from __future__ import absolute_import
import numpy as nm
import scipy.sparse as sp
from sfepy.base.base import Struct, invert_dict, get_default, output,\
assert_, is_sequence
from sfepy.base.timing import Timer
from .meshio import MeshIO
from scipy.spatial import cKDTree
eps = 1e-9
def set_accuracy(eps):
globals()['eps'] = eps
def find_map(x1, x2, allow_double=False, join=True):
Find a mapping between common coordinates in x1 and x2, such that
x1[cmap[:,0]] == x2[cmap[:,1]]
kdtree = cKDTree(nm.vstack([x1, x2]))
cmap = kdtree.query_pairs(eps, output_type='ndarray')
dns1 = nm.where(cmap[:, 1] < x1.shape[0])[0]
dns2 = nm.where(cmap[:, 0] >= x1.shape[0])[0]
if (dns1.size + dns2.size):
output('double node(s) in:')
for dn in dns1:
idxs = cmap[dn, :]
output('x1: %d %d -> %s %s' % (idxs[0], idxs[1],
x1[idxs[0], :], x1[idxs[1], :]))
for dn in dns2:
idxs = cmap[dn, :]
output('x2: %d %d -> %s %s' % (idxs[0], idxs[1],
x2[idxs[0], :], x2[idxs[1], :]))
if not allow_double:
raise ValueError('double node(s)! (see above)')
cmap[:, 1] -= x1.shape[0]
return cmap if join else (cmap[:, 0], cmap[:, 1])
def merge_mesh(x1, ngroups1, conn1, mat_ids1, x2, ngroups2, conn2, mat_ids2,
Merge two meshes in common coordinates found in x1, x2.
Assumes the same number and kind of element groups in both meshes!
n1 = x1.shape[0]
n2 = x2.shape[0]
err = nm.sum(nm.sum(nm.abs(x1[cmap[:,0],:-1] - x2[cmap[:,1],:-1])))
if abs(err) > (10.0 * eps):
raise ValueError('nonmatching meshes! (error: %e)' % err)
mask = nm.ones((n2,), dtype=nm.int32)
mask[cmap[:,1]] = 0
remap = nm.cumsum(mask) + n1 - 1
remap[cmap[:,1]] = cmap[:,0]
i2 = nm.setdiff1d(nm.arange( n2, dtype=nm.int32), cmap[:,1])
xx = nm.r_[x1, x2[i2]]
ngroups = nm.r_[ngroups1, ngroups2[i2]]
conn = nm.vstack((conn1, remap[conn2]))
mat_ids = None
if (mat_ids1 is not None) and (mat_ids2 is not None):
mat_ids = nm.concatenate((mat_ids1, mat_ids2))
return xx, ngroups, conn, mat_ids
def fix_double_nodes(coor, ngroups, conns):
Detect and attempt fixing double nodes in a mesh.
The double nodes are nodes having the same coordinates
w.r.t. precision given by `eps`.
n_nod, dim = coor.shape
cmap = find_map(coor, nm.zeros((0,dim)), allow_double=True)
if cmap.size:
output('double nodes in input mesh!')
output('trying to fix...')
while cmap.size:
# Just like in Variable.equation_mapping()...
ii = nm.argsort(cmap[:,1])
scmap = cmap[ii]
eq = nm.arange(n_nod)
eq[scmap[:,1]] = -1
eqi = eq[eq >= 0]
eq[eqi] = nm.arange(eqi.shape[0])
remap = eq.copy()
remap[scmap[:,1]] = eq[scmap[:,0]]
coor = coor[eqi]
ngroups = ngroups[eqi]
ccs = []
for conn in conns:
conns = ccs
cmap = find_map(coor, nm.zeros((0,dim)), allow_double=True)
return coor, ngroups, conns
def get_min_vertex_distance(coor, guess):
"""Can miss the minimum, but is enough for our purposes."""
# Sort by x.
ix = nm.argsort(coor[:,0])
scoor = coor[ix]
mvd = 1e16
# Get mvd in chunks potentially smaller than guess.
n_coor = coor.shape[0]
i0 = i1 = 0
x0 = scoor[i0,0]
while 1:
while ((scoor[i1,0] - x0) < guess) and (i1 < (n_coor - 1)):
i1 += 1
## print i0, i1, x0, scoor[i1,0]
aim, aa1, aa2, aux = get_min_vertex_distance_naive(scoor[i0:i1+1])
if aux < mvd:
im, a1, a2 = aim, aa1 + i0, aa2 + i0
mvd = min(mvd, aux)
i0 = i1 = int(0.5 * (i1 + i0)) + 1
## i0 += 1
x0 = scoor[i0,0]
## print '-', i0
if i1 == n_coor - 1: break
## print im, ix[a1], ix[a2], a1, a2, scoor[a1], scoor[a2]
return mvd
def get_min_vertex_distance_naive(coor):
ii = nm.arange(coor.shape[0])
i1, i2 = nm.meshgrid(ii, ii)
i1 = i1.flatten()
i2 = i2.flatten()
ii = nm.where(i1 < i2)
aux = coor[i1[ii]] - coor[i2[ii]]
aux = nm.sum(aux**2.0, axis=1)
im = aux.argmin()
return im, i1[ii][im], i2[ii][im], nm.sqrt(aux[im])
def make_mesh(coor, ngroups, conns, mesh_in):
"""Create a mesh reusing mat_ids and descs of mesh_in."""
mat_ids = []
for ii, conn in enumerate(conns):
mat_id = nm.empty((conn.shape[0],), dtype=nm.int32)
mesh_out = Mesh.from_data('merged mesh', coor, ngroups, conns,
mat_ids, mesh_in.descs)
return mesh_out
class Mesh(Struct):
The Mesh class is a light proxy to CMesh.
Input and output is handled by the MeshIO class and subclasses.
def from_file(filename=None, io='auto', prefix_dir=None,
omit_facets=False, file_format=None):
Read a mesh from a file.
filename : string or function or MeshIO instance or Mesh instance
The name of file to read the mesh from. For convenience, a
mesh creation function or a MeshIO instance or directly a Mesh
instance can be passed in place of the file name.
io : *MeshIO instance
Passing *MeshIO instance has precedence over filename.
prefix_dir : str
If not None, the filename is relative to that directory.
omit_facets : bool
If True, do not read cells of lower dimension than the space
dimension (faces and/or edges). Only some MeshIO subclasses
support this!
if isinstance(filename, Mesh):
return filename
if io == 'auto':
if filename is None:
output('filename or io must be specified!')
raise ValueError
io = MeshIO.any_from_filename(filename, prefix_dir=prefix_dir,
output('reading mesh (%s)...' % io.filename)
timer = Timer(start=True)
trunk = io.get_filename_trunk()
mesh = Mesh(trunk)
mesh =, omit_facets=omit_facets)
output('...done in %.2f s' % timer.stop())
return mesh
def from_region(region, mesh_in, localize=False, is_surface=False,
Create a mesh corresponding to cells, or lower dimensional entities
according tdim parameter, of a given region. If `is_surface` is True,
then tdim = dim - 1.
cmesh_in = region.cmesh
if is_surface:
tdim = region.tdim - 1
if tdim is None:
if not region.shape.n_cell:
raise ValueError('region %s has no cells!' %
cmesh = cmesh_in.create_new(region.cells, region.tdim,
entity = region.entities[tdim]
if len(region.entities[tdim]) < 1:
raise ValueError(f'region {} has no entities'
f' of dimension {tdim}!')
cmesh = cmesh_in.create_new(entity, tdim, localize=localize)
mesh = Mesh( + "_reg", cmesh=cmesh)
if localize:
remap = nm.empty(cmesh_in.n_coor, dtype=nm.int32)
remap[:] = -1
remap[region.vertices] = nm.arange(region.vertices.shape[0])
mesh.nodal_bcs = {}
for key, val in mesh_in.nodal_bcs.items():
new_val = remap[val]
mesh.nodal_bcs[key] = new_val[new_val >= 0]
mesh.nodal_bcs = mesh_in.nodal_bcs.copy()
return mesh
def from_data(name, coors, ngroups, conns, mat_ids, descs,
Create a mesh from mesh IO data.
mesh = Mesh(name)
return mesh
def __init__(self, name='mesh', cmesh=None):
Create a Mesh.
By default, the mesh is empty, see the `cmesh` argument.
name : str
Object name.
cmesh : CMesh, optional
If given, use this as the cmesh.
Struct.__init__(self, name=name, nodal_bcs={}, io=None)
if cmesh is not None:
self.cmesh_tdim = [None] * 4
self.cmesh = self.cmesh_tdim[cmesh.tdim] = cmesh
self._coors = self.cmesh.coors
def copy(self, name=None):
Make a deep copy of the mesh.
name : str
Name of the copied mesh.
if name is None:
name =
cmesh = self.cmesh.create_new()
return Mesh(name=name, cmesh=cmesh)
def __add__(self, other):
Merge the two meshes, assuming they have the same kind of the single
element group.
cmap = find_map(self.coors, other.coors)
desc = self.descs[0]
aux = merge_mesh(self.coors, self.cmesh.vertex_groups,
self.get_conn(desc), self.cmesh.cell_groups,
other.coors, other.cmesh.vertex_groups,
other.get_conn(desc), other.cmesh.cell_groups,
coors, ngroups, conn, mat_ids = aux
mesh = Mesh.from_data( + ' + ' +,
coors, ngroups, [conn], [mat_ids], [desc])
return mesh
def _collect_descs(self):
cmesh = self.cmesh
i2k = invert_dict(cmesh.key_to_index)
cts = nm.unique(cmesh.cell_types)
self.descs = [i2k[ct] for ct in cts]
def _set_shape_info(self):
self.n_nod, self.dim = self.coors.shape
self.n_el = nm.sum([cm.n_el for cm in self.cmesh_tdim if cm])
self.dims = [int(ii[0]) for ii in self.descs]
def _set_io_data(self, coors, ngroups, conns, mat_ids, descs,
Set mesh data.
coors : array
Coordinates of mesh nodes.
ngroups : array
Node groups.
conns : list of arrays
The array of mesh elements (connectivities) for each element group.
mat_ids : list of arrays
The array of material ids for each element group.
descs: list of strings
The element type for each element group.
nodal_bcs : dict of arrays, optional
The nodes defining regions for boundary conditions referred
to by the dict keys in problem description files.
ac = nm.ascontiguousarray
coors = ac(coors, dtype=nm.float64)
if ngroups is None:
ngroups = nm.zeros((coors.shape[0],), dtype=nm.int32)
self.descs = descs
self.nodal_bcs = get_default(nodal_bcs, {})
max_tdim = nm.max([int(k[0]) for k in descs])
self.cmesh_tdim = [None] * 4
copy_coors = True
from sfepy.discrete.common.extmods.cmesh import CMesh
for idim in range(1, max_tdim + 1):
conns_, mat_ids_, descs_ = [], [], []
for k, dsc in enumerate(descs):
if int(dsc[0]) == idim:
conns_.append(ac(conns[k], dtype=nm.int32))
if len(conns_) > 0:
mat_ids_ = ac(nm.concatenate(mat_ids_))
self.cmesh_tdim[idim] = CMesh.from_data(coors, ac(ngroups),
conns_, mat_ids_,
if copy_coors:
copy_coors = False
coors = self.cmesh_tdim[idim].coors
self.cmesh = self.cmesh_tdim[max_tdim]
self._coors = self.cmesh.coors
def get_cmesh(self, desc):
return self.cmesh_tdim[self.dims[self.descs.index(desc)]]
def _get_io_data(self, cell_dim_only=None):
Return data to be used by `MeshIO`.
conns, mat_ids = [], []
if cell_dim_only is not None:
if not is_sequence(cell_dim_only):
cell_dim_only = [cell_dim_only]
descs = [ii for ii in self.descs if int(ii[0]) in cell_dim_only]
descs = self.descs
for desc in descs:
cmesh = self.get_cmesh(desc)
conn, cells = self.get_conn(desc, ret_cells=True, tdim=cmesh.tdim)
return cmesh.coors, cmesh.vertex_groups, conns, mat_ids, descs
def coors(self):
return self._coors
def write(self, filename=None, io=None, out=None, float_format=None,
file_format=None, **kwargs):
Write mesh + optional results in `out` to a file.
filename : str, optional
The file name. If None, the mesh name is used instead.
io : MeshIO instance or 'auto', optional
Passing 'auto' respects the extension of `filename`.
out : dict, optional
The output data attached to the mesh vertices and/or cells.
float_format : str, optional
The format string used to print floats in case of a text file
**kwargs : dict, optional
Additional arguments that can be passed to the `MeshIO` instance.
if filename is None:
filename = + '.mesh'
if io is None:
io =
if io is None:
io = 'auto'
if io == 'auto':
io = MeshIO.any_from_filename(filename, file_format=file_format,
io.write(filename, self, out, **kwargs)
def get_bounding_box(self):
return nm.vstack((nm.amin(self.coors, 0), nm.amax(self.coors, 0)))
def get_conn(self, desc, ret_cells=False, tdim=None):
Get the rectangular cell-vertex connectivity corresponding to `desc`.
If `ret_cells` is True, the corresponding cells are returned as well.
if desc not in self.descs:
raise ValueError("'%s' not in %s!" % (desc, self.descs))
cmesh = self.cmesh if tdim is None else self.cmesh_tdim[tdim]
cells = nm.where(cmesh.cell_types == cmesh.key_to_index[desc])
cells = cells[0].astype(nm.uint32)
cdim = int(desc[0])
conn = cmesh.get_incident(0, cells, cdim)
conn = conn.reshape((cells.shape[0], -1)).astype(nm.int32)
if ret_cells:
return conn, cells
return conn
def create_conn_graph(self, verbose=True):
Create a graph of mesh connectivity.
graph : csr_matrix
The mesh connectivity graph as a SciPy CSR matrix.
from sfepy.discrete.common.extmods.cmesh import create_mesh_graph
shape = (self.n_nod, self.n_nod)
output('graph shape:', shape, verbose=verbose)
if == 0:
output('no graph (zero size)!', verbose=verbose)
return None
output('assembling mesh graph...', verbose=verbose)
timer = Timer(start=True)
conn = [self.get_conn(self.descs[0], tdim=k) for k in self.dims]
nnz, prow, icol = create_mesh_graph(shape[0], shape[1],
1, conn, conn)
output('...done in %.2f s' % timer.stop(), verbose=verbose)
output('graph nonzeros: %d (%.2e%% fill)' \
% (nnz, 100.0 * float(nnz) /, verbose=verbose)
data = nm.ones((nnz,), dtype=bool)
graph = sp.csr_matrix((data, icol, prow), shape)
return graph