from __future__ import absolute_import
import numpy as nm
from sfepy.base.base import output, iter_dict_of_lists, Struct, basestr,\
from sfepy.base.timing import Timer
import six
from sfepy.mechanics.tensors import get_cauchy_strain
def parse_approx_order(approx_order):
Parse the uniform approximation order value (str or int).
ao_msg = 'unsupported approximation order! (%s)'
force_bubble = False
discontinuous = False
if approx_order is None:
return 'iga', force_bubble, discontinuous
elif isinstance(approx_order, basestr):
if approx_order.startswith('iga'):
return approx_order, force_bubble, discontinuous
ao = int(approx_order)
except ValueError:
mode = approx_order[-1].lower()
if mode == 'b':
ao = int(approx_order[:-1])
force_bubble = True
elif mode == 'd':
ao = int(approx_order[:-1])
discontinuous = True
raise ValueError(ao_msg % approx_order)
if ao < 0:
raise ValueError(ao_msg % approx_order)
elif ao == 0:
discontinuous = True
return ao, force_bubble, discontinuous
def parse_shape(shape, dim):
if isinstance(shape, basestr):
shape = {'scalar' : (1,),
'vector' : (dim,)}[shape]
except KeyError:
raise ValueError('unsupported field shape! (%s)', shape)
elif isinstance(shape, six.integer_types):
shape = (int(shape),)
return shape
def fields_from_conf(conf, regions):
fields = {}
for key, val in six.iteritems(conf):
field = Field.from_conf(val, regions)
fields[] = field
return fields
class Field(Struct):
Base class for fields.
_all = None
def from_args(name, dtype, shape, region, approx_order=1,
space='H1', poly_space_basis='lagrange'):
Create a Field subclass instance corresponding to a given space.
name : str
The field name.
dtype : numpy.dtype
The field data type: float64 or complex128.
shape : int/tuple/str
The field shape: 1 or (1,) or 'scalar', space dimension (2, or (2,)
or 3 or (3,)) or 'vector', or a tuple. The field shape determines
the shape of the FE base functions and is related to the number of
components of variables and to the DOF per node count, depending
on the field kind.
region : Region
The region where the field is defined.
approx_order : int/str
The FE approximation order, e.g. 0, 1, 2, '1B' (1 with bubble).
space : str
The function space name.
poly_space_basis : str
The name of polynomial space base.
Assumes one cell type for the whole region!
conf = Struct(name=name, dtype=dtype, shape=shape,,
approx_order=approx_order, space=space,
return Field.from_conf(conf, { : region})
def from_conf(conf, regions):
Create a Field subclass instance based on the configuration.
if Field._all is None:
from sfepy import get_paths
from sfepy.base.base import load_classes
field_files = [ii for ii
in get_paths('sfepy/discrete/fem/fields*.py')
if '' not in ii]
field_files += get_paths('sfepy/discrete/iga/fields*.py')
field_files += get_paths('sfepy/discrete/structural/fields*.py')
field_files += get_paths('sfepy/discrete/dg/')
Field._all = load_classes(field_files, [Field], ignore_errors=True,
table = Field._all
space = conf.get('space', 'H1')
if 'poly_space_base' in conf.to_dict(): # For backward compatibility.
poly_space_basis = conf.get('poly_space_base')
poly_space_basis = conf.get('poly_space_basis', 'lagrange')
key = space + '_' + poly_space_basis
approx_order = parse_approx_order(conf.approx_order)
ao, force_bubble, discontinuous = approx_order
if poly_space_basis == 'constant':
discontinuous = False
region = regions[conf.region]
if region.kind == 'cell':
# Volume fields.
kind = 'volume'
if discontinuous:
cls = table[kind + '_' + key + '_discontinuous']
cls = table[kind + '_' + key]
obj = cls(, conf.dtype, conf.shape, region,
# Surface fields.
kind = 'surface'
cls = table[kind + '_' + key]
obj = cls(, conf.dtype, conf.shape, region,
return obj
def _setup_kind(self):
name = self.get('family_name', None,
'An abstract Field method called!')
aux = name.split('_') = aux[1]
self.poly_space_basis = aux[2]
def clear_mappings(self, clear_all=False):
Clear current reference mappings.
self.mappings = {}
if clear_all:
if hasattr(self, 'mappings0'):
self.mappings0 = {}
def save_mappings(self):
Save current reference mappings to `mappings0` attribute.
import sfepy.base.multiproc as multi
if multi.is_remote_dict(self.mappings0):
for k, v in six.iteritems(self.mappings):
m, _ = self.mappings[k]
nv = (, m.bfg, m.det, m.volume, m.normal)
self.mappings0[k] = nv
self.mappings0 = self.mappings.copy()
def get_mapping(self, region, integral, integration,
get_saved=False, return_key=False):
For given region, integral and integration type, get a reference
mapping, i.e. jacobians, element volumes and base function
derivatives for Volume-type geometries, and jacobians, normals
and base function derivatives for Surface-type geometries
corresponding to the field approximation.
The mappings are cached in the field instance in `mappings`
attribute. The mappings can be saved to `mappings0` using
`Field.save_mappings`. The saved mapping can be retrieved by
passing `get_saved=True`. If the required (saved) mapping
is not in cache, a new one is created.
geo : PyCMapping instance
The reference mapping.
mapping : FEMapping or IGMapping instance
The mapping.
key : tuple
The key of the mapping in `mappings` or `mappings0`.
import sfepy.base.multiproc as multi
key = (, integral.order, integration)
if get_saved:
out = self.mappings0.get(key, None)
if multi.is_remote_dict(self.mappings0) and out is not None:
m, i = self.create_mapping(region, integral, integration)[:], m.bfg[:], m.det[:], m.volume[:] = out[0:4]
if m.normal is not None:
m.normal[:] = m[4]
out = m, i
out = self.mappings.get(key, None)
if out is None:
out = self.create_mapping(region, integral, integration)
self.mappings[key] = out
if return_key:
out = out + (key,)
return out
def set_dofs(self, fun=0.0, region=None, dpn=None, warn=None):
Set the values of DOFs in a given `region` using a function of space
coordinates or value `fun`.
If `fun` is a function, the l2 projection that is global for all region
facets is used to set the DOFs.
If `dpn > 1`, and `fun` is a function, it has to return the values
point-by-point, i.e. all components in the first point, in the second
point etc., concatenated to an array that is reshapable to the shape
`(n_point, dpn)`.
fun : float or array of length dpn or callable
The DOF values.
region : Region
The region containing the DOFs.
dpn : int, optional
The DOF-per-node count. If not given, the number of field
components is used.
warn : str, optional
The warning message printed when the region selects no DOFs.
nods : array, shape (n_dof,)
The field DOFs (or node indices) given by the region.
vals : array, shape (n_dof, dpn)
The values of the DOFs, node-by-node when raveled in C (row-major)
The nodal basis fields (lagrange) reimplement this function to set DOFs
The hierarchical basis field (lobatto) do not support surface mappings,
so also reimplement this function.
if region is None:
region = self.region
if dpn is None:
dpn = self.n_components
aux = self.get_dofs_in_region(region)
nods = nm.unique(aux)
if nm.isscalar(fun):
vals = nm.repeat([fun], nods.shape[0] * dpn)
elif isinstance(fun, nm.ndarray):
assert_(len(fun) == dpn)
except (TypeError, ValueError):
msg = ('wrong array value shape for setting'
' DOFs of "%s" field!'
' (shape %s should be %s)'
% (, fun.shape, (dpn,)))
raise ValueError(msg)
vals = nm.repeat(fun, nods.shape[0])
elif callable(fun):
from sfepy.discrete.projections import project_to_facets
vals = project_to_facets(region, fun, dpn, self)
raise ValueError('unknown function/value type! (%s)' % type(fun))
vals.shape = (len(nods), -1)
return nods, vals
def create_eval_mesh(self):
Create a mesh for evaluating the field. The default implementation
returns None, because this mesh is for most fields the same as the one
created by `Field.create_mesh()`.
def evaluate_at(self, coors, source_vals, mode='val', strategy='general',
close_limit=0.1, get_cells_fun=None, cache=None,
ret_cells=False, ret_status=False, ret_ref_coors=False,
Evaluate source DOF values corresponding to the field in the given
coordinates using the field interpolation.
coors : array, shape ``(n_coor, dim)``
The coordinates the source values should be interpolated into.
source_vals : array, shape ``(n_nod, n_components)``
The source DOF values corresponding to the field.
mode : {'val', 'grad', 'div', 'cauchy_strain'}, optional
The evaluation mode: the field value (default), the field value
gradient, divergence, or cauchy strain.
strategy : {'general', 'convex'}, optional
The strategy for finding the elements that contain the
coordinates. For convex meshes, the 'convex' strategy might be
faster than the 'general' one.
close_limit : float, optional
The maximum limit distance of a point from the closest
element allowed for extrapolation.
get_cells_fun : callable, optional
If given, a function with signature ``get_cells_fun(coors, cmesh,
**kwargs)`` returning cells and offsets that potentially contain
points with the coordinates `coors`. Applicable only when
`strategy` is 'general'. When not given,
<sfepy.discrete.common.global_interp.get_potential_cells>` is used.
cache : Struct, optional
To speed up a sequence of evaluations, the field mesh and other
data can be cached. Optionally, the cache can also contain the
reference element coordinates as `cache.ref_coors`, `cache.cells`
and `cache.status`, if the evaluation occurs in the same
coordinates repeatedly. In that case the mesh related data are
ignored. See :func:`Field.get_evaluate_cache()
ret_ref_coors : bool, optional
If True, return also the found reference element coordinates.
ret_status : bool, optional
If True, return also the enclosing cell status for each point.
ret_cells : bool, optional
If True, return also the cell indices the coordinates are in.
verbose : bool
If False, reduce verbosity.
vals : array
The interpolated values with shape ``(n_coor, n_components, 1)`` or
gradients with shape ``(n_coor, n_components, dim)`` according to
the `mode`. If `ret_status` is False, the values where the status
is greater than one are set to ``numpy.nan``.
ref_coors : array
The found reference element coordinates, if `ret_ref_coors` is True.
cells : array
The cell indices, if `ret_ref_coors` or `ret_cells` or `ret_status`
are True.
status : array
The status, if `ret_ref_coors` or `ret_status` are True, with the
following meaning: 0 is success, 1 is extrapolation within
`close_limit`, 2 is extrapolation outside `close_limit`, 3 is
failure, 4 is failure due to non-convergence of the Newton
iteration in tensor product cells. If close_limit is 0, then for
the 'general' strategy the status 5 indicates points outside of the
field domain that had no potential cells.
from sfepy.discrete.common.global_interp import get_ref_coors
from sfepy.discrete.common.extmods.crefcoors import evaluate_in_rc
from sfepy.base.base import complex_types
output('evaluating in %d points...' % coors.shape[0], verbose=verbose)
ref_coors, cells, status = get_ref_coors(self, coors,
timer = Timer(start=True)
n_comp, nc, dim = source_vals.shape[1], coors.shape[0], coors.shape[1]
# Interpolate to the reference coordinates.
source_dtype = nm.float64 if source_vals.dtype in complex_types\
else source_vals.dtype
if mode == 'val':
vals = nm.empty((nc, n_comp, 1), dtype=source_dtype)
cmode = 0
elif mode in ['grad', 'div', 'cauchy_strain']:
vals = nm.empty((nc, n_comp, dim), dtype=source_dtype)
cmode = 1
ctx = self.create_basis_context()
econn = self.get_econn(('cell', self.region.tdim), self.region)
if source_vals.dtype in complex_types:
valsi = vals.copy()
evaluate_in_rc(vals, ref_coors, cells, status,
econn, cmode, ctx)
evaluate_in_rc(valsi, ref_coors, cells, status,
econn, cmode, ctx)
vals = vals + valsi * 1j
evaluate_in_rc(vals, ref_coors, cells, status, source_vals,
econn, cmode, ctx)
output('interpolation: %f s' % timer.stop(),verbose=verbose)
if mode == 'div':
assert_(n_comp == dim)
vals = nm.trace(vals, axis1=1, axis2=2).reshape(nc, 1, 1)
elif mode == 'cauchy_strain':
assert_(n_comp == dim)
vals = get_cauchy_strain(vals)
if not ret_status:
ii = nm.where(status > 1)[0]
vals[ii] = nm.nan
if ret_ref_coors:
return vals, ref_coors, cells, status
elif ret_status:
return vals, cells, status
elif ret_cells:
return vals, cells
return vals