Generate simplex quadrature points. Code taken and adapted from pytools/hedge
by Andreas Kloeckner.
from __future__ import division
from __future__ import absolute_import
import numpy as nm
import six
from six.moves import range
from functools import reduce
def generate_decreasing_nonnegative_tuples_summing_to(n, length, min=0,
if length == 0:
yield ()
elif length == 1:
if n <= max:
#print "MX", n, max
yield (n,)
if max is None or n < max:
max = n
for i in range(min, max+1):
#print "SIG", sig, i
for remainder in generate_decreasing_nonnegative_tuples_summing_to(
n-i, length-1, min, i):
yield (i,) + remainder
def generate_permutations(original):
Generate all permutations of the list `original'.
Nicked from http://aspn.activestate.com/ASPN/Cookbook/Python/Recipe/252178
if len(original) <=1:
yield original
for perm in generate_permutations(original[1:]):
for i in range(len(perm)+1):
#nb str[0:1] works in both string and list contexts
yield perm[:i] + original[0:1] + perm[i:]
def generate_unique_permutations(original):
Generate all unique permutations of the list `original'.
had_those = set()
for perm in generate_permutations(original):
if perm not in had_those:
yield perm
def wandering_element(length, wanderer=1, landscape=0):
for i in range(length):
yield i*(landscape,) + (wanderer,) + (length-1-i)*(landscape,)
def factorial(n):
from operator import mul
assert n == int(n)
return reduce(mul, (i for i in range(1,n+1)), 1)
def _extended_euclidean(q, r):
Return a tuple (p, a, b) such that p = aq + br,
where p is the greatest common divisor.
# see [Davenport], Appendix, p. 214
if abs(q) < abs(r):
p, a, b = _extended_euclidean(r, q)
return p, b, a
Q = 1, 0
R = 0, 1
while r:
quot, t = divmod(q, r)
T = Q[0] - quot*R[0], Q[1] - quot*R[1]
q, r = r, t
Q, R = R, T
return q, Q[0], Q[1]
def _gcd(q, r):
return _extended_euclidean(q, r)[0]
def _simplify_fraction(a_b):
(a, b) = a_b
gcd = _gcd(a,b)
return (a//gcd, b//gcd)
def get_simplex_cubature(order, dimension):
Cubature on an M{n}-simplex.
A. Grundmann and H.M. Moeller,
Invariant integration formulas for the n-simplex by combinatorial methods,
SIAM J. Numer. Anal. 15 (1978), 282--290.
This cubature rule has both negative and positive weights. It is exact for
polynomials up to order :math:`2s+1`, where :math:`s` is given as *order*.
The integration domain is the unit simplex
.. math::
T_n := \{(x_1, \dots, x_n): x_i \ge -1, \sum_i x_i \le -1\}
s = order
n = dimension
d = exact_to = 2*s+1
points_to_weights = {}
for i in range(s+1):
weight = (-1)**i * 2**(-2*s) \
* (d + n-2*i)**d \
/ factorial(i) \
/ factorial(d+n-i)
for t in generate_decreasing_nonnegative_tuples_summing_to(s-i, n+1):
for beta in generate_unique_permutations(t):
denominator = d+n-2*i
point = tuple(
_simplify_fraction((2*beta_i+1, denominator))
for beta_i in beta)
points_to_weights[point] = points_to_weights.get(point, 0) \
+ weight
from operator import add
vertices = [-1 * nm.ones((n,))] \
+ [nm.array(x)
for x in wandering_element(n, landscape=-1, wanderer=1)]
pos_points = []
pos_weights = []
neg_points = []
neg_weights = []
dim_factor = 2**n
for p, w in six.iteritems(points_to_weights):
real_p = reduce(add, (a/b*v for (a,b),v in zip(p, vertices)))
if w > 0:
points = nm.array(pos_points + neg_points)
weights = nm.array(pos_weights + neg_weights)
return points, weights, exact_to