Source code for sfepy.discrete.fem.linearizer

Linearization of higher order solutions for the purposes of visualization.
from __future__ import absolute_import
import numpy as nm

from sfepy.linalg import dot_sequences
from sfepy.discrete.fem.refine import refine_reference
from six.moves import range

[docs] def get_eval_dofs(dofs, dof_conn, ps, ori=None): """ Get default function for evaluating field DOFs given a list of elements and reference element coordinates. """ def _eval(iels, rx): edofs = dofs[dof_conn[iels]] if ori is not None: eori = ori[iels] else: eori = None bf = ps.eval_basis(rx, ori=eori, force_axis=True)[...,0,:] rvals = dot_sequences(bf, edofs) return rvals return _eval
[docs] def get_eval_coors(coors, conn, ps): """ Get default function for evaluating physical coordinates given a list of elements and reference element coordinates. """ def _eval(iels, rx): ecoors = coors[conn[iels]] aux = ecoors.transpose((0, 2, 1)) bf = ps.eval_basis(rx).squeeze() phys_coors =, bf.T).transpose((0, 2, 1)) return phys_coors return _eval
[docs] def create_output(eval_dofs, eval_coors, n_el, ps, min_level=0, max_level=2, eps=1e-4): """ Create mesh with linear elements that approximates DOFs returned by `eval_dofs()` corresponding to a higher order approximation with a relative precision given by `eps`. The DOFs are evaluated in physical coordinates returned by `eval_coors()`. """ def _get_msd(iels, rx, ree): rvals = eval_dofs(iels, rx) rng = rvals.max() - rvals.min() n_components = rvals.shape[-1] msd = 0.0 for ic in range(n_components): rval = rvals[..., ic] sd = rval[:, ree] # ~ max. second derivative. msd += nm.abs(sd[..., 0] + sd[..., 2] - 2.0 * sd[..., 1]).max(axis=-1) msd /= n_components return msd, rng rx0 = ps.geometry.coors rc0 = ps.geometry.conn[None, :] rx, rc, ree = refine_reference(ps.geometry, 1) factor = rc.shape[0] / rc0.shape[0] iels = nm.arange(n_el) msd, rng = _get_msd(iels, rx, ree) eps_r = rng * eps flag = msd > eps_r iels0 = flag0 = None coors = [] conns = [] vdofs = [] inod = 0 for level in range(max_level + 1): if level < min_level: flag.fill(True) # Force refinement everywhere. elif level == max_level: # Last level - take everything. flag.fill(False) # Deal with finished elements. if flag0 is not None: ii = nm.searchsorted(iels0, iels) expand_flag0 = flag0[ii].repeat(factor, axis=1) else: expand_flag0 = nm.ones_like(flag) ie, ir = nm.where((flag == False) & (expand_flag0 == True)) if len(ie): uie, iies = nm.unique(ie, return_inverse=True) # Each (sub-)element has own coordinates - no shared vertices. xes = eval_coors(iels[uie], rx0) des = eval_dofs(iels[uie], rx0) # Vectorize (how??) or use cython? cc = [] vd = [] for ii, iie in enumerate(iies): ce = rc0[ir[ii]] xe = xes[iie] cc.append(xe[ce]) de = des[iie] vd.append(de[ce]) cc = nm.vstack(cc) vd = nm.vstack(vd) nc = cc.shape[0] np = rc0.shape[1] conn = nm.arange(nc, dtype=nm.int32).reshape((nc // np, np)) coors.append(cc) conns.append(conn + inod) vdofs.append(vd) inod += nc if not flag.any(): break iels0 = iels flag0 = flag # Deal with elements to refine. if level < max_level: eflag = flag.sum(axis=1, dtype=bool) iels = iels[eflag] rc0 = rc rx0 = rx rx, rc, ree = refine_reference(ps.geometry, level + 2) msd, rng = _get_msd(iels, rx, ree) eps_r = rng * eps flag = msd > eps_r all_coors = nm.concatenate(coors, axis=0) conn = nm.concatenate(conns, axis=0) all_vdofs = nm.concatenate(vdofs, axis=0) mat_ids = nm.zeros(conn.shape[0], dtype=nm.int32) return level, all_coors, conn, all_vdofs, mat_ids