import os.path as op
import inspect
import numpy as nm
import numpy.linalg as nla
from sfepy.base.base import Struct, assert_, IndexedStruct
def report(*argc):
"""All tests should print via this function."""
format = '...' + ' %s' * len(argc)
msg = format % argc
def eval_coor_expression(expression, coor):
x = coor[:, 0]
y = coor[:, 1]
if coor.shape[1] == 3:
z = coor[:, 2]
z = None
env = {'x' : x, 'y' : y, 'z' : z}
out = eval(expression, nm.__dict__, env)
if isinstance(out, float):
aux = nm.empty(coor.shape[0], dtype=nm.float64)
out = aux
return out
def compare_vectors(vec1, vec2, allowed_error=1e-8,
label1='vec1', label2='vec2', norm=None):
diff_norm = nla.norm(vec1 - vec2, ord=norm)
report('||%s - %s||: %e' % (label1, label2, diff_norm))
if diff_norm > allowed_error:
return False
return True
def assert_equal(a, b, msg='assertion of equality failed!'):
import scipy.sparse
assert_base_types = (int, float, str, bytes, complex,
None.__class__, type, nm.number)
if a is b: return
def assert_dict(a, b):
assert_(set(a.keys()) == set(b.keys()), msg)
for i in a:
assert_equal(a[i], b[i], msg)
def assert_list(a, b):
assert_(len(a) == len(b), msg)
for i, j in zip(a, b):
assert_equal(i, j)
assert_(a.__class__ is b.__class__, msg)
if isinstance(a, (int, float, str, assert_base_types, bytes, complex)):
assert_(a == b, msg)
elif isinstance(a, dict):
assert_dict(a, b)
elif isinstance(a, (list, tuple)):
assert_list(a, b)
elif isinstance(a, nm.ndarray):
elif isinstance(a, (scipy.sparse.csr_matrix, scipy.sparse.csc_matrix)):
nm.testing.assert_array_equal(a.indices, b.indices)
nm.testing.assert_array_equal(a.indptr, b.indptr)
elif isinstance(a, object):
cls = a.__class__
if hasattr(cls, '__slots__'):
ad = dict((i,getattr(a,i)) for i in cls.__slots__)
bd = dict((i,getattr(b,i)) for i in cls.__slots__)
elif hasattr(a, '__dict__'):
ad = a.__dict__
bd = b.__dict__
def members(obj):
out = inspect.getmembers(obj, lambda x: not
inspect.isroutine(x) )
out = dict( (k,v) for k,v in out if not k.startswith('__'))
return out
ad = members(a)
bd = members(b)
assert_dict(ad, bd)
class NLSStatus(IndexedStruct):
Custom nonlinear solver status storing stopping condition of all
time steps.
def __setitem__(self, key, val):
IndexedStruct.__setitem__(self, key, val)
if key == 'condition':
def check_conditions(conditions):
ok = (conditions == 0).all()
if not ok:
report('nls stopping conditions:')
return ok
def run_declaratice_example(ex_filename, output_dir, ext='.vtk',
Run a declarative example in `ex_filename` given relatively to
import sfepy
from sfepy.applications import solve_pde
report('solving %s...' % ex_filename)
if remove_prefix and ex_filename.startswith(remove_prefix):
output_name = ex_filename.replace(remove_prefix, '')
output_name = ex_filename
output_name = op.splitext(output_name.replace('/', '-'))[0]
filename = op.join(sfepy.base_dir, ex_filename)
name = op.splitext(op.split(output_name)[1])[0]
fmt = ext.replace('.', '')
options = Struct(output_filename_trunk=name,
output_format=fmt if fmt != '' else 'vtk',
save_ebc=False, save_ebc_nodes=False,
status = IndexedStruct(nls_status=NLSStatus(conditions=[]))
solve_pde(filename, options=options, status=status, output_dir=output_dir)
report('%s solved' % ex_filename)
return nm.array(status.nls_status.conditions)