / b),
'velocity' : 1.0 / (b / a),
'acceleration' : 1.0 / (b / a**2),
'density' : 1.0 / (c / b**3),
'force' : 1.0 / ((c * b) / a**2),
'stress' : 1.0 / (c / (b * a**2)),
'dyn_viscosity' : 1.0 / (c / (b * a)),
'compressibility' : 1.0 / ((b * a**2) / c),
'energy' : 1.0 / (c * b**2 / a**2),
avalues = [nm.asanyarray(val) if is_sequence(val) else val
for val in values]
new_values = [coefs[unit_kind] * avalues[ii]
for ii, unit_kind in enumerate(unit_kinds)]
return new_values
def apply_units_to_pars(pars, pars_kinds, unit_multipliers):
Apply units in `unit_multipliers` to `pars` according to their kinds.
pars : dict
The input parameters given as `name : value` items.
pars_kinds : dict
The kinds of the parameters given as `name : kind` items, with kinds
defined in :func:`apply_unit_multipliers()`.
unit_multipliers : tuple
The time, length and mass unit multipliers.
new_pars : dict
The output parameters.
keys = pars.keys()
values = list(pars.values())
kinds = [pars_kinds[key] for key in keys]
new_values = apply_unit_multipliers(values, kinds, unit_multipliers)
new_pars = dict(zip(keys, new_values))
return new_pars