from __future__ import absolute_import
import numpy as nm
import sfepy.linalg as la
from sfepy.discrete.integrals import Integral
from sfepy.discrete import PolySpace
from six.moves import range
def prepare_remap(indices, n_full):
Prepare vector for remapping range `[0, n_full]` to its subset given
by `indices`.
remap = nm.empty((n_full,), dtype=nm.int32)
remap[indices] = nm.arange(indices.shape[0], dtype=nm.int32)
return remap
def invert_remap(remap):
Return the inverse of `remap`, i.e. a mapping from a sub-range
indices to a full range, see :func:`prepare_remap()`.
if remap is not None:
inverse = nm.where(remap >= 0)[0].astype(nm.int32)
inverse = None
return inverse
def prepare_translate(old_indices, new_indices):
Prepare vector for translating `old_indices` to `new_indices`.
translate : array
The translation vector. Then `new_ar = translate[old_ar]`.
old_indices = nm.asarray(old_indices)
new_indices = nm.asarray(new_indices)
translate = nm.zeros(old_indices.max() + 1, dtype=new_indices.dtype)
translate[old_indices] = new_indices
return translate
def compute_nodal_normals(nodes, region, field, return_imap=False):
Nodal normals are computed by simple averaging of element normals of
elements every node is contained in.
dim = region.dim
# Custom integral with quadrature points in nodes.
ps = PolySpace.any_from_args('', field.gel.surface_facet,
qp_coors = ps.node_coors
# Unit normals -> weights = ones.
qp_weights = nm.ones(qp_coors.shape[0], dtype=nm.float64)
integral = Integral('aux', coors=qp_coors, weights=qp_weights)
normals = nm.zeros((nodes.shape[0], dim), dtype=nm.float64)
mask = nm.zeros((nodes.max() + 1,), dtype=nm.int32)
imap = nm.empty_like(mask)
imap.fill(nodes.shape[0]) # out-of-range index for normals.
imap[nodes] = nm.arange(nodes.shape[0], dtype=nm.int32)
cmap, _ = field.get_mapping(region, integral, 'surface')
e_normals = cmap.normal[..., 0]
sd = field.extra_data[f'sd_{}']
econn = sd.get_connectivity()
mask[econn] += 1
# normals[imap[econn]] += e_normals
im = imap[econn]
for ii, en in enumerate(e_normals):
normals[im[ii]] += en
# All nodes must have a normal.
if not nm.all(mask[nodes] > 0):
raise ValueError('region %s has not complete faces!' %
norm = la.norm_l2_along_axis(normals)[:, nm.newaxis]
if (norm < 1e-15).any():
raise ValueError('zero nodal normal! (a node in volume?)')
normals /= norm
if return_imap:
return normals, imap
return normals
def _get_edge_path(graph, seed, mask, cycle=False):
Get a path in an edge graph starting with seed. The mask is incremented by
one at positions of the path vertices.
if mask[seed]:
return []
path = [seed]
mask[seed] = 1
row = graph[seed].indices
nv = len(row)
while nv:
if nv == 2:
if mask[row[0]]:
if mask[row[1]]:
if cycle:
vert = row[1]
vert = row[0]
elif mask[row[0]]:
vert = row[0]
mask[vert] = 1
row = graph[vert].indices
nv = len(row)
path = nm.array(path, dtype=nm.int32)
return path
def get_edge_paths(graph, mask):
Get all edge paths in a graph with non-masked vertices. The mask is
nodes = nm.unique(graph.indices)
npv = nm.diff(graph.indptr)
if npv.max() > 2:
raise ValueError('more than 2 edges sharing a vertex!')
seeds = nm.where(npv == 1)[0]
# 1. get paths.
paths = []
for seed in seeds:
path = _get_edge_path(graph, seed, mask)
if len(path):
# 2. get possible remaing cycles.
while 1:
ii = nm.where(mask[nodes] == 0)[0]
if not len(ii):
path = _get_edge_path(graph, nodes[ii[0]], mask, cycle=True)
if len(path):
return paths
def compute_nodal_edge_dirs(nodes, region, field, return_imap=False):
Nodal edge directions are computed by simple averaging of direction vectors
of edges a node is contained in. Edges are assumed to be straight and a
node must be on a single edge (a border node) or shared by exactly two
coors = region.domain.mesh.coors
dim = coors.shape[1]
graph = region.get_edge_graph()
imap = prepare_remap(nodes, nodes.max() + 1)
mask = nm.zeros_like(imap)
paths = get_edge_paths(graph, mask)
except ValueError:
raise ValueError('more than 2 edges sharing a vertex in region %s!'
# All nodes must have an edge direction.
if not nm.all(mask[nodes]):
raise ValueError('region %s has not complete edges!' %
edge_dirs = nm.zeros((nodes.shape[0], dim), dtype=nm.float64)
for path in paths:
pcoors = coors[path]
edirs = nm.diff(pcoors, axis=0)
la.normalize_vectors(edirs, eps=1e-12)
im = imap[nm.c_[path[:-1], path[1:]]]
for ii, edir in enumerate(edirs):
edge_dirs[im[ii]] += edir
la.normalize_vectors(edge_dirs, eps=1e-12)
if return_imap:
return edge_dirs, imap
return edge_dirs
def get_min_value(dofs):
Get a reasonable minimal value of DOFs suitable for extending over a
whole domain.
if dofs.shape[1] > 1: # Vector.
val = 0.0
else: # Scalar.
val = dofs.min()
return val
def extend_cell_data(data, domain, rname, val=None, is_surface=False,
Extend cell data defined in a region to the whole domain.
data : array
The data defined in the region.
domain : FEDomain instance
The FE domain.
rname : str
The region name.
val : float, optional
The value for filling cells not covered by the region. If not given,
the smallest value in data is used.
is_surface : bool
If True, the data are defined on a surface region. In that case the
values are averaged or summed into the cells containing the region
surface faces (a cell can have several faces of the surface), see
average_surface : bool
If True, the data defined on a surface region are averaged, otherwise
the data are summed.
edata : array
The data extended to all domain elements.
n_el = domain.shape.n_el
if data.shape[0] == n_el: return data
if val is None:
if data.shape[2] > 1: # Vector.
val = nm.amin(nm.abs(data))
else: # Scalar.
val = nm.amin(data)
edata = nm.empty((n_el,) + data.shape[1:], dtype=data.dtype)
region = domain.regions[rname]
if not is_surface:
edata[region.get_cells()] = data
cells = region.get_cells(true_cells_only=False)
ucells = nm.unique(cells)
if len(cells) != len(region.facets):
raise ValueError('region %s has an inner face!'
if average_surface:
avg = nm.bincount(cells, minlength=n_el)[ucells]
avg = 1.0
for ic in range(data.shape[2]):
if nm.isrealobj(data):
evals = nm.bincount(cells, weights=data[:, 0, ic, 0],
evals = (nm.bincount(cells, weights=data[:, 0, ic, 0].real,
+ 1j *
nm.bincount(cells, weights=data[:, 0, ic, 0].imag,
edata[ucells, 0, ic, 0] = evals / avg
return edata
def refine_mesh(filename, level):
Uniformly refine `level`-times a mesh given by `filename`.
The refined mesh is saved to a file with name constructed from base
name of `filename` and `level`-times appended `'_r'` suffix.
filename : str
The mesh file name.
level : int
The refinement level.
import os
from sfepy.base.base import output
from sfepy.discrete.fem import Mesh, FEDomain
if level > 0:
mesh = Mesh.from_file(filename)
domain = FEDomain(, mesh)
for ii in range(level):
output('refine %d...' % ii)
domain = domain.refine()
output('... %d nodes %d elements'
% (domain.shape.n_nod, domain.shape.n_el))
suffix = os.path.splitext(filename)[1]
filename = + suffix
domain.mesh.write(filename, io='auto')
return filename