Source code for sfepy.base.log

from __future__ import absolute_import
import time
import os
import atexit
import six
from six.moves import range

    import multiprocessing as mp

except ImportError:
    mp = None

import numpy as nm

from sfepy.base.base import sfepy_config_dir, ordered_iteritems
from sfepy.base.base import output, get_default, set_defaults, Output, Struct
from sfepy.base.log_plotter import draw_data, LogPlotter

_msg_no_live = 'warning: log plot is disabled, install matplotlib and' \
    ' multiprocessing'

[docs] def get_logging_conf(conf, log_name='log'): """ Check for a log configuration ('log' attribute by default) in `conf`. Supply default values if necessary. Parameters ---------- conf : Struct The configuration object. log_name : str, optional The name of the log configuration attribute in `conf`. Returns ------- log : dict The dictionary {'plot' : <figure_file>, 'text' : <text_log_file>}. One or both values can be None. """ log = conf.get(log_name, None) default_log = {'text' : None, 'plot' : None} if log is None: log = default_log else: set_defaults(log, default_log) return log
[docs] def iter_names(data_names, igs=None): if igs is None: igs = nm.arange(len(data_names)) ii = iseq = 0 for ig, names in ordered_iteritems(data_names): for ip, name in enumerate(names): if ig in igs: yield ig, ip, ii, iseq, name iseq += 1 ii += 1
[docs] def read_log(filename): """ Read data saved by :class:`Log` into a text file. Parameters ---------- filename : str The name of a text log file. Returns ------- log : dict The log with data names as keys and ``(xs, ys, vlines)`` as values. info : dict The log plot configuration with subplot numbers as keys. """ from sfepy.base.base import as_float_or_complex as afc log = {} info = {} name2key = {} fd = open(filename, 'r') for line in fd: if line[0] == '#': ls = line.split(':') if ls[0] == '# groups': n_gr = int(ls[1]) offset = 0 for ig in range(n_gr): next(fd) line_info = next(fd) xlabel, ylabel, yscales = line_info.split(',') line_names = next(fd) names = line_names.split(':')[1] names = [name.strip().strip('"') for name in names.split(',')] if len(names[0]) == 0: names = [] line_plot_kwargs = next(fd) aux = line_plot_kwargs[19:].strip().strip('"') plot_kwargs = eval(aux + ',') if len(aux) else ({},) info[ig] = (xlabel.split(':')[1].strip().strip('"'), ylabel.split(':')[1].strip().strip('"'), yscales.split(':')[1].strip().strip('"'), names, plot_kwargs) name2key.update({name : ik + offset for ik, name in enumerate(info[ig][3])}) offset += len(info[ig][3]) continue ls = line.split(':') try: key = int(ls[0]) except ValueError: key = name2key[ls[0]] # Old style log. xs, ys, vlines = log.setdefault(key, ([], [], [])) if (len(ls) == 2) and len(log[key][0]): vlines.append(log[key][0][-1]) else: try: xval = afc(ls[1]) yval = afc(ls[2]) except ValueError: continue xs.append(xval) ys.append(yval) fd.close() for key, (xs, ys, vlines) in six.iteritems(log): log[key] = (nm.array(xs), nm.array(ys), nm.array(vlines)) return log, info
[docs] def write_log(output, log, info): xlabels, ylabels, yscales, names, plot_kwargs = zip(*info.values()) _write_header(output, xlabels, ylabels, yscales, names, plot_kwargs) offset = 0 for ig, (xlabel, ylabel, yscale, names, plot_kwargs) \ in ordered_iteritems(info): for ip, name in enumerate(names): xs, ys, vlines = log[ip + offset] for ir, x in enumerate(xs): output('{}: {}: {:.16e}'.format(ip + offset, x, ys[ir])) if x in vlines: output('%d: -----' % (ip + offset)) offset += len(names) output('# ended: %s' % time.asctime())
def _write_header(output, xlabels, ylabels, yscales, data_names, plot_kwargs): _fmt = lambda x: '%s' % x if x is not None else '' output('# started: %s' % time.asctime()) output('# groups: %d' % len(data_names)) for ig, names in enumerate(data_names): output('# %d' % ig) output('# xlabel: "%s", ylabel: "%s", yscales: "%s"' % (_fmt(xlabels[ig]), _fmt(ylabels[ig]), yscales[ig])) output('# names: "%s"' % ', '.join(names)) output('# plot_kwargs: "%s"' % ', '.join('%s' % ii for ii in plot_kwargs[ig]))
[docs] def plot_log(axs, log, info, xticks=None, yticks=None, xnbins=None, ynbins=None, groups=None, show_legends=True, swap_axes=False): """ Plot log data returned by :func:`read_log()` into a specified figure. Parameters ---------- axs : sequence of matplotlib.axes.Axes The list of axes for the log data plots. log : dict The log with data names as keys and ``(xs, ys, vlines)`` as values. info : dict The log plot configuration with subplot numbers as keys. xticks : list of arrays, optional The list of x-axis ticks (array or None) for each subplot. yticks : list of arrays, optional The list of y-axis ticks (array or None) for each subplot. xnbins : list, optional The list of x-axis number of bins (int or None) for each subplot. ynbins : list, optional The list of y-axis number of bins (int or None) for each subplot. groups : list, optional The list of data groups subplots. If not given, all groups are plotted. show_legends : bool If True, show legends in plots. swap_axes : bool If True, swap the axes of the plots. """ import matplotlib.pyplot as plt if axs is None: fig = plt.figure() else: fig = None if groups is None: n_gr = len(info) groups = nm.arange(n_gr) else: n_gr = len(groups) n_col = min(5.0, nm.fix(nm.sqrt(n_gr))) if int(n_col) == 0: n_row = 0 else: n_row = int(nm.ceil(n_gr / n_col)) n_col = int(n_col) if xticks is None: xticks = [None] * n_gr if yticks is None: yticks = [None] * n_gr if xnbins is None: xnbins = [None] * n_gr if ynbins is None: ynbins = [None] * n_gr isub = offset = 0 for ig, (xlabel, ylabel, yscale, names, plot_kwargs) \ in ordered_iteritems(info): if ig not in groups: offset += len(names) continue if axs is None: ax = fig.add_subplot(n_row, n_col, isub + 1) else: ax = axs[ig] if not swap_axes: xnb, ynb = xnbins[isub], ynbins[isub] xti, yti = xticks[isub], yticks[isub] ax.set_yscale(yscale) for ip, name in enumerate(names): xs, ys, vlines = log[ip + offset] draw_data(ax, xs, ys, name, plot_kwargs[ip]) for x in vlines: ax.axvline(x, color='k', alpha=0.3) else: xlabel, ylabel = ylabel, xlabel xti, yti = yticks[isub], xticks[isub] xnb, ynb = ynbins[isub], xnbins[isub] ax.set_xscale(yscale) for ip, name in enumerate(names): xs, ys, vlines = log[ip + offset] draw_data(ax, xs, ys, name, plot_kwargs[ip], swap_axes=True) for x in vlines: ax.axhline(x, color='k', alpha=0.3) offset += len(names) if xti is not None: ax.set_xticks(xti) if yti is not None: ax.set_yticks(yti) if xnb is not None: ax.locator_params(tight=True, axis='x', nbins=xnb) if ynb is not None: ax.locator_params(tight=True, axis='y', nbins=ynb) if xlabel: ax.set_xlabel(xlabel) if ylabel: ax.set_ylabel(ylabel) if show_legends: ax.legend(loc='best') isub += 1 plt.tight_layout(pad=0.5)
[docs] class Log(Struct): """ Log data and (optionally) plot them in the second process via LogPlotter. """ count = -1
[docs] @staticmethod def from_conf(conf, data_names): """ Parameters ---------- data_names : list of lists of str The data names grouped by subplots: [[name1, name2, ...], [name3, name4, ...], ...], where name<n> are strings to display in (sub)plot legends. """ obj = Log(data_names, **conf) return obj
def __init__(self, data_names=None, plot_kwargs=None, xlabels=None, ylabels=None, yscales=None, show_legends=True, is_plot=True, aggregate=100, sleep=1.0, log_filename=None, formats=None): """ Parameters ---------- data_names : list of lists of str The data names grouped by subplots: [[name1, name2, ...], [name3, name4, ...], ...], where name<n> are strings to display in (sub)plot legends. plot_kwargs : list of (lists of dicts) or dicts The keyword arguments dicts passed to plot(). For each group the item can be either a dict that is applied to all lines in the group, or a list of dicts for each line in the group. xlabels : list of str The x axis labels of subplots. ylabels : list of str The y axis labels of subplots. yscales : list of 'linear' or 'log' The y axis scales of subplots. show_legends : bool If True, show legends in plots. is_plot : bool If True, try to use LogPlotter for plotting. aggregate : int The number of plotting commands to process before a redraw. sleep : float The number of seconds to sleep between polling draw commands. log_filename : str, optional If given, save log data into a log file. formats : list of lists of number format strings The print formats of data to be used in a log file, group in the same way as subplots. """ try: import matplotlib as mpl except: mpl = None Struct.__init__(self, show_legends=show_legends, is_plot=is_plot, aggregate=aggregate, sleep=sleep, data_names={}, n_arg=0, n_gr=0, data={}, x_values={}, n_calls=0, plot_kwargs={}, yscales={}, xlabels={}, ylabels={}, plot_pipe=None, formats={}, _format_styles={}, output=None) if data_names is not None: n_gr = len(data_names) else: n_gr = 0 data_names = [] plot_kwargs = get_default(plot_kwargs, [{}] * n_gr) yscales = get_default(yscales, ['linear'] * n_gr) xlabels = get_default(xlabels, ['iteration'] * n_gr) ylabels = get_default(ylabels, [''] * n_gr) if formats is None: formats = [None] * n_gr for ig, names in enumerate(data_names): self.add_group(names, plot_kwargs[ig], yscales[ig], xlabels[ig], ylabels[ig], formats[ig]) self.can_plot = (mpl is not None) and (mp is not None) if log_filename is not None: self.output = Output('', filename=log_filename) _write_header(self.output, xlabels, ylabels, yscales, data_names, self.plot_kwargs) if self.is_plot and (not self.can_plot): output(_msg_no_live)
[docs] def add_group(self, names, plot_kwargs=None, yscale=None, xlabel=None, ylabel=None, formats=None): """ Add a new data group. Notify the plotting process if it is already running. """ if plot_kwargs is None: plot_kwargs = {} ig = self.n_gr self.n_gr += 1 self.x_values[ig] = [] self.data_names[ig] = names self.yscales[ig] = yscale self.xlabels[ig] = xlabel self.ylabels[ig] = ylabel if isinstance(plot_kwargs, dict): self.plot_kwargs[ig] = [plot_kwargs] * len(names) else: self.plot_kwargs[ig] = plot_kwargs ii = self.n_arg for iseq, name in enumerate(names):[ii] = [] if formats is not None: self.formats[ii] = formats[iseq] else: self.formats[ii] = '{:.3e}' self._format_styles[ii] = 0 if '%' in self.formats[ii] else 1 ii += 1 self.n_arg = ii if self.plot_pipe is not None: send = self.plot_pipe.send send(['add_axis', ig, names, yscale, xlabel, ylabel, self.plot_kwargs[ig]])
[docs] def get_log_name(self): return os.path.join(sfepy_config_dir, 'plotter_%03d.log' % self.__class__.count)
def __call__(self, *args, **kwargs): """ Log the data passed via *args, and send them to the plotting process, if available. """ finished = False save_figure = '' x_values = None igs = nm.arange(self.n_gr) full = True if kwargs: if 'finished' in kwargs: finished = kwargs['finished'] if 'save_figure' in kwargs: save_figure = kwargs['save_figure'] if 'x' in kwargs: x_values = kwargs['x'] if 'igs' in kwargs: igs = nm.array(kwargs['igs']) full = False if save_figure and (self.plot_pipe is not None): self.plot_pipe.send(['save', save_figure]) self.plot_pipe.recv() if finished: self.terminate() return if save_figure: return ls = len(args), self.n_arg if full and (ls[0] != ls[1]): msg = 'log called with wrong number of arguments! (%d == %d)' % ls raise IndexError(msg) for ig in igs: if (x_values is not None) and (x_values[ig] is not None): self.x_values[ig].append(x_values[ig]) else: if len(self.x_values[ig]): ii = self.x_values[ig][-1] + 1 else: ii = 0 self.x_values[ig].append(ii) for ig, ip, ii, iseq, name in iter_names(self.data_names, igs): aux = args[iseq] if isinstance(aux, nm.ndarray): aux = nm.array(aux, ndmin = 1) if len(aux) == 1: aux = aux[0] else: raise ValueError('can log only scalars (%s)' % aux)[ii].append(aux) if self.output: if self._format_styles[ii]: self.output(('{}: {}: %s' % self.formats[ii]) .format(ii, self.x_values[ig][-1], aux)) else: self.output(('%%s: %%s: %s' % self.formats[ii]) % (ii, self.x_values[ig][-1], aux)) if self.is_plot and self.can_plot: if self.n_calls == 0: atexit.register(self.terminate) self.__class__.count += 1 ctx = mp.get_context('spawn') self.plot_pipe, plotter_pipe = ctx.Pipe() self.plotter = LogPlotter(self.aggregate, self.sleep) self.plot_process = ctx.Process(target=self.plotter, args=(plotter_pipe, self.get_log_name(), self.data_names, self.yscales, self.xlabels, self.ylabels, self.plot_kwargs)) self.plot_process.daemon = True self.plot_process.start() self.plot_data(igs) self.n_calls += 1
[docs] def terminate(self): if self.output is not None: self.output('# ended: %s' % time.asctime()) self.output = None if self.is_plot and self.can_plot: self.plot_pipe.send(None) self.plot_process.join() self.n_calls = 0 output('terminated') atexit.unregister(self.terminate)
[docs] def plot_data(self, igs): send = self.plot_pipe.send for ig in igs: send(['clear', ig]) for ig, ip, ii, iseq, name in iter_names(self.data_names, igs): try: send(['plot', ig, ip, self.x_values[ig][-1],[ii][-1]]) except: msg = "send failed! (%s, %s, %s)!" % (ii, name,[ii]) raise IOError(msg) if self.show_legends: send(['legends']) send(['continue'])
[docs] def plot_vlines(self, igs=None, **kwargs): """ Plot vertical lines in axes given by igs at current x locations to mark some events. """ if igs is None: igs = range(self.n_gr) if self.plot_pipe is not None: send = self.plot_pipe.send for ig in igs: x = self.x_values[ig] if len(x): send(['vline', ig, x[-1], kwargs]) send(['continue']) if self.output: for ig, ip, ii, iseq, name in iter_names(self.data_names, igs): self.output('%d: -----' % ii)